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Started by swipergod, November 14, 2007, 02:53:22 am
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#21  December 23, 2007, 04:18:28 am
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curious about your whip, is it based of H's,shingin's or ryukocha's?

also, in kof 99 you can rip the striker action as it seems to be very similar to an unused dmor the sdm you mention.
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#22  December 23, 2007, 06:03:06 am
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It is based off of H's.  Off all the Whips out there that I could find, H's was a solid starting point.  The SDM I gave her is a lot like the striker action except there's more hits (9-10), the attack doesn't knock you in the air or push you away and it juggles.  The video can show you what is tough for me to explain.  All vids are just exhibitions of move sets really.  If you can't see the vid, I'm planning to do a release of 3 or 4 beta characters once I've finished about 8 or so.  She'll probably be one of them.
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#23  January 02, 2008, 09:14:51 am
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I've finished up Kim's Beta.  I'll be moving on to Mai (my supposed hottest character) and then Iori and K'.  After that I might take a small break to "refuel" so to speak.  Still gotta check the Nothitbys and fix the 2 in 1s.  I think what I'll do is release all 8 Betas at once and let the community see if they like 'em, like how they play and can find some bugs in 'em.  No point in talking about them when nobody can play 'em for themselves.  So upcoming betas will be:

Terry, Mr.Karate, Kim, Mai, Whip, K', Iori, King

They'll hopefully be up in 3 weeks (depends how long Iori will take me).
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#24  January 07, 2008, 05:09:13 am
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Alright, Mai's beta is also complete:
Thankfully, now you can hear the sound now.  Also forgot to post Kim the last time:
Really diggin' those afterimages.  Don't worry, I'm not overusing them.  The betas will come out as a pack of 9.  That'll be 1/4 the way there.  I'm gonna add Kasumi's beta to the mix.  Also, I'm working on Rugal instead of Iori.  I know I keep postponing Iori, but other characters are holding my interest right now.  So Iori won't make the Beta release.  :(  So, I'm still at 3 characters to go.  I hope I can get it all done before the end of the month.
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#25  January 07, 2008, 07:02:36 am
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does kim have his QCB+P x 3 special?
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#26  January 07, 2008, 09:25:29 am
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He doesn't unfortunately.  I incorporated the animations into his cd attack and his SDM.  Kim was tough to balance and the 3xqcb +p move didn't seem necessary (He's got the qcb +k and B,f +k as advancing moves).  When I release him though, you can tell me whether or not the move is missed.  ;)  I plan on releasing a pdf with each characters the moves to go along with the characters themselves.
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#27  January 07, 2008, 10:21:10 am
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eh I miss it because I like Iori's  version

Kim doesn't NEED it there are plenty of times throughout the KOF's that he didn't have it.

I'm still very much looking forward to this game good luck with it
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#28  January 07, 2008, 01:41:09 pm
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I removed the Floor coding (admittedly I don't yet understand Floor and Ceil coding).
Do you just mean you don't know what floor and ceil mean ?
Floor = closest integer below the number
Ceil = closest integer bigger than the number
floor(2.26)=2 , ceil(2.26)=3 , floor(45)=ceil(45)=45

Translating all the code to CCI's (yours) would just be too much I think.  I'm a really big fan of your coding though, which is why I'm trying to use as much of it as possible.  I have your code to thank for teaching me how this crazy Mugen world works, so Thanks!
Not sure if I understood well, but I just wanted to say that CCIronMugen != R[E]ika.

Project is interresting, I'll be waiting to see if you balance everything out like you plan to do, this could be quite nice. :)
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#29  January 07, 2008, 03:28:15 pm
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Interesting project, indeed.

Though I personally would prefer it if you stayed more true to the real KOF; I have no objections towards what you're doing now.

Not much to say, videos really don't say much in these cases, I guess we have to play the characters ourselves before we can give some real feedback.

Good luck with this.

Re: A Little Mugen Project
#30  January 08, 2008, 02:42:23 am
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Warbaster, thanks for clearing up Floor and Ceil.  I guess the coding people use them for is a little too complex for my mathematically challenged mind.  And yes, I'll need to clear up coding credit for release.  Was going to PM R[E]ika about it when I take a day (maybe more  o_O) to work on the credits for each character and the project in general.  I'll be counting on people's opinions after the release to see how balanced the characters actually are because right now I'm doing everything in my head.  AI is retarded and I don't have anyone to play with, so there isn't any way for me to pre-test in-game.

DemonicDrPhil, to spice Kim up a bit, I've allowed his Strong Haki Kyakku to hit downed opponents.  He and Whip are the only 2 with that ability so far.  Right now, the only major character changes are coming from Angel, Ash and Kula.  Angel is set to be an almost entirely different character with chain circlet working somewhat like Kyo's Shiki punch chain.  The hope is to make her more accessible.
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#31  January 08, 2008, 04:47:53 am
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Hmm Angel kind of got more accessible retroactively since Momoko came out in XI similar kind of stuff going on there IINM.

Although I would be very interested in your take on the character
Latest Yoshi alpha ready for feedback Aug 15th check here for details...
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#32  January 08, 2008, 08:28:38 am
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Wow, just plowed through Rugal today.  Probably'll have to go back and fix something cause that was fast.  I'll throw a video up once I've finished Kasumi as well.  Won't be for a little bit though.  Really need to take a break from Mugen.  FYI, I've decided to move the list up to 40 fighters.  Adding Andy, Robert, Mature and Vice.  To me, that completes the list of must haves, so I figured why not.  That mean 10 fighters will be released in the package and Iori's back on the menu.  I'm shooting the end of the month, but we'll see.  Cheers!
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#33  January 08, 2008, 10:52:25 pm
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i got sexy ko edits for several of the female chars, in theory all are complete but the quality varies. let me see if i can put something online soon.
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#34  January 09, 2008, 01:58:49 am
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Hey R[E]ika, that would be fantastic!  I'll take whatever you have.  Thanks!
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#35  January 09, 2008, 04:49:44 pm
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Nice project of a KOF DreamMatch! Keep up the good work!
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#36  January 11, 2008, 07:17:02 am
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Ouff!  I just finished revamping Rugal.  He wasn't what I was hoping for the first time around, so I really went for it the second time out.  He's easily my favorite character.  He also caused me the most headaches.  I'm still having trouble with the stopsnd command for his godpress run (the computer doesn't want to stop the run snd), but other than that he's awesome.  He's basically an all in one Rugal, but stays within the standards of the game:

Rugal moves include: 

His tomahawk kick

Genocide 95, Genocide 02 (TLE's Rugal)
A toned down Destruction Omega as a special technique (unblockable)
Dark Barrier with Kaiser Wave as a reflected fireball only
God press

Dark gravity as a DM
That 98 drain move as a unblockable DM (stays in one spot now though)
God Rugal's Level 3 grab super as a SDM
And a crazy mod of Android's Mech Rugal's gigantic pressure as his HSDM (fixing this one was excruciatingly hard).   

I'll post a vid soon.  I'm burnt out so I'll need a at least a week before I even touch mugen again.  Also, hate to say it, but editing Rugal has left me spent for creating betas from scratch so Iori is shelved again. :(  The Final first release roster will look like this:

Kim, King, Whip, Rugal, Mr. Karate, Mai, Terry, K', Leona, Geese.

That's it for now.  Time for some much needed sleep.
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#37  January 13, 2008, 01:33:31 am
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The link to Rugal's vid:

Hope ya like it.  I'll get on Leona this weekend I think.  I just wanted to give a little insight as to why most character take a little longer than you'd think.  In additon to all the converting and move tweeking, I sometimes have characters that are missing full animations and moves that no version out there has and I have to rip sprites or hunt for existing sprites that would make a good animation and code from scratch (I spend a lot of hours here).  The other reason is because I'm trying to give every character at least 3 victory poses and special intros.  Even after the characters are done, I'll still have credits to make, permissions to seek and special moves to re-tweek.  Don't know if I can make the Jan deadline, but I'll try.
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#38  January 13, 2008, 04:50:05 am
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pmed you a link with the sexy kos. note that the quality varies and i mightgo back and retouch some of them.
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#39  January 13, 2008, 02:59:55 pm
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PM received R[E]ika.  Thanks.  Any retouches will be greatly appreciated (should've read this before PM-ing you back).  Just so that everyone else knows, out of the final roster mentioned in the first post, Athena and Hotaru will be the only girls without Sexy KOs.  They really give this project a more complete feel.
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#40  January 13, 2008, 04:50:12 pm
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the reason there is a nude folder is because of the way anonymous and i worked on them; anon would send me the sprites he needed for the sexy ko, then i would take off most of the clothing and send them back. after it  he would make two layers, in the bottom one he would put the nude sprite and on top of it the dressed, then he would delete/edit the clothing on the top one so it looks like it is ripped. mai and blue mary were done by anon before i joined the project.

just so everyone else knows what we are talking about.
link to the sexy ko's
they are open source btw, just credit me and anonymous for them, as it was a team work thing.

there was no real reason to pm the link, since they are public as andthe only reason they are not online is because i have been slacking off on my site.