
Capcom Shoto-Bonanza (Read 184532 times)

Started by swipergod, June 05, 2016, 03:20:04 am
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Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#21  June 11, 2016, 06:29:23 pm
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So I've been torn for awhile. Sagat vs Chun Li. I feel like Ryu needed a rival, but then we get no female representing SF. In a game that has Nakoruru, Mai and Morrigan, that feels a little criminal. Then I figured, screw the rivalry and put in the SF ambassadors. Here comes Chun Li:

Lightning Leg
Spinning Bird
Rising Kicks
Overhead Strike (SF3 style)

Lightning Leg Rush version 1
Lightning Leg Rush version 2
Super Kikosho (vs series)
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Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#22  June 11, 2016, 09:36:26 pm
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So I've been torn for awhile. Sagat vs Chun Li. I feel like Ryu needed a rival, but then we get no female representing SF. In a game that has Nakoruru, Mai and Morrigan, that feels a little criminal. Then I figured, screw the rivalry and put in the SF ambassadors. Here comes Chun Li:

Lightning Leg
Spinning Bird
Rising Kicks
Overhead Strike (SF3 style)

Lightning Leg Rush version 1
Lightning Leg Rush version 2
Super Kikosho (vs series)

You could just add in Chun-Li and keep Sagat anyway. Maybe as an optional post-release booster?
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#23  June 13, 2016, 01:08:55 pm
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We'll see what Sagat fate will be. For now, I'm going to focus on the 76 I've planned to do.
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Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#24  August 13, 2017, 09:01:05 pm
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So a year ago, I'd mentioned I'd have a Capcom team, then it evolved into a World Warriors team, with Tessa and Morrigan joining Nakoruru and Shiki as a special team. But I have to ask the question...

Doesn't the World Warriors seem a bit lonely all by themselves? I mean... Don't Cammy, Chun-Li, Guile and Ryu have... I dunno... villains or rivals... the same as Terry has Geese and K' has Nameless...

I'm trolling...
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Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#25  August 13, 2017, 09:14:31 pm
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You could add a Shadaloo team, composed of Bison (dictator), Balrog (boxer), Vega (claw), and Sagat. Pretty much all of the members of the World Warriors team hate Bison (killed Chun Li's father, thought to have killed Guile's friend Charlie, etc), Vega is often seen as a rival to Chun Li, and Ryu is sort of Sagat's rival. That's the best choice I can think of, personally, and all of them have sprites that were made for SvC Chaos.

Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#26  August 14, 2017, 11:45:37 pm
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What if I told you I was thinking the same thing. And not only that, but I had created a moveset for these new characters. Things are going so nicely with the World Warriors so far, so I feel inclined to add more and like you said, Shadoloo is already sprited. There's just this one problem. I don't know... it's kinda like something doesn't quite feel right... :)

vs vs vs

vs ???

See the boxer just doesn't feel right... but maybe there's someone else... Or maybe I feel another poll coming on... Only Metal Warrior knows for sure.
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Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#27  August 15, 2017, 01:11:27 am
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The best choice I can think of is Decapre. She's from Shadaloo, and a fitting rival for Cammy. Probably easy to sprite too :V

Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#28  August 15, 2017, 01:13:04 am
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fuck cammy´s rival well vega is one but the others are juri, juni, juli and his sister decapre is difficult for her
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#29  August 15, 2017, 01:14:32 am
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Well that sounds interesting. ;) I'll have something to show soon.
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Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#30  August 15, 2017, 08:51:29 pm
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fuck cammy´s rival well vega is one but the others are juri, juni, juli and his sister decapre is difficult for her

Well, Juri hates Bison, so can't imagine her teaming up with him. :y

Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#31  August 15, 2017, 10:11:43 pm
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Vega is actually Cammy's rival, people only think he's Chun-Li's rival because of the SF2 movie. Juri teamed up with M.Bison in SFxT, and would make perfect sense as Chun-Li's rival.
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#32  August 15, 2017, 11:31:20 pm
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i said juri beacuse juri loves mess with cammy
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#33  August 15, 2017, 11:37:48 pm
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Vega is actually Cammy's rival, people only think he's Chun-Li's rival because of the SF2 movie. Juri teamed up with M.Bison in SFxT, and would make perfect sense as Chun-Li's rival.

You know your stuff, also SFA3 story, followed by SFV if anyone cares about that.
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#34  August 16, 2017, 01:29:51 am
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The way I understand it, Bison may have killed Chun-Li's father or may have had him killed. It is implied (especilally in SFV) that Vega could have been involved with his death. Vega is Bison's right hand man, so it's likely he did whatever dirty deeds Bison wanted. Vega could be seen as Cammy's rival, but tends to have more of a soft spot for Cammy. And besides, the anime movie fight is a classic anime moment.

First post updated with Capcom Fighters movelist.
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Last Edit: August 16, 2017, 03:44:50 am by swipergod
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#35  August 23, 2017, 06:00:43 pm
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Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 06:08:21 pm by ink
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#36  August 25, 2017, 02:22:18 pm
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Hi Ink, thanks for sharing. As I'm updating characters now, I'll see where I might be able to use these. :)
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Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#37  August 25, 2017, 05:03:19 pm
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I am very interested in your Game. You are doing awesome. I don't know why but, I can't view some of your images. I want to ask wich topic has the full Character roster.

Also, is Morrigan the only decent Capcom Character in your Game? I believe most of your Capckm Characters are from Street Fighter.

Let me know if you need help with music, sounds or something else.
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#38  August 30, 2017, 01:57:17 pm
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Hey Omega, I would suggest going to my website to see the teams and the images of characters. Photobucket really screwed up by changing how they did business and cutting people off. There was a better way for them to do that, but whatever.

There's a whole Capcom team (teams) of SF characters and Tessa is also in the game. That's 10 whole Capcom characters.

Thanks for the offer to help. If there's anything I can think of, I'll let you know.

Soooo, the not so secret Cammy rival... the Doll Killer in two flavours. As always Metal Warrior has outdone himself

Arranged Jacket and tights style

Classic Style

Mix and Match
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Last Edit: August 30, 2017, 02:09:23 pm by swipergod
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#39  August 30, 2017, 08:35:06 pm
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I like the second mixed sprite (classic top with tights) the best.
Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 02:06:09 am by Zenotron
Re: Capcom Shoto-Bonanza
#40  August 30, 2017, 09:49:37 pm
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Hogging MW man lol
I'm tryna get this Falcon started.