
The Roster Thread (New characters added 8/29/13!) (Read 275101 times)

Started by Sean Altly, July 26, 2011, 10:53:27 pm
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Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#41  August 03, 2011, 10:45:26 pm
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I'd die to see you create a Claw/Vega for this... he is totally not represented... or better yet, a Fallen Balrog/Claw. I'd DIE!  :twisted:
These palettes better make me cum rainbows when I see them.
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#42  August 04, 2011, 01:04:42 am
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I'm a huge SF fan, and as I said in the other threads, I have to go by what sprites are available. Cutting back on SF characters means cutting back on the roster or having to make an unrealistic amount of new sprites. I'm including personal favorites like Charlie, Alex and Ken, and I'm making up for that by letting people vote on 8 characters to include.

...You could at least include more Darkstaler, or maybe Red Earth, or something. :-\ (Don't mean to be rude.)
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#43  August 04, 2011, 02:01:32 am
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I'm wondering why Apollo is representing SHADES 2 instead of Snow. Isn't a character of the game supposed to be a main character? I mean, if Snow is a main character in SHADES 2, wouldn't he be representing the SHADES games? I'm curious.
Titiln said:
focus more and stop thinking about things like the internet or titties

Whatever happened to sex, drugs, and Rock. Nowadays, it's whores, AIDS, and Hip-Hop.
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#44  August 04, 2011, 04:12:55 am
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I'm wondering why Apollo is representing SHADES 2 instead of Snow. Isn't a character of the game supposed to be a main character? I mean, if Snow is a main character in SHADES 2, wouldn't he be representing the SHADES games? I'm curious.

I Thought snow was Based on Sean´s Apperence  :P Shade has some Many Cool Characters i really like the desing of all of them they are all really. Cool i think he choosed apollo cuse of hes super hero Looks or something  :sugoi:
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#45  August 04, 2011, 04:56:47 am
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Well, Sabotage is supposed to be the main character of SHADEs, but I went with Apollo because he's probably the most popular SHADEs character and as mentioned above, he has a larger-than-life "superhero" type of personality.

...You could at least include more Darkstaler, or maybe Red Earth, or something. :-\ (Don't mean to be rude.)

I don't know enough about Red Earth guys and their gameplay to feel comfortable coding it (I put Leo on the Capcom Poll because I know enough about him to work with him). If I put more Darkstalkers characters in, I'd get a bunch of people asking me to update the shading and what not, like they have for Jedah. Here's a breakdown of why each Street Fighter character is in:

1. Ken, Charlie, and Alex are personal favorites, and since I'm making this game, I felt I had the right to include my favorites, especially since they get left out of things.
2. Ryu is in because people demanded him. My original idea was to have Ken instead of Ryu for a change of pace, but everyone was like "You need Ryu, he's the pride of Capcom" and what not.
3. Chun-Li is in because everything that Ryu is in, Chun Li is in, and I wanted a female SF character represented.
4. Akuma is in there by popular demand, as well as Bison.

They make up a big chunk of the roster because I'm trying to keep the roster realistically sized. It's already huge for a Mugen full-game and I've had detractors say that's too many for me to make and that I won't ever actually finish them. If wanting to stick to characters that already have usable sprites seems lazy, well, I point you towards the MANY characters in the game that have been or will be sprited completely by me. That's just how it is.

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Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#46  August 04, 2011, 05:18:12 am
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Though Thirteen is also a popular character from S.H.A.D.E.s to the point where out of everyone from the cast he apparently got more attention in the Japanese Mugen fanbase, as far as I have seen.
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#47  August 04, 2011, 05:21:37 am
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Plus Thirteen wasn't initially intended to be a SHADES char, but a standalone.

Also, would Tristan be eligible for this? I probably asked before, but his fullgame never came to tuition, so.....
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#48  August 04, 2011, 05:31:49 am
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The Detective is my favorite. Something about law enforcement that makes me feel good inside.
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#49  August 04, 2011, 05:55:07 am
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Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#50  August 04, 2011, 07:41:13 am
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Also, would Tristan be eligible for this? I probably asked before, but his fullgame never came to tuition, so.....
Yeah I was kinda hoping for him as well. Maybe this could be the game to make him popular :P


Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#51  August 04, 2011, 09:00:00 am
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Also, what happened to Dante/Vergil?
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#52  August 04, 2011, 09:15:54 am
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I'll be honest, I didn't want to sprite him, and I wasn't able to find anyone else to.

1. Ken, Charlie, and Alex are personal favorites
You seem to have a soft spot for blond guys. ;P

Yeah, it's weird, because I chose Terry over more obvious choices because I like him so much. Although to clarify, I'm not a huge Ken fan, but I like him more than Ryu. My friend Adam is a big Ken fan though. He's also a big Captain America fan, which is why he made it in.

Although, if we take into account the current poll leaders and the standing roster, there are a ton of blond white guys.

Kain R. Heinlein
Keith Wayne
Captain America (technically, though you can't see his hair)

I also was considering putting Kaede in at one point.  o_O

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Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#53  August 05, 2011, 12:09:38 am
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CM Punk is a natural blonde don't forget.  He just dyed his hair toward the end of his Ring of Honor run.
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#54  August 05, 2011, 12:37:56 am
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Let's rename it "The Aryan Mugen Game". :P
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#55  August 05, 2011, 01:48:51 am
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Though Thirteen is also a popular character from S.H.A.D.E.s to the point where out of everyone from the cast he apparently got more attention in the Japanese Mugen fanbase, as far as I have seen.

Byrne has a lot of fans in Japan too.
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#56  August 05, 2011, 01:53:16 am
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Fuck the white supremacy.  8)
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#57  August 05, 2011, 01:54:11 am
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I could make another poll asking who should represent SHADEs 2 in the game, then I guess we'd see who is the most popular. Just an idea, I'm sure it won't get nearly as many votes as the other polls.

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Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#58  August 05, 2011, 02:40:54 am
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Go Apollo and Laurel!
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#59  August 05, 2011, 02:59:02 am
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Apollo, Laurel, Thirteen, Byrne, Moses and Exile to an extent. There really are several iconic characters which I really like in Shades.
Re: The Roster Thread (Updated w/ Graphics!)
#60  August 05, 2011, 03:03:47 am
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Moses Maddigan or Kane Kelly IMO.  Gotta love the villains.