
A touchy Topic (Read 80583 times)

Started by courte2, January 10, 2008, 06:45:14 am
Re: A touchy Topic
#201  January 16, 2008, 10:13:13 pm
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so much idiocracy to reply to...not that it's a bad thing:P

bottled water is a scam,

rap is killing the youth(my peers), wiping away the children, when at one time rap was actually worth listening to(I kid you not!)!

NO memorable songs? NEW memorable songs...its times like these that i wish i had discovered the beatles before two months ago:P

black people in video games, eh??
Rugal Bernstein ftw:P

Edit: while I'm at it, i'll add this brief portion of a screenplay i wrote for, watch carefully, it's a conversation between "Language" and "Darth Nader", the philosophical "knower":

Language: Indeed, but now, let me present you with a true problem: The emergence of slang and shortening of languages. Let me use English as an Example. Years ago, a new music genre appeared…”rap”, they called it. There were some “rap” songs that professed real meaning, using language as a poetic tool<wipes imaginary tear away> Beautiful stuff. Then there were<angrily> the others. They poisoned the language, became rich, and were idolized by millions. They destroyed language…what is a “gat” anyway? Suddenly “Thugonomics”, and “Gangstar Rap” popped up! And slowly but surely, the language became crippled. Let me quote actual words from one of these songs:
You my Beep
And I’m your Beep
Beep Yo, dance fo me, girl Beep BEEEPBEEEPBEEEEP
Who dat otha Beep? Imma pop a BEEP up in this BEEP!!
Darth Nader:<covers ears>  GAH!!! TURN IT OFF! STOP IT! KILL ME NOW!!! AGGGGHHH!
Language: No, not death. Do you know how many catastrophes these lyrics cause? The random wormhole to Rap Song traveling through said wormhole ratio is over 50%! But that is unimportant. Do you have any idea what this could’ve done? If it wasn’t for Wikipedia…I’m not sure what would have happened.
Darth Nader: Not only would we have lost the youth to this deceptive culture, but imagine how hard it would be for us to communicate with the outside world? A collapse of the entire WORLD’S CULTURE! Not to mention the nuclear fallout that would've happened had a leader from any other culture came to america and heard this degenerate crap!

Last Edit: January 16, 2008, 10:19:45 pm by aeom


Re: A touchy Topic
#202  January 16, 2008, 11:04:20 pm
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To Sagat:
It was a generalization.
I was focusing mainly on the fact that bottled water is a waste of money.
But as for the other part of my statement, of course there are going to be exceptions. I was not refering to water conditions everywhere, but under most circumstances
town water > city water
Clearly this will not be so in all situations everywhere, but then again
Life's a bitch, ain't it?


Re: A touchy Topic
#203  January 17, 2008, 12:21:13 am
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[BTW, I think Family Guy sucks now. Season 1-2.5 were pretty good. On -> ]
Hell yeah i agree on that one lol!
But i understand where you are coming from Tee and i just wanted to put my 2 cents in on certain things that was said thats all.
I understand  :sugoi:. I actually liked your points.

so much idiocracy to reply to...not that it's a bad thing:P
bottled water is a scam,
That's arguable because of that whole "labeling" issue that recently hit. Anyway, Unimportant.

so much idiocracy to reply to...not that it's a bad thing:P
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This to me is a major exaggeration. First of all, people have to make a conscious decision to buy into the RAP Industry. Without people, FROM THE START, buying into it, Rap, in any form, would have died a long while back. Second of all, a person can listen to "rap" and still be able to speak the language properly. Besides, realistically, isn't it where you learn the language that you learn how to speak it. A person from the Caribbean(any island) is probably going to speak with terms unfamiliar to an American, and Rap is probably uninvolved in that. As a matter of fact, in America itself, most Suburbanite Peoples hold the "Proper English," whereas in Inner City schools, it is reported that even their teachers may not even have a grasp on the 'true' language.
Funny thing is though, I've never met a person, of any age, who talks like they Rap [relating to killing language]. I have, however, met people who lack a censor, possibly because of Rap.
If Rap is ever to blame for killing a person's complete language, I'd have to say its their own fault; but sadly I don't believe in that in the first place.
Tell me (using cold hard facts rather than unsupportable opinion), how is Rap responsible for killing a person's language because I'm skeptical??
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 10:01:03 pm by Tee Hee Hee
Re: A touchy Topic
#204  January 17, 2008, 01:44:16 am
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This to me a a major exaggeration. First of all, people have to make a conscious decision to buy into the RAP Industry. Without people, FROM THE START, buying into it, Rap, in any form, would have died a long while back. Second of all, a person can listen to "rap" and still be able to speak the language properly. Besides, realistically, isn't it where you learn the language that you learn how to speak it. A person from the Caribbean(any island) is probably going to speak with terms unfamiliar to an American, and Rap is probably uninvolved in that. As a matter of fact, in America itself, most Suburbanite Peoples hold the "Proper English," whereas in Inner City schools, it is reported that even their teachers may not even have a grasp on the 'true' language.
Funny thing is though, I've never met a person, of any age, who talks like they Rap [relating to killing language]. I have, however, met people who lack a censor, possibly because of Rap.
If Rap is ever to blame for killing a person's complete language, I'd have to say its their own fault; but sadly I don't believe in that in the first place.
Tell me (using cold hard facts rather than unsupportable opinion), how is Rap responsible for killing a person's language because I'm skeptical??

major exaggeration? definitely not.  No they don't HAVE to buy into it. Peer pressure, don't underestimate it among children...
and im not saying that it's not there own fault. it is, and im not saying ALL rap is bad, as i said somewhere in my hodge podge of replies, now, you say you want cold hard facts?  Next post, im a little too bored to write any more:P
Re: A touchy Topic
#205  January 17, 2008, 02:56:13 am
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Rap is only one of the Art forms to Hip Hop. If somebody thinks hip hop is miseducating kids the you have another coming. If anything ITs one of the Last Avenues that can be use to actually reach the kids. Thank the Industry Big Wigs who only allow the trash you hear on the radio that make you think something is wrong with the art form. Right now if 50 Cents eat your Carrots and you can Flow like me and be strong what you think most kids and some idiotic grown ups with do?

Anyway While were the topic of Rap.
Tee Hee New best friend (LOL)
Check out you boy Uncle Ruckus at 4:52
Its a Collage of almost all the fight scenes from Season 2.

And this.
go to 5:00
Its paying homage to the killer its hilarious.

i swear, Stupid muthafokkers exist all over this board!
Nonetheless Dickriders get all of the Attention!
Go Figure.
Yes online Gaming is important........ Who Else are you gonna practice on?

Beta Kagetsura can still be found here.
Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 03:03:19 am by SDS Overfiend


Re: A touchy Topic
#206  January 17, 2008, 03:50:17 am
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major exaggeration? definitely not.  No they don't HAVE to buy into it. Peer pressure, don't underestimate it among children...
and im not saying that it's not there own fault. it is, and im not saying ALL rap is bad, as i said somewhere in my hodge podge of replies, now, you say you want cold hard facts?  Next post, im a little too bored to write any more:P
First, you have to "give in" to peer pressure and that is indeed a choice. Second, I call it an exaggeration because what you said just seemed like an opinion, rather than something that truly linked Rap to the decline in our language. When you feel like it, please substantiate your claim with something I can grab on to [not meant to be in a condescending tone].

Tee Hee New best friend (LOL)
You've always been cool by me.

Check out you boy Uncle Ruckus at 4:52
Its a Collage of almost all the fight scenes from Season 2.
Looking at the lines coming from that I always harshly critique teh show:
- The sayings are Repetitive
- The lines come at Completely Random Times and don't add anything to the scene
- The lines lack substance, are dragged out for way too long, and just get me to the point of annoyance  :-\
- THE FIGHT SCENES ARE SWEET!!! (and I usually hate action)

And this.
go to 5:00
Its paying homage to the killer its hilarious.
I watched that whole thing and from that first scene I became annoyed.
The BoonDcks has this MAJOR problem:
- They hold the joke for way too long and make it old in a matter of seconds. Really, how long am I supposed to laugh at a black kid saying, "N*gga, N*gga, Bitch N*gga, Fuck You N*gga, N*gga, N*gga, N*gga."?? 0:10-1:18 Come On :omg:. There was not a single line in that overly drawn out scene that held any worth to my funny meter; I'm sorry, but I just can't stand the show.
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 04:03:39 am by Tee Hee Hee
Re: A touchy Topic
#207  January 17, 2008, 04:23:02 am
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this would normally be the part where i say it's just a show, but i'd be lying as i do look at it through two perspectives... being no fan of that particular word, i find it funny how he is so easily able to throw it out there and, to me at least, make a joke of it--equivalent to valley girls starting the trend of "like" as an interjection for every other word in a sentence.

on the other hand, if such a thing were to happen, it would be beyond uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable now, having diverse friends who all enjoy the show equally, yet wonder if quoting it is taking things to far. The word does have a history which cannot be denied. no one would be openly happy about a show with a blond german dude and a greedy jewish man who are roomates yet constantly call each other Kike and Nazi...'s still just a show; made to primarily entertain some, even if it means offending others. With the wide array of other shows on, the powers that be always allow the option to change the channel, but someone always complain.


Re: A touchy Topic
#208  January 17, 2008, 04:29:14 am
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Just a question:
Ignoring the history of that word, do you think that in watching that scene, the joke gets draggeed/drawm out too far? Do you get bored of the repetitions, upon repetitions, upon repetitions??
LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 04:35:15 am by Tee Hee Hee
Re: A touchy Topic
#209  January 17, 2008, 04:33:12 am
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Honestly I dont take it as a joke, I see it as development of characters, the kid with the braids is a representation of the kind of person that thinks of himself as badass, but that ends up being a little punk.
Re: A touchy Topic
#210  January 17, 2008, 04:35:00 am
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boondocks = minstrel show.
Hello guys.  I have touched children.
Re: A touchy Topic
#211  January 17, 2008, 07:32:48 am
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boondocks = minstrel show.

Boondocks = Best thing since Dave Chapelle. lol!

- The lines lack substance, are dragged out for way too long, and just get me to the point of annoyance 
Seriously? Nah man its Funny because like i told its exaggerated for a reason. Iwon't try no more peer pressure tactics on you anyore lol!

i swear, Stupid muthafokkers exist all over this board!
Nonetheless Dickriders get all of the Attention!
Go Figure.
Yes online Gaming is important........ Who Else are you gonna practice on?

Beta Kagetsura can still be found here.
Re: A touchy Topic
#212  January 17, 2008, 07:47:32 am
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well to be honest I didn't give it a chance.... something about a little kid calling his grandfather "bitches" disturbed me a lot....
Hello guys.  I have touched children.


Re: A touchy Topic
#213  January 17, 2008, 12:48:49 pm
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- The lines lack substance, are dragged out for way too long, and just get me to the point of annoyance 
Seriously? Nah man its Funny because like i told its exaggerated for a reason. Iwon't try no more peer pressure tactics on you anyore lol!
Nah, nah, it's not peer pressure.
I think everyone misunderstood what I was saying. In that quote I'm not focused on teh delivery of the lines, but instead I'm focused on how long the joke lasted. I think it should have lasted 10 seconds TOPS, but instead it lasted for over a minute saying the same thing over and over, which made it older than a played out song to me.  :-\

boondocks = minstrel show.
This scares the sh@t out of me:
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LOL, Caddie's the man!! ;)

I'm as real as the runnin, I just happen to rap, Nigaas London, Japan, and i'm scared of dat tap.

I suggest extending my banning, cuz when I come back, it's gonna be hell. You think I was annoying before, oh man, it's on now :)
hjk vs. 99% of MFG. I will win.

RIP Poo Bear Tell my Dead Homie isson, for the year my partner.
Re: A touchy Topic
#214  January 17, 2008, 04:30:44 pm
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Jus a quick question, do you guys think that [INSERT ethnicity here!] characters overpopulate low tiers in some fighting game, or a multiple fighting games? Or mid tiers? Or high tiers? I mean, that would be a bigger problem than playing with stereotypical appearances or setting fighting styles by race or ethnicity ONLY, right? I don't think there are individual games like asians = high-tier, white americans/europeans = mid tier and so on...

btw, if you like rap music check out Jurassic 5
Re: A touchy Topic
#215  January 17, 2008, 05:16:16 pm
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Jus a quick question, do you guys think that [INSERT ethnicity here!] characters overpopulate low tiers in some fighting game, or a multiple fighting games? Or mid tiers? Or high tiers? I mean, that would be a bigger problem than playing with stereotypical appearances or setting fighting styles by race or ethnicity ONLY, right? I don't think there are individual games like asians = high-tier, white americans/europeans = mid tier and so on...

btw, if you like rap music check out Jurassic 5

nah, unless done in purpose (hokuto no ken) tiers are mostly accidents because most decent developers want the game to be as balanced as possible.
Re: A touchy Topic
#216  January 17, 2008, 05:33:58 pm
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Some nice entries made here so far, regardless if they're ridiculously off-topic.

I'm not going to tire myself out and debate my views as if this were an episode of Charlie, I'll throw this in. This is a (ramblin-ass) letter I sent to EGM a month or two ago in regards to their article about video game maturity. I'm re-reading some of it right now....some of my views I made, well, I have a different outlook on them now. Anyway, I think the subject matter is slightly inclinded with the discussions going on here.

Make of it what you will:
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Re: A touchy Topic
#217  January 17, 2008, 05:42:16 pm
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Jus a quick question, do you guys think that [INSERT ethnicity here!] characters overpopulate low tiers in some fighting game, or a multiple fighting games? Or mid tiers? Or high tiers? I mean, that would be a bigger problem than playing with stereotypical appearances or setting fighting styles by race or ethnicity ONLY, right? I don't think there are individual games like asians = high-tier, white americans/europeans = mid tier and so on...

btw, if you like rap music check out Jurassic 5
Does Pro Wrestling games count? Theyre mostly anglo characters.


Re: A touchy Topic
#218  January 17, 2008, 05:48:26 pm
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btw, if you like rap music check out Jurassic 5
Not completely correct.
I love Jurassic 5.
But it falls into a more old school style catergory.
If you're in to the "Top 40" rap genre, Jurassic 5 will probably be too innovative for you to handle.
Re: A touchy Topic
#219  January 17, 2008, 06:20:35 pm
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Re: A touchy Topic
#220  January 17, 2008, 06:33:51 pm
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hmmmm when I read a touchy topic I was expecting something that had people in an uproar and lots of passionate discussion, instead it's just asking if games are a bit racist.

Of course they are, black people (or "african americans" if you'd prefer) = big,weird looking brute guys for the majority of cases in computer games (as opposed to beautiful black people like beyonce or will smith)

either way black people have it pretty good now in games and more or less everything else as opposed to indians, native americans, and mexicans. Taking street fighter 2, indian guy is pretty lame compared to most characters, whereas black guy is one of the 4 boss characters how can you complain..?

Further on down the road, street fighter 3, no Indians whereas there are 3 black people.

Also about the whole dipiticing minorities as ugly, yes thats true as well only its not so bad now, but (just trying to think of a recent Indian character)... hmm no ones coming to mind so i'll choose black people, erm Eddie from tekken, Christie from tekken ain't ugly

it ain't just with minorities though, games stereotype all types of people (as already mentioned) it's just character designers that haven't ever been to the places or seen the types of people they are designing. Just look at cammy's england stage in SSF2, Any one who lives in england will be able to testify that we don't have castles on plush green mountains, nice blue rivers and the northern lights in the sky!!

I always shine!