
best kof 2002um conversion and creators (Read 10710 times)

Started by kamui 2.0, October 22, 2024, 05:15:56 pm
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best kof 2002um conversion and creators
#1  October 22, 2024, 05:15:56 pm
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best kof 2002um perfect conversion and creators
I know ikagura, and vans
I don't know much about kof stuffy in mugen, some could u suggest me some creators ?
Where I find all chars converded to 2002um version ?
Last Edit: October 22, 2024, 05:36:24 pm by kamui 2.0
Re: best kof 2002um conversion and creators
#2  October 28, 2024, 09:22:08 am
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My real life is coming soon........!
Re: best kof 2002um conversion and creators
#3  October 28, 2024, 06:34:18 pm
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  • Your Average MFG Forum Member
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best kof 2002um perfect conversion and creators
I know ikagura, and vans
I don't know much about kof stuffy in mugen, some could u suggest me some creators ?
Where I find all chars converded to 2002um version ?

List Of Authors:


Homina Homina Homina
Re: best kof 2002um conversion and creators
#4  October 28, 2024, 07:21:08 pm
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  • Guilty Gear XRD Rev Mugen Stages
  • We live in a society
    • Dominica
best kof 2002um perfect conversion and creators
I know ikagura, and vans
I don't know much about kof stuffy in mugen, some could u suggest me some creators ?
Where I find all chars converded to 2002um version ?

Some that are not necessarily from KOF 2002 or UM(Some cheat from my part):
Soy Sauce
Juke Kisaragi

Only mentioned for the Edits:

The most mentioned:
Last Edit: October 28, 2024, 11:12:20 pm by Kamui_De_Los_Vientos
Re: best kof 2002um conversion and creators
#5  October 28, 2024, 07:27:28 pm
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  • Runs his mouth more than he does actually play
    • USA
Juke and soy sauce feel more like general KoF than specifically 2002 or UM, so I probably wouldnt list them
For some authors nobody else has mentioned yet, I could probably mention mondregon and noobic cube, who have done 2002 UM conversions but probably aren't as good as the others people have brought up
Re: best kof 2002um conversion and creators
#6  October 28, 2024, 08:03:26 pm
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    • Mexico
For me, Ikaruga's are the best.
Re: best kof 2002um conversion and creators
#7  October 28, 2024, 10:56:21 pm
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  • Guilty Gear XRD Rev Mugen Stages
  • We live in a society
    • Dominica
Juke and soy sauce feel more like general KoF than specifically 2002 or UM, so I probably wouldnt list them
For some authors nobody else has mentioned yet, I could probably mention mondregon and noobic cube, who have done 2002 UM conversions but probably aren't as good as the others people have brought up

I haven't tried the ones from Mondregon or the Noobic Cube. So at the moment i'm not sure if they are good or not.
Re: best kof 2002um conversion and creators
#8  November 17, 2024, 01:39:25 am
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thank u guys
I found some 02 um, but with a lot of bugs
I'll download the authors u said
thanks a lot