
In request of a 2nd look. (Read 1392 times)

Started by Ogre., October 23, 2020, 08:47:48 am
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In request of a 2nd look.
#1  October 23, 2020, 08:47:48 am
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Library error message:
9952: Fatal: Player GoukiHD (56) in state 5086: malformed expression

Error detected.

Clipboard tail:
9950: Warning: Player Asura_L (498) in state 5020: has no target with hit ID -1
9950: Warning: Player Asura_L (498) in state 5020: has no target with hit ID -1
9950: Warning: Player AIconfig (504) in state 33000: has no helper 33002
9950: Warning: Player AIconfig (504) in state 33000: has no helper 33002
9950: Warning: Player AIconfig (504) in state 33000: has no helper 33002
9950: Warning: Player AI Helper (509) in state 9741: changed to invalid state 9741 (from state 9741)

9951: Warning: Player Cyborg (499) in state 220: has no target with hit ID -1
9951: Warning: Player Cyborg (499) in state 220: has no target with hit ID -1
9951: Warning: Player Cyborg (499) in state 220: has no target with hit ID -1
9951: Warning: Player Cyborg (499) in state 220: has no target with hit ID -1
9951: Warning: Player Asura_L (498) in state 5020: has no target with hit ID -1
9951: Warning: Player Asura_L (498) in state 5020: has no target with hit ID -1
9951: Warning: Player Asura_L (498) in state 5020: has no target with hit ID -1
9951: Warning: Player Asura_L (498) in state 5020: has no target with hit ID -1
9951: Warning: Player AIconfig (504) in state 33000: has no helper 33002
9951: Warning: Player AIconfig (504) in state 33000: has no helper 33002
9951: Warning: Player AIconfig (504) in state 33000: has no helper 33002
9951: Warning: Player AI Helper (509) in state 9741: changed to invalid state 9741 (from state 9741)

I put the triggerall=numbertarget thingy in State 33000 for Cyborg, but no help finding the other files, numbers, or errors
Re: In request of a 2nd look.
#2  October 25, 2020, 11:38:16 am
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So it seems like you were playing with 3 characters, and all of them posted errors.
Is GoukiHD a character? or is it the name of a helper?
Those errors should be easily tracked down using Fighter Factory 3. There should be a Red X in the bottom right of the program. You can get it to pop open a list off errors. Double click each error and it should bring you to it. Some times it's a little harder to figure out where it brought you to exactly, but give it a go.
vVv Ryuko718 Updated 10/31/22 vVv
Re: In request of a 2nd look.
#3  October 25, 2020, 10:32:46 pm
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Think only the 5086 one is a game breaker? Youll need to look in 5086 and see where the math is.

First error needs a numtarget
Aiconfig needs a numhelper trigger
Aihelper has a constant changestate to an invalid state. Someone did something very wrong.
Cyborg needs a numtarget trigger as well.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.