
Screenpack/presentation idea thread (Read 363171 times)

Started by Memo, April 12, 2017, 03:35:02 am
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Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#1  April 12, 2017, 03:35:02 am
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    • Puerto Rico
I want to discuss screenpack ideas here,  feel free to
post any I currently don't have many besides what I
would like the logo to be.  Similar to the first games
but with a "aged beat-up" look and a number 2 behind it.
I'm not good with art so if you want to participate in
the project I really need help in this department!

Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 03:25:50 am by Memo
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#2  April 12, 2017, 03:26:34 pm
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    • UK
I have photoshop, so I could knock a logo together if you want me to. Does it have to be a particular size at all?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#3  April 12, 2017, 03:46:45 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#4  April 12, 2017, 05:27:09 pm
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    • UK
Well, I'm not sure about the "aged beat up" look, since my skills aren't that great, but I'll see what I can do.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#5  April 12, 2017, 06:16:43 pm
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Well, I'm not sure about the "aged beat up" look, since my skills aren't that great, but I'll see what I can do.

Haha sort of like it has cracks, colors faded a bit.
Like the old Jurassic park logo vs the sequels logo
It was all beat up and looked weathered down
Something like that
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#6  April 12, 2017, 08:46:30 pm
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    • UK
I've thrown something together, but I'm not entirely sure about it. The problem comes because I can't just rip the old Capcom vs. The World logo, so I decided to create a new one from scratch.

Thoughts? Criticisms? Think you can give directions on what I should be doing?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#7  April 12, 2017, 08:48:14 pm
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If you really want to drive in the point in my opinion some cracks would be nice. Or have it look like it's glitching out based on the idea in the original that you were fighting on holographic stages.
Edit: The new logo looks awesome also after some thinking perhaps in the future someone would make the globe image be the thing that glitches while everything else looks as it is. Regardless that's awesome what you did there.
Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 09:37:01 pm by Memes never die
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#8  April 12, 2017, 09:33:38 pm
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    • UK
If you really want to drive in the point in my opinion some cracks would be nice. Or have it look like it's glitching out based on the idea in the original that you were fighting on holographic stages.

Those are some cool ideas, but I'm afraid I'm not skilled enough to convey the glitchy sort of look. That's probably best left to the experts :P.

btw, I tried again.

What do you think this time?

Also, as for the rest of the screenpack - judging from the kind of logo you're asking for, it seems to me like you're trying for a sort of urban, grungy theme, or at least as close to one as you can get without completely ruining the whole "World" aspect. Perhaps a look at Final Fight: The Revenge will give you some ideas on what to look for? And I think City_Hunter's pretty good at making lifebars - you should check out his topic and see if anything he makes would be suitable. Be warned, though, that he mostly does things for the 640x480 resolution, so if you want hi-res stuff you'd have to look elsewhere :P
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#9  April 12, 2017, 10:25:35 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
I like that first one, its different but looks cool.
I had invisioned the globe behind the logo
Like the original but what you did still looks
Good. That glitchy logo idea sounds interesting
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#10  April 12, 2017, 10:49:30 pm
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    • UK
Alright, based on what you said, I made a few changes based on the first logo:

What do you think?
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#11  April 12, 2017, 11:21:06 pm
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I might have a go.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#12  April 12, 2017, 11:34:28 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
Alright, based on what you said, I made a few changes based on the first logo:

What do you think?

look nice but the words should have shadows behind them so they read clearly
some letters blend into the globe too much.
I like the fonts you have and the globe in the word "world"

I might have a go.

Go for it dude I'm trying to get as many members who want to participate
In this to bring out some ideas and concepts
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#13  April 13, 2017, 01:08:13 pm
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    • UK
Two more attempts at the logo, this time by throwing in some shadows.

Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#14  April 13, 2017, 05:53:33 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#15  April 14, 2017, 03:15:32 am
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  • Screenpack Maker EX
Try moving the bottom font, to the center more. Just recenter the fonts, so the words are dead in the middle. Looking good, I might post something from one of my abandon projects. Good luck and keep it rocking guy's.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#16  April 14, 2017, 03:50:41 am
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I did a thing, not completely to spec my bad. I'll be away for Easter too so I probably won't be able to work more on it until Tuesday.


Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#17  April 14, 2017, 04:08:57 am
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    • USA
oh my god thats perfect
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#18  April 14, 2017, 06:49:03 am
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    • Puerto Rico

I did a thing, not completely to spec my bad. I'll be away for Easter too so I probably won't be able to work more on it until Tuesday.

That is perfect, looks official omg I love it. I want that right there, it looks like a nice
beginning to the screenpack.  The colors are perfect too, they could fit any part of
the screenpack.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#19  April 14, 2017, 07:03:48 am
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  • Master Relic Tech
  • Screenpack Maker EX
Awesome design, wonder what the screen pack could look like.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#20  April 14, 2017, 08:27:04 am
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    • UK
Okay, yeah, that just blew all of my efforts out of the water. That thing looks amazing and far better than anything I could produce. Good work, man :D

So yeah, might as well leave it up to you guys now. I might throw some concepts here now and again, but it's pretty clear I'm outmatched :P