
KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Wild Wolf (Read 2588478 times)

Started by KarmaCharmeleon, April 21, 2019, 02:40:00 am
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Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Ash
#621  July 16, 2024, 04:36:24 pm
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Made 4 palettes for Ash. Taken directly from his previous appearances.
Spoiler: Palettes (click to see content)

Might attempt to make some more later on.
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Ash
#622  July 31, 2024, 05:15:35 pm
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More palettes for Ash. Tried to replicate his KOF XV colors, it took me a while to get them done but better late than never I suppose.
Sorry about the double post.
Spoiler: Palettes (click to see content)
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Ash
#623  July 31, 2024, 07:58:14 pm
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Waaaah, those looks so cool man! Thank you so much!

Coding has been wrapped up for Ash. Evil Ash Mode and all. Here's an AI showcase of his bullshit:

We are now just have to sit and wait for FeLo to sprites those last missing anims for him to drop. Expect him soon!

In the meantime I've been cooking some more...
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Dudley
#624  August 01, 2024, 01:20:39 am
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In the meantime I've been cooking some more...

Wow What a Surprise to See a New Dudley Pots! (There was one made by
Mr. Ansatsuken)

I also hope it's good.  :)
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Dudley
#625  August 15, 2024, 03:37:58 pm
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Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: August 15, 2024, 06:42:55 pm by KarmaCharmeleon
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Dudley
#626  August 15, 2024, 03:47:26 pm
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52MB gif... :areyouserious:
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Dudley
#627  August 15, 2024, 04:02:15 pm
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What do you mean you picked his Japanese voice?
In all seriousness though, the Dudster's looking very classy!
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Dudley
#628  August 15, 2024, 04:22:08 pm
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My real life is coming soon........!
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Dudley
#629  August 15, 2024, 06:13:21 pm
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Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: Dudley
#630  August 16, 2024, 06:07:16 pm
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Made some palettes for Ash:

Saiki (Both forms):



Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 06:34:38 pm by ProjectLykaon
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#631  September 09, 2024, 03:04:34 pm
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What’s up, guys?

I made a trip thru memory lane. I posted Ash’s Palette Template back in January 2021. I also posted Dudley’s Template in June 2022. The original Ryu Project took three to four tries, with the first version being turned into Gouken, and I think the second version being scrapped due SF6 to announcement. But now all of those projects are out and I feel that there’s a chip off my shoulder. While those three characters still have meaningful updates incoming, I’m glad I can say I got them out, mostly because for the first time in like 3 years I feel like I don’t have major pending projects completely frozen.

But it also opens up the question of what is next? And the most honest answer I can give you is that I don’t know.
I made a post back in April specifying in what state all of my characters are, and little has changed. For which character’s issues I’ll address first, I’m not entirely sure, but I’m still inclined to work on Angel and Haohmaru first. Then I think I’d go with Blanka or Rose, as I’m waiting for something big to update Genjuro. All in all, my character vault is now very extensive (18 characters!), so taking all of my previous releases to my current standards will take some time.

Another thing that I’d like work on is an update for Ryu that adds either Kage or SF6 Mode. It’d be Kage first as there’s still not a CvS Ryu animation for Hashogeki.

Finally, for new projects, there’s a lot of characters I would like to work on. So many that it’s a bit sad that I won’t be able to do all of them.
Ideally my next two characters would be SNK characters, to have 10 Capcom/10 SNK distribution on my character vault. But which characters?
The three characters I’d like to code the most from SNK are Leona, Kasumi and Chizuru.

Sadly these characters don’t have serviceable CvS sets to work on. Dampir’s Leona is close enough but still has the animation issues that I discussed previously in this topic. Rapper’s Kasumi is a great effort but its too recycled, and Dampir’s Chizuru simply I don’t like.

For SNK characters that do have serviceable sprites, I definitely want to do something with VioFitz’s Mina and Dampir’s K’, but not sure if I want to work with them now. I also want to work with FeLo’s Shiki.

From the official CvS roster there’s still quite a bit of SNK characters that I’d like to work on.

It’d be cool to make a Choiless Chang and/or a Changless Choi. For Chang I’d like to team up with JtheSaltyy again, as he plays that characters quite a bit on KoF 97 which would be the main source of inspiration with KoF 98. Choi needs extra sprites tho. It’d be cool to also team up with Scramble for a Mai Shiranui with an EX Mode based off her classic moveset, named “Shadow Kunoichi” to match Chun-Li dynamic. Todoh is quick project that I’d like to work on, with the main appeal being the opportunity of getting weird and creative with his Lv3. Finally, Yamazaki is a humongous project to work on because one move exclusively: Drill. Being a move with two strength levels and 5 different variations makes it so there’s potentially 10 variants to cover. Bas’ Yamazaki and that Drill Dynamic are the main appeal behind working on a new Yamazaki.

Besides these notable picks, there’s tons of characters I’d be willing to work on. I love the New Faces Team so any of them is on the board. I’d be down to work on K49 and Nameless not only because I like them but also to exercise the idea of making two entirely different playstyles with the same set of moves. Shen Woo and Jhun would be pretty sick. I’d be down to work on Billy and Hwa Jai (and any other Fatal Fury character) as collab with Rabano. Some of the Last Blade characters would be cool as well, especially Kagami. I’d also like to work on Nakoruru solely to study her movement and make the translation for some of her sisters (Rimururu and Rera). Finally, Wild Wolf will be 100% made whenever I update Terry.

Now, if I decide to ignore the Capcom/SNK parity and just go with whatever Capcom character I want, things get a bit different. My “wishlist” picks or sorts are SFV Poison, SF6 Juri and SF6 Luke. I’d totally cook up an SF4 Poison mode called Roxy too. But these characters need entire sets for me to work on so they’re honestly out of reach.

(Poison and Luke by Rabano, Juri by sabockee)
For characters with existing sprites; Birdie, Makoto, Remy and Tessa are on the top of my list.

From the official CvS roster, I think Zangief has been on my mind for way too long. But there’s also other characters worth exploring like Dhalsim (limb based zoners is one of the few character archetypes I have never worked with), Claw (to explore some of the coolest IKEMEN only features), Sagat (as a collab with JtheSaltyy), and Dictator (as a collab with Jmorphman).

(Dictator would use CvS sprites, I just didn't want for him to feel bad about the others being Alpha Styled)
Other than these it’d be cool to work on other SF3 characters like Oro, Hugo, Ibuki (my favorite SF3 character actually) and Sean (with some extra animations). It’d be also great to work on Karin to design her around her SFV moveset. Sodom would be rad too. Cammy would be nice to have an idea of how to handle the rest of the dolls (Decapre, Juni and Juli); same idea for Urien, Gill and maybe Seth. One of my dream projects is also MMZ Zero, but I think that might actually happen in the future.

As you guys can see there's nothing but uncertainty about what is next. The only thing that I can tell you is to let me cook. I know that I'll try my best no matter which character is one the line.
Last Edit: September 09, 2024, 03:11:26 pm by KarmaCharmeleon
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#632  September 09, 2024, 05:06:10 pm
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First fo all, let me thank you cause I was not having the best day at all. Knowing the possible wips, I think fills us up with hope.

I wouldn't want to be invasive in your topic as I told you in private, but I can not stop seeing you have the same interest as me in Leona, Chizuru and Kasumi. Those are characters I'd love to do and knowing you're interested, fuels me to do them, but I'm with character commissions too. So, if someone wants these(or one of them) to be a reality, I think it would be a good thing for the whole community to crowdfunding.

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

What are your thoughts?

Tests sprites. Don't pay much attention to Kasumi, that one is old and based in FalconRapper's work, what I'd avoid in case of Kasumi).

Also, I also did full BIG image of the three of them. In Kasumi's case, I'm even including stuff from AoF which didn't do the cut to KoF.

Have a nice day!

I swear there was something cool here!!
Last Edit: September 09, 2024, 07:56:57 pm by FeLo_Llop
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#633  September 09, 2024, 07:11:09 pm
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Good sprites Felo !!
I'm particularly hyped for Leona.

I remember Rhythmical/Rness started an incredibly good looking classic Leona spriteset in CVS style.
It was absolutely a masterpiece. But AFAIK he lost the files and cancelled the project (?)

About VioFitz’s Mina and Dampir’s K’...
Damn YES !!!
I thought about them for a long time now.
I really want to see an actual K' not looking like his Kof XIII sprites... Dampir did a great job.
At least it's the best and closer thing to an actual CVS style K'.

To be honest I don't really like the XIII style when scalling down and with a reduced number of colors...

Perhaps an actual Poison hopefully with moves from SFIV (and SFV)
I always felt like her SFIV moveset what more complete and fun to play.

Hwa Jai would be great...

Everything else, I'm so so.
Even if anything coded by Karma would be great.
Last Edit: September 09, 2024, 08:54:08 pm by Momotaro
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#634  September 09, 2024, 08:33:12 pm
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For comparison size. Now, this is my Kasumi sprite

As said, if someone wants to help Karma and commission me the sheet of some of those three, it would be VERY good to the whole community.

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#635  September 09, 2024, 08:50:21 pm
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I’m very excited to be collaborating with Karma on Mai someday, and I’m quite elated on FeLo’s sprites coming to fruition such as Shiki and others! Though, I’m curious @FeLo_Llop: do you have thoughts on referencing AOF3 Kasumi in relation to animations someday? While they are beautifully animated like CPS3 sprites, evidently the same number of frames won’t correlate into CVS Style.Though, Kasumi’s AOF3 Idle animation in CvS would give her more style and personality. ^^


Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#636  September 10, 2024, 01:09:02 am
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For comparison size. Now, this is my Kasumi sprite

As said, if someone wants to help Karma and commission me the sheet of some of those three, it would be VERY good to the whole community.

Have a nice day!

Im down for the funding. IDK how much will it cost, but at least I can help with something. I wanted to help you with Leona, but currently my pc is a piece of shit, thats why I lost some of the interest in the project
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#637  September 10, 2024, 02:15:22 am
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I’m very excited to be collaborating with Karma on Mai someday, and I’m quite elated on FeLo’s sprites coming to fruition such as Shiki and others! Though, I’m curious @FeLo_Llop: do you have thoughts on referencing AOF3 Kasumi in relation to animations someday? While they are beautifully animated like CPS3 sprites, evidently the same number of frames won’t correlate into CVS Style.Though, Kasumi’s AOF3 Idle animation in CvS would give her more style and personality. ^^

Thanks for the kind words, Scramble. In Kasumi's case, I downscaled those from AoF to match KoF/SvC. I know she's better animated than regular kof(matching sf3!!), so I did a selection of those useful and those redundant in the animation. What i'm not sure is if to keep the ponytail (as in KoF) or the "free hair"(as in AoF). That in case she wins the possible poll. Also, her AoF stance is awesome. Her legs are actually moving, which would be a challenge to me.

But well, let's talk about Karma's possibe wips.

Sorry in advance, I may write a bit too much:
- K': Even I love the re-work Dampir did, I feel there's something missing in his sheet. I don't know what it is, but something is out of my eye.
- Mina: I love this gurrrrl. I'd suggest to use original SamSho sheet, since Viofitz's sometimes uses stuff from Mai and Maki. Using those(mainly kicks) would help to complete the original sheet, though.
- Chang/Choi: I'm not a fan of them, but I remember FalconRapper completing both AFAIK, but as said, I'm not a fan of both, so I don't know the exact reach of none of them. In any case, Choi could be the easiest of them, since we have SvC as main reference to it(ok ok, both have complete sheets from KoF, but well).
- Mai: What i'm reading is delicious. Scramble is a very talented spriter, so everything coming from his hands would be awesome <3.
- Todoh&Yamazaki: I couldn't say a word. You already told everything :P.
- New Faces Team: the three of them have a cvs like sheet(Falcon Rapper) but specially, Shermie has hers done by Dampir and if I'm not wrong, Benhazard is updating it too.
- K9999/Nameless: What you said sounds awesome, but both them have the same problem as Leona/Chizuru/Kasumi: lacks cvs sheet.
- Shen Woo/Hwa Jai/Billy: could be ported from XIII to cvs as "easy" as Ash Crimson and being completed with 2k3 stuff. In Hwa's case, could be completed from cvs Joe too.
- Jhun Hoon: Lovely guy, but lacking cvs sheet U_U.
- Last Blade: that game has a kinda similar style to cvs, so besides small fixing, the conversion would be easier. Kaede, also appears in NGBC, so there could have updated stuff, same as Akari(who also appeared in SvC: Match of the Millenium).
- Rera/Rimururu: Scramble did a sprite of Rera few days ago. Also, I think I saw something regarding Rimururu like some months ago. Not sure where, though.

- Poison: Having her in SFV style would be glorious, and even better having a SF4 sidepart as Roxy. To this one, I think the attacks shown in CFAS (3D) trailer could be added to it, so you can have both being MORE different. I'd say putting stuff from Final Fight Revenge.
- Luke: He didn't excite me in his debut and his new appearence...either :/. I find Jamie more appealing.
- Juri: LOVELY. But wy her SF6 look? those black stripes in belly and body would be a nightmare to sprite.
- Birdie, Makoto, Remy, Tabasa/Tessa, Zangief: You already said everything.
- Dhalsim: his classic style mixed with both SFV and SF6...would be epic.
- Balrog/Vega: I already told lots of times. I think his SFZ stance and attacks would match a claw-less style, while SFV stylish from SFV would match his claw version. Sharing gethits and basic stuff(jump, walk, etc), just changing the attacks. Kinda as Gen.
- Sagat: Classic and potential combo killer <3.
 - Vega/M.Bison: I think a version of cvs2 could be the SF2 boss, while another one with his attacks from EX, 4, V and 6 could be merged in a FINAL BOSS version. A real nightmare.
- SF3 characters: Oro could benefit from SFV stuff(I think it has only 1 or 2 new suff, but I'm may be wrong). Hugo is nice. And Ibuki...I loved her in SF3,  but capcom ruined her in SF4 and SFV. V has, in the other hand, interesting stuff.
- Sodom would be awesome erasing the weapons of his hands(kinda as Warusaki did with MvCHayato). And with helpers(as Claw from SF), adding the different weapons. Unfortunately, there are not so many differences(none!) between  katana and the other weapon.
-Cammy: we could talk ;).
- Urien/Gill: SFV brought back both them with new stuff. I find Gill specially interesting(not because of his clothes), but because his moveset is really expanded.
- Seth: Mixing 4 and V? or different modes? I find merged more interesting than else.

With this, I think I'm empty.

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#638  September 10, 2024, 03:20:21 am
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I really really hope you consider doing Tessa next. I just love a mage character and I'd be very curious to see how you'd work her moveset. Speaking of your old post, how do you feel about a Marvel char?
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#639  September 10, 2024, 04:36:04 am
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I'd have to give potential Capcom characters some thought, but for SNK ones the thought of solid versions of Chizuru or Kasumi (especially to go with Todo) coded by you has got me all giddy. ^^

K', the New Faces, and a new Samurai Shodown character are also very welcome additions to your vault.
Re: KarmaCharmeleon's WIP thread: What is next?
#640  September 10, 2024, 10:29:17 pm
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And Terry (garou outfit)?