
Black Cat by Brazil Mugen Team (fixed many problems with her supers) (Read 25299 times)

Started by Macaulyn97, June 25, 2023, 09:34:04 pm
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Black Cat by Brazil Mugen Team (fixed many problems with her supers)
New #1  June 25, 2023, 09:34:04 pm
  • ****
    • Brazil

Just fixed a number of issues that this Black Cat had with her supers. I'm not really a coder, so its not perfect, but overall, some big issues were changed.

  • Most instances of her supers giving back power no longer occur (there are some minor situations in which it still happens, but I couldn't find how to fix them)
  • Some level 1 supers, which used to consume 2000 power, no longer do so
  • Level 3 super no longer consumes 4000 power
  • Level 2 supers can no longer be used while having less than 2000 power
  • "Special Hypers now are lvl 2 supers and thus, consume 2000 power
  • The first hit of Maximum Cat no longer consumes 500 power upon making contact with the enemy
Last Edit: November 26, 2023, 06:08:16 pm by Macaulyn97