
v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes (Read 56875 times)

Started by swipergod, May 08, 2010, 04:31:49 am
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v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
New #1  May 08, 2010, 04:31:49 am
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So you downloaded v0.75 and are thinking "why the heck would I bother downloading version 0.8?"

Well, there's gonna be 6 new characters and 6 new stages (well, 5 if you already downloaded Rock).  "Whoop-di-freakin'-doo" you say? 

Well KOFE v0.8 is pretty much the biggest KOFE release since v0.3 when the game first got it's own screenpack.  Here's a list of all the fixes you're looking to find in this release (I'll update the list as more fixes occur):

Bug/gameplay Fixes:

- Fixed 5060,10 sprites for various characters
- Removed reliability for characters on 5070 sprites.  5070 sprites no longer used
- Volumescale fixes for multiple characters
- fall.yvelocity corrected for several characters
- State 5040 was corrected for several characters
- Missing 5,0 sprites added to several characters.
- Leona's grab stun for X-Calibur corrected
- Leona's Baltic Launcher allowed for recovery.  This was removed.
- Leona's Strong Baltic Launcher has additional delay time for balance.
- Mature's Ebony tears launch and recovery times slowed for balance
- Mature's Despair could be blocked while ducking.  This was corrected.
- Goenitz Maiden Masher DM had a statetype error in the leap.  Fixed
- Iori's Lunar Harp allowed for recovery.  This was removed.
- Iori's Deady Flower was stiff between chains.  Fixed
- Andy's Unique chain acted as an overhead.  This was corrected.
- Rock's missing ducking sprite was added.
- Raiden's ability to chain Mega Blitzes was removed for balance.
- Raiden's throw counter sound effect was missing.  Added.
- Raiden's HSDM chip damage was reduced for balancing.
- Shiki's HSDM was fixed to remain center screen (glitching occurred in Simul mode)
- Joe and Angel's screenbound throws were corrected.
- Geese' weak Reppuken was slowed to reduce spamming.
- Kyo's firecircle damage was removed from his Style 182 DM.
- Kyo's Nightflare was reworked and executes in two unique styles now.
- Chizuru's SDM was rebalanced.  Poweradd was removed.
- Mr. Karate's Haoh Shokoken's DM priority was reduced for balance.
- K' gained his Crimson Star Road HSDM.  Old Nightmare Drive HSDM removed.
- Yuri's Sai Ha allowed for recovery.  This has been corrected.
- K's Chain Drive now binds correctly
- Whip's Bullwhip was rebalanced and tweaked for better damage and poweradd
- Joe Screw Upper DM replaces Golden Tiger Kick
- Jhun now continues to charge for Eagle Talon Tear from Eagle Talon Strike when moving.


- Game switched from Mugen RC4 Ex + a to RC7 Ex + a
- New Portraits (big and small) for all characters
- New Lifebars and Power Bars
- Font fixes for Nameless
- New Vs Screen display and music
- New Character select screen and music
- New Intro Screen and music


- Various characters gained special intros with new characters
- Geese and Rock's special intro was reworked
- Terry's Overheat Geyser DM gained a new geyser animation for distinction
- Kasumi's sounds and voices quality were improved
- Kasumi gained new airhit animations
- Twirling hitstate from Vanessa's Crazy Puncher DM was reanimated to standard.
- Mature's faulty sprites (in her air gethit and dizzy sets) corrected
- Rock gained afterimages for Shining Knuckle
- Rugal gained his '94 intro with his coat.
- Athena gained a new team jump in intro
- Maxima gained a new team jump in intro
- Yuri, K, Mature and Maxima's stages were not completed. Fixed
- Yuri's Strong Chou Upper animation corrected
- Kula's weak Crowbites velocities and posadd were fixed.
- Kula's Formation Diana DM now hits close opponents.
- Mr. Karate's intro was incomplete (missing sprites).  Fixed.
- Benimaru's counterthrow now has electric sparks and sound effects.
- Vanessa's victory pose was fixed.
- Mr. Karate has a new p2 palette.
- Ryo gain a new animation for his weak Tiger God's Murder
- Geese gained a new stance
- Mai gained a new victory pose
- King and Joe lost special intro
- King and Yuri gain special intro
- Improved Andy's HSDM fireball
- Improved effect for Kasumi's Throw DM.

New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 01:36:22 pm by swipergod
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#2  May 20, 2010, 11:15:43 pm
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Oh great you mugen have a great future

this all make your mugen best  :sugoi:
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#3  May 22, 2010, 05:00:50 am
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Well, I doubt I caught everything.  With 42 characters now, it's a little tough to keep track.  Some things, like moves that "should" pass through fireballs still need to be looked at.  Krizalid and Rugal's clns are garbage and I still need to implement the new AI.  Can't get everything done this time around. :S
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#4  July 07, 2010, 07:59:14 am
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how do i download this? i cant get in your website :(
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#5  July 26, 2010, 05:59:16 am
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(Don't know where to put this.) Seriously, how is Robert's HP projectile useful? It's a low projectile that doesn't hit low. That would be fine if the LP projectile was a high projectile, but it's in fact a middle one, and therefore, since the low projectile doesn't hit low, it's inferior in all aspects to the medium projectile.

Also, the manual says that Lariat Drop is unblockable, but that's not quite true. Instead, if the opponent blocks, the Lariat Drop won't connect with the opponent at all. This would would be considerably useful if the move actually bypassed by the defense like the manual says it does instead of missing the foe completely if he/she blocks.
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#6  July 29, 2010, 07:19:16 am
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Some characters are small enough to duck under his high projectile.  Basically, it works as a handicap since the high projectile won't hit low fireballs (like Rugal's or Iori's).  Also some characters have slides/other moves that won't slide under the low fireball.  For example, Vanessa's special dash goes through most projectiles except low ones including Roberts.  It's a different play style that makes Robert a little different than your average Takuma.

Lariat Drop is unblockable.  The AI is able to block it because the AI is broken.  It can block even when you aren't attacking (which is impossible for a human).  As a human player, you won't be given the option to block when lariat is executed.  I'm hoping the AI fix will resolve some AI issues.  Never take AI actions at face value when testing.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: July 29, 2010, 07:32:38 am by swipergod
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#7  July 29, 2010, 07:39:13 am
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Some characters are small enough to duck under his high projectile.  Basically, it works as a handicap since the high projectile won't hit low fireballs (like Rugal's or Iori's).  Also some characters have slides/other moves that won't slide under the low fireball.  For example, Vanessa's special dash goes through most projectiles except low ones including Roberts.  It's a different play style that makes Robert a little different than your average Takuma.

Lariat Drop is unblockable.  The AI is able to block it because the AI is broken.  It can block even when you aren't attacking (which is impossible for a human).  As a human player, you won't be given the option to block.  I'm hoping the AI fix will resolve some AI issues.  Never take AI actions at face value when testing.

I'm not talking about the AI. In training mode, I controlled Raiden, and did Lariat Drop. Then I immediately switched over to P2 controls, and held down back. I, as P2, was in the block position, but wasn't blocking anything. The move didn't connect at all as long as I was in block position. It's like EX Andy's explosive running grab in 98UM; it looks like it's supposed to bypass defense, but all you have to do is get into the block animation and you don't even have to block it. So, yeah, no AI involved. Does this make sense?
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#8  July 29, 2010, 12:27:35 pm
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Yup.  I'll fix it.  Weird.  I pulled that attack from the Angel leaping grab I coded.  Maybe hers is broken too.  Will check.  Thanks for the report.
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Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#9  September 13, 2010, 01:08:34 pm
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well i found a glitch in version 0.8 i did the HSDM with kyo then i did the HSDM with kasumi to counter it , after that i saw 2 kyos on the stages then i did it again and there was 3 kyos  o_O
and the same for K' dash's SDM and Saisyu's HSDM

Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 09:42:55 am by Mileena_Karai
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#10  September 19, 2010, 02:39:52 am
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Perfect, thanks for the report Mileena.  Some hitoverrides I missed.  Darn helpers...
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: v0.75 to v0.8 glitch and gameplay fixes
#11  October 16, 2010, 10:41:43 am
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Found the same glitch with Jennet  --;