
Capcom vs. Snk: Mugen Edition by Akito-Sama and OldGamer (Read 280037 times)

Started by Akito, August 13, 2018, 10:23:27 pm
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Re: Capcom vs. Snk: Mugen Edition by Akito-Sama and OldGamer
#81  May 23, 2019, 02:38:09 am
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Great Job there fellas....
Re: Capcom vs. Snk: Mugen Edition by Akito-Sama and OldGamer
#82  May 26, 2019, 11:44:21 am
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Forgot to mention this on a previous post, but I feel like the credits and ending needs a small fix:

The SNK has no space or a colon as it feels too close to the Mugen word. Look like it says "CAPCOM VS SNKMUGEN."

Also, the 1.0 version is missing the "extras" folder. Had to grab it from the 1.1 version so I can change the logo myself.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: Capcom vs. Snk: Mugen Edition by Akito-Sama and OldGamer
#83  May 26, 2019, 06:30:23 pm
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Forgot to mention this on a previous post, but I feel like the credits and ending needs a small fix:

The SNK has no space or a colon as it feels too close to the Mugen word. Look like it says "CAPCOM VS SNKMUGEN."

Also, the 1.0 version is missing the "extras" folder. Had to grab it from the 1.1 version so I can change the logo myself.
I think that was Akito doing, because last time I remember I made sure that the snk and mugen were spaced between them, I will ask Akito to fix it as soon as possible, and thank you so mush for taking the the time and take a good close look attention on this screen pack, Im gonna take a good look on Akito's Sprite inside all the .SSF file and look over them again. I hope I'm not too rusty on mugen because I was away for very long time, I have some free time and getting back now!! in the mugen wagon
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Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 06:39:56 pm by OldGamer
Re: Capcom vs. Snk: Mugen Edition by Akito-Sama and OldGamer
#84  May 26, 2019, 10:27:43 pm
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I have not changed anything in the credits since the release, but this is easy to fix. Soon I update the links, probably in this night. =)