
King of Fighters E blog (Read 1443588 times)

Started by swipergod, November 14, 2007, 02:53:22 am
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King of Fighters E blog
#1  November 14, 2007, 02:53:22 am
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***Note: This posting has been modified to bring the information here up to date***

Hello All,

Eight years and counting and we're almost there. Four core characters remain plus one bonus.  I have made it a personal goal to get each and every character finished.  What brought this about?  I wanted to share what I've been doing privately with all of you and get some feedback and promote more full games (not just compilations).  I'm a big fan of KOF and ever since discovering Mugen, I've wanted to create my own KOF game.  I've been downloading characters (sometimes upto 3 versions) to use their sprite sheets and modding them.  I don't like the flash of dream cancels and XX hit endless chains.  I prefer the KOF98/Super Street Fighter 2 style of play.  I've also been trying to limit the coding differences between the characters.  My idea is to:

70 characters.  Sub-bosses will have slightly altered priority, but shouldn't be drastically overpowering.  Bosses will have high priority and exceptional abilities, however, in order for them to be beatable, they still have recovery time and plenty of hitby frames.  Each character should:

-Eventually use CCIron Mugen's base as their system (blessing received, thanks CCI).

-Minimize sprite recycling. 

-Have 5-6 Special Moves.

-2 DMs, an SDM and an HSDM.

-2 original throws.

-Remain loyal to that character's original design (no Clarks throwing fireballs here), but add a fitting move if, for example, they have a awkward HSDM or only 4 specials.

-Simplify commands so the skill of the game isn't who can do a Raging Storm, but who can use it more effectively.

-Have universal hitstates including Mary snaps and Collapse KOs

-Have a tag mode code for simul 

Characters with beta versions:
Hotaru, Shen, Billy, Eiji, Gato, Heidern, Lee Pai Long, May Lee, Duo Lon, Chris, Yashiro, Shermie, Goro, Ralf, Clark, Xiangfei, Mary, Ash, Elisabeth, Kensou, Adel, Ж', Jenet, Rock, Maxima, Mature, Vice, Yamazaki, Kula, Andy, Robert, Benimaru, Athena, Kyo, Yuri, Jhun, Vanessa, Joe, Ryo, Angel, Kasumi, Iori, K', Leona, Mai, Kim, Whip, Terry, King.  Sub-Boss: Mr. Big, Mr. Karate, Geese, Krauser, Saisyu.  Boss: Krizalid, Rugal, Chizuru, Goenitz.  Final Boss: Zero,Orochi, Neo-Dio, Goddess Special Entry: Shiki

Currently working on: Tung
Up next: Oswald
Ongoing project: Raiden

Characters on the to do list:
Ryuhaku, John, Silver.  Speicla Entry: Nakoruru.

Anyway there's the project.  I would just like to add that I have the utmost respect for all the Mugen creator's whose work I've modded.  I have noted all borrowed codes and plan to give each modded character proper credit.  Something someone said about Mugen creation once, "Mugen would be so much stronger if people shared with each other instead of competed against each other."  I agree.  Thoughts, comments, ideas, suggestions.  I'll continue to throw videos on youtube every time I complete a character.  Help is always welcome.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 12:07:42 pm by swipergod
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#2  November 14, 2007, 12:24:46 pm
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All I got to say about that is (A) right on, and (B) sounds like an immense number of man-hours.
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#3  November 14, 2007, 03:36:56 pm
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Indeed. Its not just a "little mugen project".
It probably took you years to do this! Good luck to you my good man.
That would be an epic release.

ironic signature because this is interesting text

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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#4  November 14, 2007, 04:44:13 pm
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Thanks.  I started learning the code and sprite ripping in January, so it's been awhile.  I'll try to get at least a couple videos up this weekend.

New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#5  November 18, 2007, 02:44:01 am
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King's video is up too:

I posted 5 videos without sound (my soundcard doesn't allow sound to record):


You'll probably notice little changes made to certain animations and moves.  The exhibitions are in training mode and show the throws, unique moves, specials, DMs, SDMs and HSDMs of each character.  I know super sparks and effects are inconsistent.  That's part of what I'm working on fixing.  I'll put up a vid of King soon.  She's almost finished.  If you want to see more character vids, let me know.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 01:19:12 am by swipergod
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#6  November 19, 2007, 08:35:22 am
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this feels so similar to what I was dreaming a year ago. Except i had a bunch of so called mugen "elites" come in and call me a leech and tell me I could never do what I wanted, and that I was lazy.

1 year later, I've basically turned a lot of heads.

My advice to you is just to take it one piece at a time and eventually you'll get there.
I'm Basically Retired. Don't ask me to code or create anything, All my stuff is open source.\
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#7  November 20, 2007, 04:48:19 pm
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Thanks for the advice and good luck with your own ongoing project!  I'm going to keep posting videos throughout the week.  Just search for videos by swipergod on youtube.  Leona, Geese, Athena and Kim should go up this week for sure.  Just to let you all know, so I don't continue to spam my own topic with "this video is up and that video is up".  On a side note, I'm surprised Mai the most popular posted character so far (I figured Ryu would've been) and that Rock's a distant second.

The next step for me is to finish up the universal skeleton to be used by all characters and start porting the character's moves over.  After I've done that, I'll start the other characters.  If someone has a good way for me to rip orochi shermie's voice from kof 2002 + her striker laugh from 2000 let me know.  I've tried with nebula jukebox, but I can't get the mame rom I have to work with it.  Neorage a good alternative?  Keep the comments, advice and suggestions coming.  Thanks.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#8  November 20, 2007, 05:56:14 pm
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want your post to be moved to projects?
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#9  November 20, 2007, 06:09:27 pm
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Good fortune on your project, good ol' kid!!

Just like EZ said, "[This is gonna] be an epic release." (Evil Zangief)
Signature by my pal, Signature Queen TempesT!!

Re: A Little Mugen Project
#10  November 21, 2007, 04:51:21 pm
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I know I said I wouldn't keep posting when I threw up new vids, but I'd also like to grab a couple of opinions for effects I've added. 

I gave Kim his phoenix explode from Real Bout and I think it looks alright, but was wondering what others thought (framerate skips in the vid unfortunately).  I'll be posting vids of K', Athena and Yuri today or tomorrow.  For K', I've given him a new HSDM along the lines of Freeman "walking counter".  Just wondering if it looks alright.  Also for King (who I've already posted), what do people think of the Real Bout 2 HSDM effect I threw in? 

Anyway, here are the 3 new ones posted so far.  After I post the next 3, I won't be able to post anything for a couple of weeks (gotta get ready for my move to a new city).  So enjoy these for now.


Edit: Added:

Athena (Extremely early alpha):
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: November 22, 2007, 04:42:19 am by swipergod
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#11  December 10, 2007, 09:08:45 am
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I've added Terry to the mix.  I basically did a direct conversion from Sander's coding to CCI's coding skipping the alpha phase of the conversion.  Took 3 days.  I think Terry turned out pretty good.  A shame I can't post sound with my recorder.  Anyway Beta Terry is up and on youtube here:

I've also posted videos for alpha Benimaru:
and alpha Kasumi (Still looking to give her her 96 throw):

Success with Terry even when trudging through Sander's complex coding to simplify it gives me a lot of confidence with the project.  Especially the end result.  I'll be hitting up Kyo, Iori and Ash next, if I can't get Orochi Shermie's Voices (I'd like to do her next).  As usual, I'll keep you posted.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 01:17:20 am by swipergod
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#12  December 10, 2007, 05:22:33 pm
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heh, sander's terry... i am curious as in what did you change on terry's code, so please elaborate.
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#13  December 10, 2007, 07:02:11 pm
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Sander's coding was a nightmare to translate for me because I have just a bit more than basic knowledge.  Basically I had to change all the 5000 states (hit states) and block states so they matched CCI's coding (to universalize everything) and re-number all the airs that I needed to use in Sanders animations (78658885 to 220 for a fierce punch for example).  I also had to either add or remove variables that existed in Sander's coding that didn't exist or existed as a different variable in CCI's coding (such as the Fvar).  I had to change damage, velocities, priorities, poweradd and I removed the Floor coding (admittedly I don't yet understand Floor and Ceil coding).  Changed motions, removed a lot of moves (his Terry had like 80 specials), altered a few (slide into power charge!), added some new sprites and sounds etc...

Basically all the Basic techniques (attacks, evades, quick recover, counters, counter throws etc...) are directly coded from CCI with ported animations, sounds, sparks and coding tweeks.  All the Throws and Specials/DMs are Sander's code modified to function under CCI standards (removing such coding as !Time = !Stateno so Terry wouldn't pass through the floor when doing a Crackshoot).  Unfortunately, this technique removes Sanders excellect AI coding, but once I've finished transferring all the characters, I plan on learning AI programming so I can hopefully fix that.  Honestly, I don't expect other characters to be as hard to code.  Hopefully that clears things up for ya.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#14  December 11, 2007, 09:19:39 am
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very interesting and epic project as has been said.  if you accomplish even half of it this will be a major step forward for the whole open source movement...which I am in full support of.

A full balanced KOF game using already made characters as a base is just perfect as far as I am concerned.

Much luck on this one.
Latest Yoshi alpha ready for feedback Aug 15th check here for details...
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#15  December 11, 2007, 03:28:59 pm
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I'm a HUGE KOF Fan too ;D

Good Luck With Ur Project :sugoi:
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#16  December 11, 2007, 06:04:41 pm
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so, you removed most of sander's code and left most of mine... except for all the specials you removed, of course.
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#17  December 12, 2007, 05:01:39 am
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Translating all the code to CCI's (yours) would just be too much I think.  I'm a really big fan of your coding though, which is why I'm trying to use as much of it as possible.  I have your code to thank for teaching me how this crazy Mugen world works, so Thanks!  Thanks goes out to all those throwing in their support.  I've almost finished Mr. Karate.  It seems 3 days is the magic number for all these translations.  I  will most likely finish, just because the results are so promising.  I'll have a heck of a time with characters like Kula and Chizuru, which is why I'm leaving them until last.  Those will take more than a couple days for sure.  When I finish Karate, I'll throw up his Video and a couple more Alphas.
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Re: A Little Mugen Project
#18  December 13, 2007, 06:35:13 am
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Okay, finished the Mr. Karate beta.  Think he turned out even better than Terry.  Lot more original coding from me though.  May wind up releasing him a bit earlier down the road so you can get a feel for what I'm trying to do.  Would at least like to try and get permission from the relevant parties first though.  Honestly, I was disappointed with all the Mr.Karate/Takumas out there which is why I'm considering the early release.  The AI is pitiful though.

Mr. Karate:
Billy Kane:
B. Jenet (yes I removed Rolling Thunder, sorry):

So a few more things I figure I'd share for people who might be wondering what's the difference between alpha and beta aside a little knit-picking.  Alpha are characters whose move sets have been altered to fit the image of the character I'm trying to make (removing moves, modifying moves, adding new moves).  A beta incorporates more of the mechanics:

Adjusting all shared animations to one standard (basically make everything match).
Give everyone those awesome super explodes for levels 1,2 and 3.
Giving everyone universal rolls and quick recovery from a fall.
Give everyone counter throw animations (giving and receiving).
KOF Style Alpha counters and Escape rolls.

Things that are not in this game:  Dizzying (unless it's specific for a move like Ryo's Super Punch), Guard Crush (Never liked this feature in games) and Air Recovery (seeing how this game tries to stay away from the infinite juggling play style, it isn't necessary).

I'm thinking of doing Whip next and then Iori, but I'm gonna take a break for a bit.  Once i finish two more characters, I'm gonna convert all the alpha's to beta's before finishing the last stretch.  Going from beta to final will be the priority check, two in one programing, hit/guardflag check, poweradd/damage check, attr check and basic AI.  That'll be a long time coming.  I'll be satisfied if I can just get the betas done for now.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 01:16:14 am by swipergod
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#19  December 14, 2007, 01:15:10 am
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New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 01:19:59 am by swipergod
Re: A Little Mugen Project
#20  December 23, 2007, 03:30:57 am
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I've completed Whip.  Much like the other betas, I'm feeling really good about this one.  I've touched up some sprites (I'm not very good at sprite editing, so it took forever) and will be posting those in the resources section.  She has a revamped gun attack.  It's slow, but unblockable.  However the high shot can be ducked, while the low shot cannot hit jumping opponents.  ;)  .  She also has a new throw and her fwd +p attack has been modified into an SDM.  She also has her XI DM. 


Will need some help with a couple sprites that I simply can't edit (Mary ankle snap animations) and still looking for someone willing to help me with voice ripping, but I'll request those it the request section.  Also be posting Kasumi's 96 throw animation in 99 style.  Couldn't do anything about the pants unfortunately.

Also, I cut out Ryu from the game in favor of adding Gato, and moved Rugal to the boss section to take his place.  I've tuned little things for the betas as well like poweradds, fall.recovers and damage.  The balance is great.  I'll be editing a couple of the alpha's next (probably Mai and Kim), before going on to Iori.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs: