
King of Fighters E Intro and Roster (Read 353436 times)

Started by swipergod, May 08, 2010, 02:59:44 am
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#41  October 06, 2015, 05:15:40 am
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Indeed. Rugal is dead as is Goenitz and the New Face team. I have something of a story thought up. I'll get a post down about it soon.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#42  December 07, 2015, 12:28:20 pm
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Updated the roster for hopefully the last time. lol.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#43  December 07, 2015, 06:09:57 pm
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My nitpicks come in forms of questions.
  • Why is Raiden on the same Team with Tae Kwon Do fighters?
  • When was Yamazaki considered a boss to even be on the boss team?
  • Why are Gato and Hotaru Futaba part of the Psycho Solderis Team?
  • Why are there 2 Rival Teams?
  • Why is Vanessa with the Ikari Warriors?
  • Why is Nameless in the Heralds Team?
  • Why is Rock Howard with the Outlaws?
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#44  December 08, 2015, 12:35:48 am
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Ok, I'll do my best:

1. Kim and Raiden have teamed up before.
2. Yamazaki was a boss in Fatal Fury 3. Both as a mid boss and as a pre-Boss to the end boss (Chonrei and Chonshu). Kinda like Mr. Big.
3. Maybe a better name for the team would be team China.
4. Oops, changed
5. Vanessa's group worked for Heidern before (in 2000 I think).
6. Zero and Orochi are teaming up to release Neo-Dio, so their underling are teaming up too
7. Felt better to have Rock lead a team.

Trying to make teams of 4 was tough. Some characters just get plopped together because there's nowhere else to put them.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#45  December 08, 2015, 12:41:28 am
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#46  December 08, 2015, 12:43:20 am
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rock isn't really an outlaw right? I know he is always having issues with his inner demons though so it could make sense story wise, is he turning to the dark Geese side?

Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#47  December 08, 2015, 01:31:15 am
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Yeah, Rock more being teased into joining Billy's team as his "little bro". A new empire awaits.

I have teams of 4 because mugen allows for 4. I can't disable that.
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#48  December 18, 2015, 08:48:19 pm
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Reallyglad the project is back.  I'm having issues trying to figure out why the Heralds and the Rivals are the way they are. Why is Nameless with the heralds? Why is Angel with Adel, vice and mature? I find this arrangement better/less confusing:

Heralds: Yashiro-Shermie-Vice-Mature
Rivals: Angel-Oswald-Adel-Nameless
Legends: Li Pei-Silver-Gato-Chris
China team: Athena-Kensou-Xiangfei-Hotaru
Ikari: Heidern-Leona-Clark-Ralf
Women: Jenet-King-Mary-Vanessa
Masters: Tung-Karate-Ryuhaku-Saisyu

Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 08:53:37 pm by Bioluminescence
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#49  December 24, 2015, 02:19:05 am
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Hi LiM,

Nice to see you back too. Yes, I'm gonna finish this project!  ;) You're running into the same issue that I'm running into with the teams. There's just a couple odd men out. Makes it challenging to sort them Li and Chris on the same team just doesn't makes sense to me storywise. There's a few ways to shuffle around the teams, but I haven't yet announced everyone yet. So hold tight. :)
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#50  December 30, 2015, 02:49:33 am
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I have been following this for a while now and registered just so i might talk you into bringing back lin :D he is so underrated and a team with eiji would be badass, and the story we can work something out since duo lon is in the game and lin trained him ....also his father (ron) killed lin's clan so maybe lin follows duo lon to find ron, please reconsider it .
Last Edit: December 30, 2015, 02:55:20 am by waleed.619
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#51  December 30, 2015, 03:16:28 am
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I have been following this for a while now and registered just so i might talk you into bringing back lin :D he is so underrated and a team with eiji would be badass, and the story we can work something out since duo lon is in the game and lin trained him ....also his father (ron) killed lin's clan so maybe lin follows duo lon to find ron, please reconsider it .

You know, if you wanted to, you could add Lin in yourself. Swiper's been putting out a KOFE character tutorial as he's been making Gouki, so if you're even the least bit proficient in MUGEN, you could edit a preexisting Lin to fit KOFE's standards if you wanted to.
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#52  December 30, 2015, 09:33:57 pm
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Characters like Lin, Duck and others I have no problem adding to the game should someone do most of the work up front. For example, LA virtually completed Hinako on his own. I only have minor touch ups to do, so I'll release it as his character. I just don't have time to keep adding characters and doing all the work that goes into each one. If someone does the work up front, then great. These booster characters won't be a part of the official roster, but there's plenty of space to add them on the fly. Once I've finished the tutorial, you can try making them yourself. :)
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#53  December 30, 2015, 09:41:34 pm
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Why Kasumi Is With The Kyokugen Guys If She Hates Them?
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Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#54  December 30, 2015, 10:00:27 pm
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Why Kasumi Is With The Kyokugen Guys If She Hates Them?

well not really, if you see the women team's ending in kof xiii you can see that she's in the bar slightly celebrating with their victory, implying she's at least on good terms with yuri, king, and mai.
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
New #55  October 03, 2016, 04:42:06 pm
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I just have 2 questions:
  • Can the roster on the 1st page get an update?
  • If this is taking place after The King of Fighter XIII, then why is Kyo Kusanagi wearing his NESTS saga attire?
Last Edit: October 04, 2016, 03:20:50 pm by Uche_of_MFG
Re: King of Fighters E Intro and Roster
#56  October 04, 2016, 01:27:23 pm
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Ok, I'll do my best:

1. Kim and Raiden have teamed up before.
2. Yamazaki was a boss in Fatal Fury 3. Both as a mid boss and as a pre-Boss to the end boss (Chonrei and Chonshu). Kinda like Mr. Big.
3. Maybe a better name for the team would be team China.
4. Oops, changed
5. Vanessa's group worked for Heidern before (in 2000 I think).
6. Zero and Orochi are teaming up to release Neo-Dio, so their underling are teaming up too
7. Felt better to have Rock lead a team.

Trying to make teams of 4 was tough. Some characters just get plopped together because there's nowhere else to put them.

You put a lot hard work in this mate.