
ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!) (Read 6895218 times)

Started by Basara Bogard, April 16, 2010, 04:25:09 pm
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Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Kiln, Ryu and a couple more are coming)
#441  December 30, 2023, 03:40:52 am
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ClayFighter Ryu has been released, only left Kiln, which I'm polishing his claytalities, but he's basically ready, so tomorrow you'll get him. Also I prepared a final character trailer for him, won't be more for the next I'll make nor the ones I never did by being unfinished cooperations (Sumo Santa and Blob).

But... that video has a surprise you'll see soon, the 2 secret characters I wanted for Infinite Clayfare that will be made anyway for normal MUGEN will be revealed at the end of that video, so stay tuned ;)

EDIT: Dr. Kiln also was released, now the circle is complete
Last Edit: December 31, 2023, 05:07:12 am by Basaraくん
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (2024 also will be full of clay!!)
#442  January 02, 2024, 02:37:27 pm
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OK, time to move on onto new projects. My ClayFighter chars will be make just like before, but won't be a priority as in 2023 (and prior to C&D). As I promise, the chars I left to do from 63 1/3 and Sculptor's Cut will be done, but more later than sooner this time:

My favs of the list are Ickybod Clay and T-Hoppy, but maybe I can make a poll to decide which one will be the one you want to see in MUGEN by my hand :pleased:

And also, the clay chamber of secrets has been open!! So check it out my Twitter account to more details ;)
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (2024 also will be full of clay!!)
#443  January 12, 2024, 03:19:32 pm
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Well, it is decided...


Yep, T-Hoppy will be my next CF project to be made... apart of the update ClayFighter Ryu needs, of course. Just starting with the SFF and AIR, I hope to make more during these months, but as I said before, CF chars won't be a priority as in 2023 (and prior to C&D) but will be done. And of course also I'll be working on the 2 "secret" chars for Infinite Clayfare (that aren't secret anymore and because the game also doesn't exist XD) thay will be made during this 2024 ;)
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (T-Hoppy, Klaymen and HoboCop for 2024!!)
#444  January 17, 2024, 05:10:04 am
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Well, finally Guild's server is working again to upload stuff, so after getting in my site Dr. Kiln, ClayFighter Ryu and SneezeTHPS' Blob (the original version, not the Infinite Clayfare ver.) as well uploading 3 new stages (including the unreleased Santa's Workshop being only on Beta 2), I updated the WIP page with the 3 projects I'll make for 2024: T-Hoppy (in previous post) and those 2:

So yeah, now it's official those 3 are WIPs of mine. Expect to see them during this year ;) and of course, an update for ClayFighter Ryu, which is necessary TBH
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (T-Hoppy, Klaymen and HoboCop for 2024!!)
#445  March 20, 2024, 03:25:42 pm
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Sorry guys, I can't ... I tried to move on from ClayFighter after what happened on September, but I can't, my mind is still on ClayFighter mode, especially after this guy remaking the Sculptor's Cut intro into full clay, so I've working on my projects during these weeks and maybe I can bring you something for April Fools...
Maybe Lucy?? An update to old HoboCop?? a ClayFighter Ken perhaps?? A bizarre version of one of my chars a la Orochi Sumo Santa?? Who knows :P
But one thing is sure, expect something unexpected for this AF... as well an update of ClayFighter Ryu, of course ;)
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (T-Hoppy, Klaymen and HoboCop for 2024!!)
#446  March 20, 2024, 06:06:14 pm
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I'm glad you didn't. Though... I'm quite surprised you didn't include a MK guest char.
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (T-Hoppy, Klaymen and HoboCop for 2024!!)
#447  March 20, 2024, 06:12:48 pm
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I'm glad you didn't. Though... I'm quite surprised you didn't include a MK guest char.
I feel like a KoF-verse guest would be even funnier as a sort of “revenge” for the KoF series almost totally ignoring SNK in its parodies, the closest things being some old print ads for the first game referencing World Heroes.
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (T-Hoppy, Klaymen and HoboCop for 2024!!)
#448  March 22, 2024, 01:03:49 pm
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Try use Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition :)

Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Slyck joins to the battle!!)
#449  April 09, 2024, 06:38:08 am
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Sorry, I couldn't do it in time, I wanted to make a big surprise for AF but I wasn't in my house during almost all past week. So, as a kind of apology, I started with this...

Yes, Slyck joins to T-Hoppy, Klaymen and HoboCop as my CF projects for 2024!!
By now, these 2 only have the basic movement (walk, crouch and jump) but I hope to make more during these months. About the other 2, Klaymen now has all punches and kicks based in part of his basic movements from The Neverhood (so now it's a fully functional char), and HoboCop also has the basic movement but has all his standing punches and one kick, also seeing how to make the basics (they're complicated to pass to MUGEN) but working on them

And yes, I still debt you the update of ClayFighter Ryu, I hope to make it during these weeks, wait for it ;)

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Slyck joins to the battle!!)
#450  May 14, 2024, 05:15:04 pm
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OK, I've come back to ClayFighter chars, we're close to midyear and I still don't deliver any new char, so I'm gonna work on one of these 4 (apart of maybe some update of my other non-CF chars). So, once again to interact you, I made a poll so I can see if we can get same results and you know which one would be my next CF char ;)
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (T-Hoppy's first preview!!)
#451  June 05, 2024, 05:46:48 pm
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Oh yeah, the hypervitamined and recyborged bunny of ClayFighter is back in action for MUGEN with his first preview, with all basics ready, all his poses, all his punches and kicks and even 2 standards moves added: Launcher and Overhead Attack. Only I've to adjust some times in poses and add some more voices.

Now working on all his arsenal: his specials, supers, the whole combo system and his claytalities, I hope to get him ready soon for an eventual release, but also I'll continue advancing in my other chars, with Slyck probably be the next to be made after T-Hoppy and lefting Klaymen (converting Skullmonkeys sprites into The Neverhood format via AI) and HoboCop (trying to play the CFX prototype to get better his gethits and normal moves) mostly for the end of the year, so wait for them :truestory:
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (You can call me... HoboCop)
#452  September 06, 2024, 05:57:14 pm
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HoboCop is here, fellas!!
First preview posted on Twitter X with all his basics ready, since movement and gethits to punches and kicks, even with their Overhead Attack and Launcher already made for him... and of course his new voice thanks to LA Homer Simpson voice recreated via AI that fits like a glove to him.

Now he's 100% playable (just like T-Hoppy and Klaymen), I hope to get more advance of these 2 soon, as well working again on Slyck... and, got some recent ideas for more people here...
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

And, I left you again a poll, let me know your preferences, people ;D
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (New claychallengers??)
#453  September 27, 2024, 05:24:14 pm
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And now Ice vs. Slyck... hey, wait a minute o_O
In an unexpected turn of events, I just started Bad Mr. Frosty and Blob in their CF1/TE versions just like I did with Taffy last year. I got it as an anternative idea but got me hanged on it so I started them... and as I said in the spoilers, I went the easy way this time just by grabbing and modifying SFFs of past chars (Frantic's Frosty and Shadowtak's Blob) and make all from scratch (except the coding, which came from CF1 Taffy, of course) and just add some extra sprites. Here's an advance on my Twitter, check it out ;)

And no, I don't forget the other ClayFighters I'm cooking, all will be advanced and probably will get releases of them very soon, especially T-Hoppy and HoboCop, expect some news soon ;)
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Bunny Bash!!)
#454  November 06, 2024, 02:17:25 pm
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I'M BACK (read it in Schwarzenegger tone)
Yes, I'm back to MUGEN (my RL doesn't let me work) and so with my projects, so I come back to work on T-Hoppy, now with various of his moves ready, now finishing some I left and then the supers... and after that the Combo System and the Claytalities, of course ;)
I've waiting long enough to see a good version of the cyborg bunny in MUGEN and so be you, so I'll be working all November to finish him during this month, stay tuned for more advances on him and my other chars (maybe some CF1 stuff can be done in the way too XD)
Last Edit: November 06, 2024, 02:22:58 pm by Basara Lapis
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Bunny Bash!!)
#455  November 26, 2024, 05:48:43 pm
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And now Ice vs. Slyck... hey, wait a minute o_O
In an unexpected turn of events, I just started Bad Mr. Frosty and Blob in their CF1/TE versions just like I did with Taffy last year. I got it as an anternative idea but got me hanged on it so I started them... and as I said in the spoilers, I went the easy way this time just by grabbing and modifying SFFs of past chars (Frantic's Frosty and Shadowtak's Blob) and make all from scratch (except the coding, which came from CF1 Taffy, of course) and just add some extra sprites. Here's an advance on my Twitter, check it out ;)
And they were finished and released :iog: ;) :goi:
Now going back with T-Hoppy, clearly I can't do it in time for this month, so will be for December... and if I got enough time, I'll do it with HoboCop too, probably as my X-Mas gift for all of you... and maybe one or another surprise during these weeks apart of Frosty and Blob ;)
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (X-Mas is coming!!)
#456  December 21, 2024, 04:12:02 pm
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T-Hoppy was released and Sarge was updated!!
The bunnies now are available on MUGEN so you can play with both of them, so finally my main project of 2024 is done :8): but those ones aren't the only gifts for this X-Mas, so expect another surprise very soon, probably 24th or 25th, you'll see it ;)

Oh, and one more thing: there's a guy on Internet Archive who reuploaded Infinite Clayfare, if some of you still want the game but don't want to get into Web Archive, so here it is. Enjoy!!
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#457  January 02, 2025, 03:37:13 am
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Wow, what a moved end of 2024 was that!! First of all updating my IC screenpack, later releasing HoboCop Beta and finally updating IC as a patch. It wasn't enough T-Hoppy for me, I wanted more, so I made these dedicated releases since my love for ClayFighter is still strong.

Now starting 2025 by working again on HoboCop to bring you a finished version, as well working on Klaymen and Slyck as my other projects. But also I want to do a thing: since I'm also making CF1 chars with the simplified base made for Taffy and applied with Frosty and Blob, I want to to something crazy: make a double release with 63 1/3 and CF1 versions of the same character, and the only 2 that qualify right now are Bonker and Ickybod Clay, so I made a temporary poll to hear you which of these 2 would you like to see in 2 different versions at the same time ;)

That's all by now. I hope all of you had a Happy New year and we'll see again for this 2025 with more clay content for MUGEN :D
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#458  January 27, 2025, 04:03:13 pm
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OK, going back to work on my ClayFighter projects since a few vacations with my son. I got Slyck advanced until now (all basics without punches and kicks) and of course HoboCop and Klaymen advanced too (last one hidden in IC beta 3 BTW). And well, Ickybod Clay won so I'll start both versions ASAP...

But, I have the doubt about which one would you like to see next in MUGEN, so I made this little poll in case you want to answer it ;) also was made in my X but without the fifth option (since there it's max 4) so you can vote in any of them ;)
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#459  January 27, 2025, 04:12:12 pm
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Voted for Lady Liberty because it's the FRICKIN STATUE OF LIBERTY
Re: ClayFighter comes to MUGEN!! (Starting 2025 with everything!!)
#460  January 30, 2025, 03:50:00 pm
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First preview of Lady Liberty and Slyck
As you read, finally I started Lady Liberty (Libby for friends) and yesterday I made the basics on her... but also I'm showing Slyck, who couldn't be released on 2024 as I promised but wasn't forgotten. He had all basics like Libby, but also yesterday I added his punches and kicks, as well a couple of new stuff like Launcher and Overhead Attack moves, a taunt and even a intro vs. Blob (all versions on MUGEN) and Joey Faust's Slyck.

About Libby, I'll be replaying Sculptor's Cut to see how her punches and kicks work and about Slyck I'll be seeing which new moves should have apart of the 3 he already had in CF2. I hope to show you more of those 2 soon, as well I'll tell you when I start on both versions of Ickybod Clay, stay tuned ;)