
MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit) (Read 978336 times)

Started by Iced, August 14, 2013, 11:52:41 pm
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Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#41  August 23, 2013, 03:47:23 am
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This is probably one of the nicest and coolest things I've seen guys on here do!  Really, a good idea and young players and editors alike will welcome this!
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#42  August 23, 2013, 10:53:48 am
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I can comment up one of my characters. Or I could probably do one of PotS's, I guess.
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#43  August 23, 2013, 11:02:36 am
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Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#44  August 23, 2013, 11:48:11 am
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I would, aye.
I am working on something here to add to this pack thingy.
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Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#45  August 23, 2013, 11:53:57 am
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ive gotten dshiznet old pokemon chars to add to this. Im not sure how many I will add, but they arent avaliable anywhere else and they have a distinct sprite style so I think they will be good additions.
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#46  August 23, 2013, 03:35:37 pm
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Needs more "other" versions of KFM.

At first, I was thinking for a side by side comparison, but, then I thought it wouldn't be needed next to a totally new character.  Nevermind.
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#47  August 23, 2013, 03:52:52 pm
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Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#48  August 23, 2013, 04:44:20 pm
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As much as I'd like to, my chars are more updated too frequently for me to be ok with one build being used ._. Although my marvel stuff should be fine (DO NOT USE AKUMA/GOUKI). What exactly did you want me to give since I have so many different things?
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Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#49  August 23, 2013, 08:42:33 pm
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I want you to look through and pick yourself something, one or two, characters that show your work and you are proud of.

this character will be most likely used as code learning for beginners and it will interest them on your work further.
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#50  August 23, 2013, 11:37:14 pm
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As much as I'd like to, my chars are more updated too frequently for me to be ok with one build being used ._. Although my marvel stuff should be fine (DO NOT USE AKUMA/GOUKI). What exactly did you want me to give since I have so many different things?

I reccomend your Yang  :sugoi:
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#51  August 23, 2013, 11:38:42 pm
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also is it possible to recommend characters cuz i got a few in mind
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#52  August 23, 2013, 11:44:51 pm
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It's not only possible. It's encouraged!

Iced, if I don't get the links document finished today I'll try to finish it Tuesday (work sat-mon)
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#53  August 24, 2013, 02:39:15 am
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Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#54  August 24, 2013, 03:02:32 am
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I'll be doing Vice and Geese. Might update Geese's projectile code while I'm at it.
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#55  August 26, 2013, 07:33:39 pm
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Needs more "other" versions of KFM.

At first, I was thinking for a side by side comparison, but, then I thought it wouldn't be needed next to a totally new character.  Nevermind.

The list in the 1st post doesn't mention Elecbyte's own default KFM, that'd be  an important one to include as a baseline of sorts.

It's not only possible. It's encouraged!

Then I recommend something by 3ha - gotta love his mashup characters.

Splode's Randy Green also had some pretty interesting features (namely, a level up system and a menu to manage stats after a battle), as did his Rogue - although Eli's was also pretty feature packed.

Nobody ever converted Necromancer's old version of Piccolo to a more modern version of Mugen, I take it? It was impressively feature-packed: level up system, doubled himself and the AI for the double was entirely independent, not to mention a bunch of other stuff.
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#56  August 28, 2013, 10:22:44 am
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The list in the 1st post doesn't mention Elecbyte's own default KFM, that'd be  an important one to include as a baseline of sorts.

I have links for elecbyte site to get mugen from, I didnt include elecbyte kfm the same way that I didnt include their engine. It already comes prepacked.
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#57  September 05, 2013, 05:58:14 am
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maybe it's useful, maybe not, but my hospital stage has vertical parallax achieved sith some cheating. If there's another stage with that feature I haven't seen it!
Just saying, if it doens't add then leave it :D
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Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#58  September 08, 2013, 06:55:07 am
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Shouldn't there be a mvc char or does Sean's chars represent that
Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#59  September 08, 2013, 11:09:57 pm
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Re: MUGEN Guild starter pack: Attack Regulation A (a prepacked MUGEN starter kit)
#60  September 08, 2013, 11:10:42 pm
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I recall Kamekaze being asked about his MvC2 chars being included a while back.
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?