
NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World (Read 24455 times)

Started by Sean Altly, July 23, 2012, 05:24:21 am
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NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#1  July 23, 2012, 05:24:21 am
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-This explains the lack of specific stages. The stages being used are "simulations."
-I know this story would make more sense for a general crossover game, but we'll just attribute so many characters from the Capcom universe being used to Capcom's multitude of interesting franchises, especially action/fighting games.
-I am trying to keep the final boss a secret, though I feel that in order to do so I may have to outright lie about who it is.
-Feel free to let me know what you think, but please don't shit all over it.  :P

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Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#2  July 23, 2012, 05:32:12 am
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However, one displaced warrior may prove too powerful for them to control...

Secrets  hehehehe,the world will never be the same when his wrath is unleashed 8)
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#3  July 23, 2012, 06:48:36 am
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  • Palette God? Champion? AntiChrist? Something.
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It's a crossover fighting game, it's not like the story needs to be biblical tier or anything.  :P  I'd say what you have works pretty well and is actually kinda creative.
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#4  July 23, 2012, 07:59:18 am
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So the last boss is Broly?  ;D

Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#5  July 23, 2012, 08:45:56 am
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Well last time it was Asura, and then I guess it was changed, and then Diepod's characters were sub-bosses.
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#6  July 23, 2012, 08:52:11 am
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  • ^First attempt ain't so bad......
The story is pretty nice. Just to be clear: are the realities going to be sectioned in groups? For example:

Reality 1= Street Fighter/Final Fight(Since they're the same canon)

Reality 2= Marvel/DC(Super Hero reality. Maybe DBZ/Final Fantasy can be included)

Reality 3= Resident Evil/Dead Rising (possibly Darkstalkers with this group as well)

Reality 4= KOF/SNK Chars

........and so on and so forth.
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#7  July 23, 2012, 05:45:04 pm
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Sounds great;

Love the idea...completely.
Slow and steady wins the race, but there is a darkness... growing inside of me...

And if you provoke it...

I will slay you all.

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Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#8  July 23, 2012, 06:49:56 pm
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Sounds great;
Love the idea...completely.

Me too.

-This explains the lack of specific stages. The stages being used are "simulations."

Simulations, hmmmm...
When you start a round, the stage forms itself as a "Matrix" effect, or something technological, like digital numbers and such.

And since there is a high-tec reality all the fights could be made there, hence the idea I said above.

Do you like these ideas?
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#9  July 23, 2012, 06:56:40 pm
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However, one displaced warrior may prove too powerful for them to control...
Secrets  hehehehe,the world will never be the same when his wrath is unleashed 8)
I know who it is!
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Rest in peace, Tamez. Thank you for everything.
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#10  July 24, 2012, 07:35:13 am
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So Anyone who lose  will lose the memory of him/her being here......nice Story Sean.....This would keep stability in all parallel universes.
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#11  July 24, 2012, 03:37:25 pm
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Did you read Dragon Ball Multiverse before writing this story ? ;P
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#12  July 26, 2012, 05:47:12 am
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So Anyone who lose  will lose the memory of him/her being here......nice Story Sean.....This would keep stability in all parallel universes.

With the exception being that the winner recalls every little detail of his/her little excursion to an alternate reaity.
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#13  July 26, 2012, 05:53:30 am
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Spriting is hard.
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#14  July 26, 2012, 10:27:31 pm
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Guys I thought of a story here and I have send a PM to Sean.
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#15  July 26, 2012, 10:38:13 pm
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Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#16  July 26, 2012, 10:46:33 pm
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What about my ideas?
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#17  July 27, 2012, 07:07:31 pm
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Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#18  July 27, 2012, 10:11:36 pm
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The story idea you sent me has a bit of a Captain N vibe to it, but I'm going to stick with mine. Thanks though.


That was actually the plan at one point. The stages were going to begin with a green wireframe background, and you'd see the words "Simulating: (Insert Stage Name Here)" show up and then it would turn into the stage. I planned that back when the stages were all going to be made by me, but now that they're stages from other people, I don't know if I'll want to add that in. I can make stages, but these guys are stage masters and use complex methods that I don't want to mess with just to add the effect at the beginning.

Download Last Bout now!
Re: NEW - The Story of Capcom vs The World
#19  July 27, 2012, 10:48:47 pm
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  • MUGEN IS MY LIFE /I promise from not to derail.
YOURE WELCOME......... i had so many Ideas so I picked 2 one is already I've PMed you. Second One is about an interdimensional Being That exists Capcom multiverses and Some how He decides to hold a tournament that also drags out dimension in it as well.... Thats all I thought about the story depending on the boss which is CLASSIFIED 
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way