
FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread (Read 95002 times)

Started by FeLo_Llop, November 10, 2013, 06:32:44 pm
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#21  November 11, 2013, 11:19:38 pm
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My god I'm going to shit my pants XD

Oh, and kudos to Iced for layin' down the law :smug:
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#22  November 11, 2013, 11:44:25 pm
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Good luck with this FeLo! Amazing work as always, prices are perfect but if you ask me I personally think you should charge more because of the amazing quality you dish out.
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#23  November 11, 2013, 11:53:55 pm
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Tit's donation progress bar idea is perfect for Juri. She's high enough profile for people to want to donate for her completion, I think. Given the quality of the sprite sets you've been working on already, it's pretty much guaranteed to get support.

I'll be commissioning you soon, sir.
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#24  November 12, 2013, 12:37:57 am
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    • Sweden
What I've seen of your work on Rose and Viper has been great and I would happily throw some money your way towards Juri getting made - if I wasn't completely broke myself, that is.  :( for now all I can give you is my moral support and best wishes. Good luck with your efforts.
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#25  November 12, 2013, 02:54:23 am
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I'd donate some towards the $500 pot.
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#26  November 12, 2013, 03:10:59 am
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cool to see you are taking comission i might comission you something one day but before that i need money otherwise good luck bro
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#27  November 12, 2013, 05:04:23 pm
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I was curious to how the Angel (KoF) palette would look on Juri so I did this. The last is supposed to be Jolyne Kujo, but I'm not too proud of it. (*Even I wouldn't want her to be CS'd THIS much)
Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 05:07:29 pm by Drex
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#28  November 12, 2013, 05:15:58 pm
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I would be down to chip in for the sprites, but with CS like that I have no clue if it would actually get finished.
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#29  November 12, 2013, 05:23:58 pm
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I just want to make it clear that what I posted is way more separation than what Felo is actually suggesting. Also it wouldn't be that hard to do. One could do a separation like the one I posted in a week given enough free time. I just think it's a bit unnecessary when considering someone trying to make palettes for it.

Felo, I'm not able to contribute any money towards this yet, but would you consider making the straps that connect her halter top more than one shade?

It'd be nice if we were able to make those straps a lighter color or disappear completely like you can do with the designs on the front of her halter top.
Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 05:44:14 pm by Drex
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#30  November 12, 2013, 11:41:41 pm
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- Sean: Thanks man! I'm sure it's going to be fine :D!

- Reck: LOL...that shit thing was cool. Funny, indeed :P!

- Hien: Thanks! Also, Juri's price has the double treatment: full sheet + SF related. If, for example a character from...whatever game not related to SF, the sprites would cost 2'5€. That's why she's so cheap.

- [Judas]: Thanks, man! Also, how you, that are FAR BETTER than me can comission me? my work is like a 5 YO kid's compared to your awesomeness! Also, I'll PM you later ;)!

- Jiggeh: Thanks, dude!! Also, don't worry man. These are rough times for everyone. I myself want to save money and leaving my country for finding an actual work,since here islike...impossible :/

- Snackist: O_o? WUUT?

- LordSinistro: thanks, man!

- Drex: That's mostly the colour separation I thought for her, except the colours from face are shared with fingers and feet. Black things(belt, lines, etc) shares the tones(except the hair), and the pink details are divided in two groups. Aside that, it's what I had in mind :). Also, those paletes are awesome *_*!! About the straps: I had them in two colours(shared with belt, etc), just didn't do that in the standing sprite(dunno why D: ). I guess you're right in the time for the CS(with some free time, have to say). I had Adon(for Basara's version) in one week and a half, and that with like 10 minutes free every day :/.

- JMorphman: that's the reason why I leave the CS in the final steps of the completation. Why? because before CSing, I have all the sprites in a sheet: this way i can quickly finding out if I have wrong colours, correcting them and then, applying the colour separation. I'm not saying it's easy, though :P.

- Pusha 2: It's, by far, the hardest CS I would ever do(gotta admit), but not the first. It's all about having everything well organized. That's why I'm so unyielding while spriting. I can make the SAME sprite three times untill I'm happy with the result :/. If the result pays off, it's ok :)

Have a nice day!!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#31  November 13, 2013, 12:05:29 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Felo, I think you don't give yourself enough credit with your own spriting man lol. You just can't (and shouldn't really) compare yourself to anyone else's spriting, since everyone does things differently for the most part. But that's my two cents on that~ While I wouldn't pay for commissions myself (mostly due to needing the money myself and well...needing to get money lol...), it'll be interesting to see Juri in action (though I'm honestly curious what's with all the love for Juri?? I've seen her played and whatnot in SFIV and I don't see where all the love is coming from myself lol).
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#32  November 13, 2013, 01:34:42 am
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You're finally opening up commissions! I was considering commissioning you myself when I get the cash. I really like your style. Do you think that you'd be able to Jun from Tekken Tag 2 in your CvS+ style? I'll wait a bit because I'd like a full sheet, if that's okay. Your work is very cool and I think that you're very talented. I'd also like to chip in on Juri, but I can't right now. I have the money, but I don't have my card. Looking forward to any other projects that you may have! ^^
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#33  November 13, 2013, 05:16:23 am
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I had an idea or two about  possible colour separation,tell me what do you think of this:
- Feet, fingers and face shares the same colours. This leaves shoulder, first "chest" division and arm with a different colour. Belly has a different colour.
- Hair: Maybe two variations. Horns and back hair is colour one, while strings i the sides are different--->JOLYNE KUJO!
- Sleeves and gloves: not sharing their colours with chest and details.
- Legs(inside): don't share it wth the pink details!!

So, with this separation there are some nice variations:
- Angel(KoF)
- ShadowLaw DOLL (whoever)
- Jolyne Kujo(somehow)
- One of her previous designs.

Have a nice day!
I was curious to how the Angel (KoF) palette would look on Juri so I did this. The last is supposed to be Jolyne Kujo, but I'm not too proud of it. (*Even I wouldn't want her to be CS'd THIS much)
- Drex: That's mostly the colour separation I thought for her, except the colours from face are shared with fingers and feet. Black things(belt, lines, etc) shares the tones(except the hair), and the pink details are divided in two groups. Aside that, it's what I had in mind :). Also, those paletes are awesome *_*!! About the straps: I had them in two colours(shared with belt, etc), just didn't do that in the standing sprite(dunno why D: ). I guess you're right in the time for the CS(with some free time, have to say). I had Adon(for Basara's version) in one week and a half, and that with like 10 minutes free every day :/.

Sounds/Looks good to me though can't all those examples be made even with her stomach and arms sharing the same color unless it's the previous design one that requires it not sure which design it is since she has quite a few.
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#34  November 13, 2013, 06:24:43 am
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- JMorphman: that's the reason why I leave the CS in the final steps of the completation. Why? because before CSing, I have all the sprites in a sheet: this way i can quickly finding out if I have wrong colours, correcting them and then, applying the colour separation. I'm not saying it's easy, though :P.
Ah, I see.

Still, that level of CS makes my head hurt. :(
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#35  November 13, 2013, 10:06:10 pm
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Felo,  Is there a way we could talk at length about this?  I'd like to hire your services but i'd like to discuss which characters are more to your liking first.  They would all be capcom characters of course.
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#36  November 13, 2013, 10:35:20 pm
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please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#37  November 13, 2013, 10:58:51 pm
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- Xenomic: There's a lot of people better than me, that's the truth. It's not me doubting about me, just saying that there are others who are better, that's all :). About Juri's liking...well, she's the very first "evil" taekwondo fighter, also a psychotic taekwonbitch, super powereful(storywise) with a good background story and her, that's what makes Juri SO awesome. Except her horns. Those horns could be burn in Hell. With kimchi. I hate kimchi D:.

- SageHarpuia: Jun is one of my mains from her first time(T2!). Also, I'm now booked with Viper and Juri, so she would be in a next state if you still want to comission her :).

- Girard: I'll send you a CS test I did for you, Buckus and MM ;)

- JMorphman: Don't worry man. Also, how can you be like that with Chun Li's and Vice's CS you did? Those are hella' crazy!(and awesome!)

- Beximus: heheeee!! I was going to PM you!! Tell me what you're thinking in, by PM. But I wouldn't start in that untill finishing Juri.

- maximilianjenus: Ah, women. Origin and solution of men's problems!!(somehow like beer..but of course, you can't drink a woman or "having fun" with a beer, well...wait....yes, you can, but is too weird @_@)

Have a nice day!
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#38  November 13, 2013, 11:14:48 pm
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Ah, ok. I thought you were putting yourself down or doubting yourself or something lol (that's my job to do to myself, nobody else!). And I guess to each their own (I personally don't care much for Juri but that's me. Although I do agree on those horns. Those are...a thing, that's for sure...). That outfit too is a thing in my eyes as well, but I guess there's worse outfits out there than hers lol.
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#39  November 13, 2013, 11:27:18 pm
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please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females, please be females

 :smug:   yes it's female...
Re: FeLo_Llop's Comissions thread
#40  November 13, 2013, 11:39:23 pm
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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(Is trying to think of who it could be, but cannot)

Darn...I'm hoping it's a smexy good female. : O