
IKEMEN Disscussion Thread (Read 974982 times)

Started by 2Dee4ever, July 01, 2015, 09:10:17 pm
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Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#41  September 07, 2015, 05:11:43 am
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Are these filters over the game itself, or is it editing of the sprites/editing of the vids you recorded. If so, they are nice. My personal favorite would be the CRT look (reminds me of the GGPO Capcom remake games when they have the arcade and scan lines to it look). The HDR imo looks like the sharpness and exposure ate the sprites when I look at squall (jk), but overall it's a nice touch.

It's over the game itself. It works Online as well, but its not something that is mandatory; a personal preference for those who want to spice up their game. I released a video of showing the CRT better. It looks really nice on big displays.
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#42  September 08, 2015, 10:17:03 pm
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Are these filters over the game itself, or is it editing of the sprites/editing of the vids you recorded. If so, they are nice. My personal favorite would be the CRT look (reminds me of the GGPO Capcom remake games when they have the arcade and scan lines to it look). The HDR imo looks like the sharpness and exposure ate the sprites when I look at squall (jk), but overall it's a nice touch.

It's over the game itself. It works Online as well, but its not something that is mandatory; a personal preference for those who want to spice up their game. I released a video of showing the CRT better. It looks really nice on big displays.

Well, it all looks nice... Just hope it won't desync online
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#43  September 09, 2015, 01:25:37 am
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Are these filters over the game itself, or is it editing of the sprites/editing of the vids you recorded. If so, they are nice. My personal favorite would be the CRT look (reminds me of the GGPO Capcom remake games when they have the arcade and scan lines to it look). The HDR imo looks like the sharpness and exposure ate the sprites when I look at squall (jk), but overall it's a nice touch.

It's over the game itself. It works Online as well, but its not something that is mandatory; a personal preference for those who want to spice up their game. I released a video of showing the CRT better. It looks really nice on big displays.
Well, it all looks nice... Just hope it won't desync online

Here is a better video for it. It's not mandatory, is toggle-able, & doesn't effect performance, already tested. I usually play on my TV so this gets rid of all the pixel issues. I increased the overall zoom so it helps a lot. Also gives it that arcade vibe.
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#44  September 20, 2015, 08:34:28 pm
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I love making ports and messing with photoshop and re-vamping my SP to look even better! But the reason why I got into Mugen was for the love & obsession with fighting games, specially to play against ppl, my cousins and friends would come over and we would have a tournament and kick each others asses and drink beers & bbq but everybody's busy, that and their waiting on me to have my SP all loaded with characters/stages/art lol

A few weeks ago I went with my girlfriend to her sisters house and her nephew was playing Marvel VS Capcom and I was like give me a controller I'll play with you, then his dad and his brother were like I'll woop your ass lol It was hilarious the ass beating I gave them, I'm like 10 years older than them, I was like shit I grew up on fighting games come get your asses kicked. Playing against ppl is what fighting games are all about with me and a good story line from characters I'm a sucker for intros/ending.  This all might be totally off topic lol

Heck no it isn't! I moved the conversation here though so there isn't any confusion on the main game page. Its the same way with me though! haha I am like a super ultimate omega fan of SF/2D & fighting games in general. I spent so much time playing cvs2 to the point where the a.i was like someone playing the game for the first time.. I seriously made full colors in the color editor for every single character. I just went ham haha. When I learned of mugen & "pots style" I immediately fell in love because essentially its the same f'n thing. Though I learned about it late as of now things are falling off. Those creators either got bored, cyber bullied, found other hobbies, or the main reason, stopped playing mugen. I ultimately did this for myself at first until I discovered that something like Ikemen existed. That sparked what we have today. I wanted to do this not only to inspire people to get back into playing it, but to find an opponent worthy of my time muahaha. I mean normal mugen is fun & all, but honestly as with any game it can get old fast. Especially with a fighter. None of my friends like to play against me in fighters though... Because they say I'm too good. Mind you, I've never sat down & just went into practice mode ever. I actually never practice in anything I do. I've always just been naturally good at anything & I catch on super fast. I love my next gen games, but those are a separate thing all together. I could never dedicate my life to playing a video-game, though I'm confident enough to know if I wanted to I could. I've played some pros at E3 I already know I'm not far behind. I just always wished there was a sequel to Cvs, but that shit is never going to happen & if it does not sure if it'll be 2D or not. I love my retro sprites & with CS we breath new life into them. I just want to do so much now that I'm learning. Just imagine if everyone chipped in. We could finally make it a reality. Even if I am alone though.. I won't stop. Because I love this shit.
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#45  September 22, 2015, 04:40:25 am
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Is there anyone free to test some things with me? It's about improving online. I want to test a theory.
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#46  September 22, 2015, 10:24:00 pm
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Just stopping in to say hello Rei. Believe you answered some of my noob questions on the youtube page a couple days ago. This game is getting addicting, so figured I'd make an account here and get some matches in with you guys sometime. Again, great work dude(s).
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#47  September 22, 2015, 10:35:10 pm
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Just stopping in to say hello Rei. Believe you answered some of my noob questions on the youtube page a couple days ago. This game is getting addicting, so figured I'd make an account here and get some matches in with you guys sometime. Again, great work dude(s).
Welcome! Glad you could make it & thank you. Be sure to check the main post & let me know if you need any assistance setting things up.
When you are finished go ahead & add your ID in the thread.
You can let others know when you are online using this.
Things are really just getting started, but I hope to expand & encourage more people to play.
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#48  September 23, 2015, 10:00:54 am
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Why wolverine seems not attack me as ai? :( anyone have an AI for him?
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#49  September 23, 2015, 10:04:36 am
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Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#50  September 24, 2015, 10:44:04 pm
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Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#51  September 25, 2015, 01:00:56 am
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Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#52  September 25, 2015, 07:29:37 pm
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Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#53  September 25, 2015, 08:57:28 pm
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Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 09:06:13 pm by Rei
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#54  September 25, 2015, 09:13:42 pm
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Anywho.. This is a question for anyone..
So I'm just curious.. What Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 character would you like to see in this?

hummm hard to pick one but, SonSon will be fun, or if I can be exotic maybe Black Heart
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#55  September 25, 2015, 09:28:58 pm
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Anywho.. This is a question for anyone..
So I'm just curious.. What Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 character would you like to see in this?

hummm hard to pick one but, SonSon will be fun, or if I can be exotic maybe Black Heart
Wellllllll... I actually do want to do some marvel characters so it's not far from it. I'll make a poll, though I can tell you that SonSon has already been started on. I think I just need high-res fx for her giant ape breath.
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#56  September 25, 2015, 09:43:12 pm
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i wonder how's the progress going?


Yeah me too ;)

lol I was talking about you.

Anywho.. This is a question for anyone..
So I'm just curious.. What Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 character would you like to see in this?

I interesting choice??

Amingo, Sabertooth or Magneto.
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#57  October 03, 2015, 08:44:33 am
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I've finally given IKEMEN a try and to my surprise every single character and stage that I've tested worked correctly with it. From what I see this engine is not really popular here, which is unfortunate. It's been years since the last official mugen update, so we can assume that Elecbyte is once again dead. So why IKEMEN is not viewed as a viable alternative for the mugen 1.1? Let's see which features are missing, compared to official engine:
- Options screen (very important for casual players, configuring for example keys or difficulty via config.ssz is not very intuitive for those who never used IKEMEN)
- Screenpack and lifebar support (another crucial thing for mugen players. It's highly unlikely that people will start to create screenpacks in lua or whatever language it uses)
- normal Arcade mode (this probably can be coded, although I can’t find any tutorials, either way it should be available by default from the start screen)
- Survival mode
Anything I’ve missed?

From what I've read IKEMEN is not really a mugen clone but a hack of the official engine, so all these features technically should be already present in the executable, but for some reason were disabled.
Is the author of IKEMEN active on mugenguild? Can he speak English? I'd like to ask him/her if above mentioned features are planned to be added at some point. I think that with features parity with original engine and with all the extra stuff that it introduced, IKEMEN could become very popular among mugen players, especially if we stop calling it a mugen clone and move it away from the "Beyond M.U.G.E.N" section. Winmugen hack was always considered a mugen, so why we treat IKEMEN differently?

edit: Ikemen is actually a new engine written from scratch, not mugen hack.
Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 08:37:06 am by K4thos
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#58  October 03, 2015, 09:57:53 am
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Wellllll.. No one has been interested because the community that actually uses either engine is dwindling. People aren't really playing mugen as much as they are creating things, or well just gossiping on the forums. In my opinion it is better than mugen in every way. I've managed to find workarounds to almost every issue that once plagued it. I advise you check out my channel. Every video is made using ikemen(besides the obvious cvs3 stuff).

The modes of course are obvious differences, but everything else works the way it should. The only real issue is that ikemen doesn't read states above a certain value(custom) & I've worked around it by simply lowering it, or using another preexisting state that closely resembles it.

Some of which you've said though is in fact possible. I've gotten lifebars to be fully functional. I have the guard system, dizzy, elemental codes everything working 100%. Myself & TheFclass97 have more recently discovered the issue with tag systems & eliminated the use of debug keys. We are this board lol. The two of us. We are the only ones whom have been working to improve it/experiment with it. If you check out his video you can see he has taken greater strides than I even have.

He created a main menu screen, a character select, a stage select, a custom loading screen with tips & tricks, etc. Dude gets no credit. A big big step.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Options Menu & Extra modes
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I've even used various types of characters & have had no issues whatsoever besides the custom states & occasional dampener not working, but manual fixes are the way to go.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Capcom Vs.Style
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I've done all this to "try" & help motivate the community into actually using the engine "LOL" as well as show them that each of these works. So in short more so than it is a problem with mugen, or ikemen itself its more of an interest in even playing. If I had to guesstimate.. About 35% of users on this forum actively play mugen.
Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 10:57:44 am by Rei
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#59  October 10, 2015, 10:29:16 am
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And if Ikemen it´s open source and mugen it´s dead for the moment why not have more updates with a more easy configuration? I think if more people are involved in the engine it can be much better no?
Re: IKEMEN Disscussion Thread
#60  October 10, 2015, 11:25:48 am
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Trail & error. This entire year has been nothing, but that for me. Same thing anyone else will have to do if they plan to use it. We've already discovered so much to get people started, so its already accessible. I've honestly lost the motivation to do anything for any community. The things I do now are as originally, for my own personal use & those that contribute. My "hobby". Can't make anyone be interested in anything nor would I even try to. Only some of us are actually hardcore fighting game fans, thus we are the only ones whom are still using the engine. There are full games you can wait for, until they burn out within the usual time-span. Learn while there are still people around to help you. The only advice I can give. We all had/have to start somewhere. No one wants to get involved, or feel as though they lack the means to. Have to stop relying on someone else to do something when each individual is capable. All you have to do is try. All these people on the forum lurking, yet choose to do nothing. 100k+ downloads I know they are there, but it is what you make of it. I'll most likely continue my works, but I'll no longer be posting on any forum. So if you want something from me best ask for it now. Otherwise as I said, learn, tutorials, ask questions. If it means that much to you then learn. Otherwise wait for someone else to do it as usual.