
Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly (Read 313763 times)

Started by Sean Altly, June 09, 2020, 01:18:53 am
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Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#1  June 09, 2020, 01:18:53 am
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With SHADEs of Manhattan 3 done (save for the upcoming addition of The Specialist), I started working on a personal fun project that I wanted to do for a long time, Shawn Spencer from one of my favorite shows (Psych) with gameplay based partially on Phoenix Wright from UMVC3. I wanted to take a little break from spriting him and ended up going down a rabbit hole on Mugen Archive that, long story short, inspired me to return to Capcom vs The World.

I started messing around with those DBZ: Extreme Butoden sprites (I remember intending to use Balthazar's incredible Goku Z2 sprites but then the EB ones came out and they just fit the general sprite style of CvTW better) and next thing I knew I was coding Goku for CvTW '20. Here's a preview vid:

I should note that since I posted this video, I've fixed the Ki Blast sound as it was pointed out to me that the sound I used is for jumping in the DBZ universe, which I didn't know because I'm honestly not a big fan and had to base his gameplay and moves on what he had sprites for and on his moveset from Dragon Ball FighterZ. I've also added EX versions of every special, as well as aerial versions of all of his specials (except the command grab) because if there's one thing I DO know about DBZ, it's that those fuckers be fighting in the air a bunch.

Anyway, let me go ahead and say this: Whatever plans I had for the roster from when this game had its own sub-forum I'm disregarding, although some of those characters are still planned.

As far as what I am updating, right now it's just adding characters, and maybe a stage or two if I can find a couple that fit the style. I would love to update the whole thing to Mugen 1.1 with zoom and whatnot, but I'm not sure where to start. If anyone knows of a tutorial or guide to converting characters to 1.1 that would be great. If I decide to go to 1.1, it may result in new stages completely unless the existing stages have been updated at some point (still gotta do some research on this).

Here are the planned character additions for now:


1. Joe (SF1)
2. M. Bison (SF2)
3. Hinata (Rival Schools)
4. Jedah (Darkstalkers 3)
5. ???


-I know this is a lot of SF representation but I want the Joe sprites to get used for something, especially since I've added some animations to him recently, and I have to go with what sprites are available.
-For the fifth slot, I am considering Leon because I think I can salvage/improve on the sprites used in the MVC2 Leon released recently by O87-B, although I do wish I could get my hands on the animations that were finished for Li-Kun's version with the RE4 outfit, but I have no idea whatever happened to those.
-Fifth slot could also go to Frank West since I know Balmsold did end up finishing the sprites, though I do worry if they will fit in with the rest stylistically speaking
-Also considering C. Viper, which would require no sprite work by me and would up number of female characters in the game and add a little variety to the gameplay


1. Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
2. Mario Mario (Super Mario Bros. The Movie)
3. Shawn Spencer (PSych)
4. Billy the Blue Ranger (Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers)
5. Bloodtide (SHADEs of Manhattan)

-Some time last year someone messaged me about the Mario Mario sprites that Jango commissioned me to make. He told me that Jango said he had lost the sprites some time ago and never actually released a finished character using them. Luckily I still have them all and have decided to add him to the game in lieu of a more traditional Mario.
-Also, a friend suggested to me the other day that I add a Power Ranger to the game and then I realized that Balthazar made almost an entire sprite sheet for Billy and released it to the public. I've PMed him about what the intended movelist was for him so I can make proper use of the sprites.
-The addition of Bloodtide is simply for gameplay variety and so that I can make some use of these amazing sprites created by Pin but sent to me too late to be used for SHADEs 3.


It was also pointed out to me that there have been tons of new sprites and resources released since I last worked on the game, most of which I may be unaware of, so that being said, If anyone would like to suggest characters go ahead, as long as they have sprites that will fit into this game's style (so CVSish or stuff close to my style of sprites).

Going to add a video previewing Mario Mario later today, along with updated Goku stuff. Let me know what you fine folks think!

EDIT: Here it is:


Since people keep asking questions about the roster and don't seem to remember who is in the game already, here is the complete roster list from the last update I released several years ago:


Ryu (Street Fighter)
Chun-Li (Street Fighter II)
Charlie (Street Fighter Alpha)
Alex (Street Fighter III)
Jin Saotome (Cyberbots)
Mike Haggar (Final Fight)
Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
Jill valentine (Resident Evil)
Skullomania (Street Fighter EX)
Leo (Red Earth)
Megaman (Megaman)
Morrigan (Darkstalkers)
Ken (Street Fighter)
Mr. X (Resident Evil 2)
Strider Hiryu (Strider)


Jin Kazama (Tekken 3)
Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy VIII)
Blaze Fielding (Streets of Rage)
Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat)
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Lynn Baker (Rage of the Dragons)
Captain America (Marvel Universe)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear)
Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
K' (King of Fighters '99)
Superman (DC Universe)
Rorschach (DC Universe)
CM Punk (WWE)
Det. Garret Laurel (SHADEs of Manhattan 2)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)


CM Punk (Pre-BITW version) (WWE)
Sabotage (SHADEs of Manhattan)
Snow (SHADEs of Manhattan)
Adamas (SHADEs of Manhattan)
Cactuar (Final Fantasy VI)

And for good measure, here is the latest decision on the new characters


Guy (Final Fight)
M. Bison (Street Fighter II)
Jedah Dohma (Darkstalkers 3)
Fiona Belli (Haunting Ground/Demento)
Pure & Fur (Adventure Quiz: Capcom World 2)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)


Mario Mario (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Goku (Dragon Ball Z)
Bloodtide (SHADEs of Manhattan)
Shawn Spencer (Psych)
Jotaro Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Billy the Blue Ranger (Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers)


Joe (Street Fighter)
Kung Fu Man (Mugen)

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Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 02:13:53 am by Sean Altly
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#2  June 09, 2020, 01:49:05 am
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Wait, we have sprites for the Bob Hoskins Mario? I'd love to see that in action once that's complete.

And its nice to see this project come back too to finally get finished. Can't wait for more!

Mugen Things I Did/Battle Craze!!
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#3  June 09, 2020, 01:54:05 am
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Yeah man, and what's crazy is I made them back in like 2013 or 2014, the full set with a crumple anim and all the fixins. I avoided doing anything with them myself because Jango paid for them, but he never put anything out so it's probably way past fair game at this point.

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Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#4  June 09, 2020, 01:55:01 am
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Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#5  June 09, 2020, 01:56:06 am
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OMG, it is true! CvtW is back!! :D
Surely 2020 is the year of the great returns on MUGEN.
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#6  June 09, 2020, 01:59:15 am
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Kinda expected you to return to this at one point.

Ken could do with an update seeing there's Jmm's version which has better FX, more voices and what not.

Weren't there supposed to be 6 remaining chars though (On the visible selection)?
The World could get a 2nd SNK/KOF char, Terry being the safest choice for me (K' feels like a very secondary choice).
A 2nd Marvel char wouldn't hurt either.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#7  June 09, 2020, 02:00:53 am
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How about Spiderman? Color seperated sprites exist too.
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#8  June 09, 2020, 02:12:56 am
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Kinda expected you to return to this at one point.

Ken could do with an update seeing there's Jmm's version which has better FX, more voices and what not.

Weren't there supposed to be 6 remaining chars though (On the visible selection)?
The World could get a 2nd SNK/KOF char, Terry being the safest choice for me (K' feels like a very secondary choice).
A 2nd Marvel char wouldn't hurt either.

Yeah but I can always edit the select screen if I need to, I'm just trying not to overextend myself so I don't get burrnt out like last time.
Terry is a safe bet and I think there might actually be a CVTW edit of him out there already that I could start off with.
I had intended to add Dr. Doom originally, but he's on the backburner. Seriously considering Spider-Man due to popularity or Black Widow since there are decent sprites for her.

How about Spiderman? Color seperated sprites exist too.

Would you mind PMing me a link for them in case I decide to add him?

Also, I just added the Mario preview to the first post!

Download Last Bout now!
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#9  June 09, 2020, 02:15:07 am
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Black Widow will be an interesting choice.
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#10  June 09, 2020, 02:20:36 am
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Ok, that Mario is clean, not gonna lie.

Do you still have plans for Bosses and Sub-Bosses (e.g. One or Two for each Side)?
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#11  June 09, 2020, 02:30:24 am
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Man, am I really excited to see this project coming back.

My suggestion on Mario would be for his jump special to have some kind of EX variant so he can bounce off the opponents head. Unless that's too out of place.

As for other characters to suggest, I'd say Frank could easily work out well if the level-up mechanic from MvC could be implemented, but that's only because I can't imagine him without it. Now, given that there aren't any RE characters my bad I forgot Jill is in the game, I'd suggest to check Zox's Albert Wesker, since I think he has good sprites.
Last Edit: June 09, 2020, 02:35:10 am by Nemuresu
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#12  June 09, 2020, 02:30:49 am
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Christ man, you sold me at Bob Hoskins Mario.


Oh also would Tristan, Punk, Snake and Rorschach end up in this? I still remember Tristan was supposed to be in some form of fullgame but it never panned out (I can't believe I remember you made CM Punk once)
Last Edit: June 09, 2020, 02:34:01 am by Orochi Gill
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#13  June 09, 2020, 02:36:38 am
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Yeah man, and what's crazy is I made them back in like 2013 or 2014, the full set with a crumple anim and all the fixins. I avoided doing anything with them myself because Jango paid for them, but he never put anything out so it's probably way past fair game at this point.

Interesting. Well, those sprites at least have a new home here, and seeing the vid, I'm excited. I can't wait.

As for suggestions, I wonder how possible it is to use someone from Melty Blood or Martial Masters. Both have 'kinda' similar styles for what your going for (CvS/CPS2).

Mugen Things I Did/Battle Craze!!
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#14  June 09, 2020, 02:46:37 am
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I been waiting for this project to return and that mario mario and son goku can't wait to see more
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#15  June 09, 2020, 02:59:51 am
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Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#16  June 09, 2020, 03:35:29 am
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IIRC, back when there was a poll to vote on who'd everyone would like to see in the game, I remember John Cena being on that poll and he took 2nd or 3rd place. Is there any consideration of him possibly making it into the game at this point in time? I don't recall there being any other wrestlers, aside from CM Punk in the game and it'd be pretty dope to see another wrestler such as John Cena in the game.
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Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#17  June 09, 2020, 03:43:08 am
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I mean, it would be cool to see John Cena here...but the question is, which version of John Cena would Sean even use? The Doctor of Thuganomics or just friendly man John Cena?

Don't think...obey
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#18  June 09, 2020, 03:59:21 am
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Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#19  June 09, 2020, 04:12:36 am
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-Gladiacloud has made full spritesheets of Saki from TvC/Quiz Nanairo Dreams, Pure from Three Wonders, Ton Pooh from Strider, Jubilee, Dormammu, a new Arthur spritesheet which could replace some of Acey’s old sprites (especially for the normals), Lou also from Three Wonders, Michelle Heart from Legendary Wings, and even the Unknown Soldier from Forgotten Worlds. There is a lot to choose from here.
-Blade/Zox has made a full spritesheet of Wesker (Infinite has an .sff already CS’ed) and a few others, but most notably his Phoenix spritesheet is the one that is particularly good. It should be mentioned that Infinite also made Dr. Doom and Taskmaster, and both have an .sff with CS and FX ready to go.
-Nestor put out a beta of Fiona Belli from Haunting Ground a while back, with cvs sprites made by Li_kun. Most of her moveset is there. She is missing a few moves that Beximus was going to use on his version of for CU. I imagine that he could pass them along to you if you decide to include Fiona.
-Supergirl by Toni has some superb CPS2-ish sprites available to use as well.
-No more Rikimaru?

I know these are mostly marvel characters but they seem to have made some leaps and bounds in terms of sprites in these last couple of years.
Re: Capcom vs The World '20 Update by SeanAltly
#20  June 09, 2020, 06:39:33 am
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Its so good to finally see those Mario sprite in action!