Geese's ex reppuken cannot be blocked with parry, I managed to do 18 blocks and still received 6 hits of damage.
Seems like a funny interaction between that fireball and the parry code. I probably need to give the fireball some kind of limit. Or use a more standard fireball like the new Raigo Reppuken, though I usually prefer uniqueness. Or add this other Ikemen feature I played with before that would make parry work better.
Updated everyone again. For the nightly builds only.Some highlights of the change list:RYU:- Replaced one of his supersLEI-LEI:- Ikemen has now received enough features that I was able to code a more or less universal fireball refection into her. Or as universal as it can getDAN:- The most changed char of the bunch- Rescaled all sprites- Added a few normals and command normals- Added DanretsukenVEGA/BISON:- Added Psycho Mines
So, uh, Lei-Lei is broken now because of that fireball reflection thing, it pops an error, something about clsnoverlap.
LordryuTJ said, 5 months agoSo, uh, Lei-Lei is broken now because of that fireball reflection thing, it pops an error, something about clsnoverlap.Did you download the latest nightly?
PotS said, 5 months agoUpdated everyone again. For the nightly builds only.Some highlights of the change list:RYU:- Replaced one of his supersLEI-LEI:- Ikemen has now received enough features that I was able to code a more or less universal fireball refection into her. Or as universal as it can getDAN:- The most changed char of the bunch- Rescaled all sprites- Added a few normals and command normals- Added DanretsukenVEGA/BISON:- Added Psycho MinesDid the nightly build show the change list every time the build has been updated?
Big Dick said, 5 months agoLordryuTJ said, 5 months agoSo, uh, Lei-Lei is broken now because of that fireball reflection thing, it pops an error, something about clsnoverlap.Did you download the latest nightly?Downloading the latest nightly fixed it.That's the one thing that's rough about using the nightly build, it updates so often and you have to do it manually each time.
I think there is a coding mistake in Cammy's [State -3, Special Cancel Check].Trigger16 doesn't work because it includes statenos 600 and 610 at the same time.Is it originally possible to be canceled into Air Cannon Drill?
Make sure you have the latest nightly build if you get errors like those. Some features being used may be very recent.Tairano Lyon said, 5 months agoI think there is a coding mistake in Cammy's [State -3, Special Cancel Check].Trigger16 doesn't work because it includes statenos 600 and 610 at the same time.Is it originally possible to be canceled into Air Cannon Drill? Yeah. Nice catch. Thanks for reporting.
The following characters are returning errors in the latest nightly build (published 8 hours ago as of this post):RyuKarinGuyGeeseLei LeiSakura
That's everyone with a wall bounce probably. I knew that trigger was going to be removed but I forgot I was still using it in one corner of the code.Fixed and reuploaded. Thanks.
Tons of error in Shin Gouki.... But I guess it all characters does have errors. I just tried both Shin Gouki and Ryu
You mean like they don't even load or that funny stuff happens? They only work in the nightly build of Ikemen GO. Anything older will just crash. For Ikemen 0.99 and such you can find older versions of the chars archived in Mediafire.
Thanks, I will try that nightly build. I'm trying to build a hyper street fighter zero character using your sprites. I still in the beginner's level in doing mugen codes. Still I have something in mind. Hope I can find someone that can help me materialize it.
I dunno if it's because of how the AI in IKEMEN's nightly build is calculated (I'm not on the latest version of it but again I'm not sure), but I feel like the AI on your latest versions of Reu's characters is very weak compared to earlier versions. Dragon Claw in particular tends to just stand around and do nothing, even on higher difficulties.I haven't touched their files in any way after I unzipped and installed them, either.
The only change I did to the AI in the chars was making it respect the difficulty setting in the game options, which was a new feature at the time in Mugen 1.0.Reu specifically gave Dragon Claw a mechanic where he'll "feel sorry" for you after beating you up. He'll be more passive for a while as you said.Regarding difficulty I felt the same at one point so I actually ran matches between the updated versions and Reu's original ones. With Dragon Claw it's more or less even. With Evil Ken and Evil Ryu the older versions win because they have better stats (and more invincibility etc), but the amount of interactions won are more or less the same between old and new. Like I said, the AI is unchanged.
What do you mean? It's enabled by default. Do you mean the damage? You'll only see the full effects if dizzy is enabled because it does little damage but a lot of stun.
Well i tested that during that super move and it's still fine. I'm also glad that it doesn't have the silhouettes of Morrigan and her opponent behind the flashed curtain which is safe.
Oh is that what you meant with the toggle? The fact those disappeared is actually an accident. I'll fix it soon.