
Character Request Topic (Read 272291 times)

Started by KingPepe2010, June 02, 2014, 07:23:10 am
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Re: Character Request Topic
#21  April 18, 2015, 02:22:26 am
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Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 02:25:42 am by AntonioQuirino
Re: Character Request Topic
#22  April 19, 2015, 07:08:12 pm
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@supersonicmix: Some of those moves might work although characters generally don't have Level 2 supers anyways.

@AntonioQuirino: Slight problem, Hattori originally came from a manga.
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Re: Character Request Topic
#23  April 19, 2015, 07:34:39 pm
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@KingPepe2010:Ok. So how about that guy from the tower of druaga?
Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 07:38:12 pm by AntonioQuirino
Re: Character Request Topic
#24  April 20, 2015, 11:37:19 pm
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@KingPepe2010:Ok. So how about that guy from the tower of druaga?

You mean Gil?

Hmm. It depends. Gil's attacks are hard to make using what he has. but his helpers are pretty easy to find, so It is a little likely that he will get in. But if he does get in, He will need a new set of sprites like Dig Dug.
I don't know what you are talking about..

I'm not a furry at all. (´・ω・)
Re: Character Request Topic
#25  May 29, 2015, 11:01:44 pm
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Another suggestion characters: the helicopter from raid on bungeling bay(i think he is better as a helper) and final star from star force(japan)
Re: Character Request Topic
#26  July 29, 2015, 12:49:43 am
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this is probably going to get deleted by the admins but....Rash from Battletoads would make a good character IMO.
Re: Character Request Topic
#27  August 01, 2015, 01:43:08 pm
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might as well put this forum about bootleg games here
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Re: Character Request Topic
#28  August 02, 2015, 09:55:19 pm
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well i think this one someone suggested about that guy from soccer?
(if u wanna know why i suggested him, see this video: and jump to 6:20)
Re: Character Request Topic
#29  August 12, 2015, 11:49:12 pm
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Heck yeah! Rash all the way!
Re: Character Request Topic
#30  December 25, 2016, 11:46:14 pm
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Okay, so I'm super hyped for this project, and of course that caused me to have some ideas for characters. Well, might as well list them here:

Alex (from River City Ransom)
Represents: Technos
Assists: Billy Lee (Double Dragon), Jimmy Lee (Double Dragon), Karate Champ
Notes: Could be a brawler, who picks up items around stage, similar to Cody in his Street Fighter Verisons

Steve Hermann (SHATTERHAND)
Represents: Natasume
Assists: Nova (Power Blade), S.C.A.T. Solder (from S.C.A.T.), Hayate (Shadow of Ninja)

Cheetah Man
Represents: Bootleg NES Games
Assists: Characters from Action 52

Represents: SunSoft
Assists: Spy Hunter, Blaster Master, Lemmings
Notes: His star and abilty to throw it around stage as it bounces around would make him a unique character.

Represents: Taito
Arkanoid, Bubble Bobble, Evelator Action Agent
Notes: I just wanted an excuse for a character that punches random. Plus since he's the Bubble Bobble's character in human form, he could turn into the dragon for a super, or also use the bubble as an EX move.

Bases Loaded Baseball Player
Represents: Jaleco (But also sports titles in General)
Assists: Cyberball, Hoops, Pinball Quest
Notes: This character may sound lame in concept, but sport games were a thing on the NES, and it'd be a shame to not represent them. This character could call other baseball players in for combos (for example, a pitcher shows up on other side of screen and you have to hit ball into enemy for damage).

Harry (Harry's Legend)
Represents: Bootlegs
Bootleg NES Games
Assists: Wally Bear (NO Gang), Noah (Noah's Arc for Nes), Bao Qing Tian (Bao Qing Tian)


Re: Character Request Topic
#31  December 26, 2016, 03:15:10 pm
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Hmmm... If it's still needed:
Felix the Cat
Represents: both Hudson and bootleg(Dragon Co) as have one official and one pirate games.
He has very wide arsenal of magic bag's transformations one of most creative characters on NES. Don't know why nobody said about him... Well, now I did :)
"Where greyness prevails, the black always take the power." (c) "Its Hard to be God" - brothers Strugatskie.
Re: Character Request Topic
#32  March 24, 2017, 05:45:46 am
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@Strider Gunstar:
Pretty sure Alex has been discussed before; I think I said he was a good candidate although I'd prefer to use his original Kunio-Kun version.
Steve Herrman's a good suggestion, it would be kind of funny to see the Cheetahmen as an actual fighter but I'm not sure. Yumetaro (Mr. Gimmick) would be too small to resize properly. Bubby's fate is already decided for something in the near future as Bub. Bases Loaded Player I'm not convinced on; I'm not entirely keen on including a ball sports character like that. Harry Potter is a no since he's based on media outside of video games. (also man, none of those helpers have anything in common with Harry's Legend)

@ExL: No for Felix The Cat, same reasons for Harry above.
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Re: Character Request Topic
#33  March 24, 2017, 04:23:35 pm
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The robot from... Gah... What's the name... Robo Warrior I think? Could he work? It looked like a pretty good game and the items give him a bit of a moveset. Dunno the company so I have no clue about assists.
Re: Character Request Topic
#34  March 25, 2017, 08:35:16 pm
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Haha, I was trying to give Harry a bunch of other Bootleg characters. But I get your point that Harry, even representing Bootlegs, would be really out of place in this game.
Re: Character Request Topic
#35  April 01, 2017, 11:42:08 pm
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This is my idea for a character:

Billy Bob (Gun Smoke Gunman)
Represents: Capcom
Helpers: Jumping Blue Bandit(idk his original name), SonSon, ScroogeMcDuck.
Notes: He is a Gun-based Character, but he could be a fighter just like samus or megaman.

(this suggestion text just looks like strider gunstar's one,and btw king pepe u could use parasol stars's sprites for bubby)
Last Edit: June 08, 2017, 10:02:19 pm by AntonioQuirino
Re: Character Request Topic
#36  April 12, 2017, 03:04:07 am
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...didn't consider Billy Bob to be honest, I'll think about him.
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Re: Character Request Topic
#37  June 08, 2017, 10:11:25 pm
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Here Comes another suggestion:
Ninja Kun
Represents: Jaleco
Helpers: That Bomb Thrower creature, Genesis Ship, Formation Z Robot
(and after u finish thonolan, who's next? say a tip of the character)
Re: Character Request Topic
#38  June 08, 2017, 11:52:38 pm
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Actually, I like the idea of Ninja-Kun to be honest. I'll probably consider his son Ninja Jajamaru more since he's had more games.
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Re: Character Request Topic
#39  June 10, 2017, 03:53:50 pm
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Err dude, as far as i know Jajamaru is ninja-kun's younger brother. and i hope Gamapa-kun, the giant frog be one of his supers (and a level 2 super for a character anyway)
Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 03:58:35 pm by AntonioQuirino
Re: Character Request Topic
#40  June 10, 2017, 04:48:37 pm
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...oh yeah you are right, it is his brother. Whoops. ._.

And yeah, the giant frog is pretty much a given. :P
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