
CVTW2 Ryu 24 December 2017 update (Read 554006 times)

Started by Memo, March 01, 2017, 07:52:14 am
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Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#21  March 03, 2017, 05:29:34 am
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Hate to see this happen, i dont know anything about archive making money (never looked into it) but same thing happened to Fabry taz and now we have to wait till he is done with his mk game to get any of those characters cuz ppl couldnt respect his wishes and posted it to archive. I saw you put alot into the character and even though im not a big ryu guy i respect how much work you put in
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#22  March 03, 2017, 05:52:35 am
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Hate to see this happen, i dont know anything about archive making money (never looked into it) but same thing happened to Fabry taz and now we have to wait till he is done with his mk game to get any of those characters cuz ppl couldnt respect his wishes and posted it to archive. I saw you put alot into the character and even though im not a big ryu guy i respect how much work you put in

Thanks for the support, yea those guys make money from ads they don't put no work into anything
But make money from whatever they post.  Plus I just want my stuff here if I wanted to post anywhere
Else I would do it myself
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#23  March 03, 2017, 06:28:20 am
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Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#24  March 03, 2017, 06:51:13 am
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Have the fucking decency not to upload a char in your site if the author says so, If I were a mod/admin here, like they banned the site's name I would ban these guys as well.That screenshot made me cringe man.
As for you removing the link, the damage is done now dude, now more people will go to the site and download it there cause your link is removed.
I have no issues when the author does not care if they upload it there, but if he does, shit just pisses me off.
Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 07:10:23 am by PeXXeR
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#25  March 03, 2017, 07:12:15 am
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right mane^ the internet is the internet afterall. mofos will do as they please.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#26  March 03, 2017, 08:05:34 am
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Have the fucking decency not to upload a char in your site if the author says so, If I were a mod/admin here, like they banned the site's name I would ban these guys as well.That screenshot made me cringe man.
As for you removing the link, the damage is done now dude, now more people will go to the site and download it there cause your link is removed.
I have no issues when the author does not care if they upload it there, but if he does, shit just pisses me off.

right mane^ the internet is the internet afterall. mofos will do as they please.

You guys are right, damage is already done. I went ahead and fixed the link.
I just really really don't support the ways they do things over there and I also
Believe the creator should be the one posting his own stuff elsewhere.
Lol I'm still waiting for that email verification so I can get in and give them a little hell.
I'm just gonna be more Careful now and give you guys stuff on pm, members I trust
I already did some lurking over there and made a list of members I'm not fucking with
that are on mfg as well.  They can enjoy Ryu but that's it. That guy left4joker post
ALOT of releases from mfg over there he's a supporter of my huge butt be warned.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#27  March 03, 2017, 09:15:29 am
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Good to see Ryu is back, I missed the update before you initially took it down. Those new sprites make this Ryu feel more fresh and less like just another Ryu.

I can see that Mugen Archive also has some of my stuff uploaded there too, buggers. Oh well, you can easily bypass the adfly so they can't make money off of downloads. Right-click the download button and select "copy link address," then paste it into the address bar and simply erase the adfly part. It only works for the more recent stuff though.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#28  March 03, 2017, 10:32:13 am
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Archive is aweful like that. They not only host and profit from Piccolo who even has 100 percent original sprites and voices but also make fun of the fact.

Anyway, my advice is to try not to let other people take away your fun on the internet and don't let dick heads punish all the people that do the right thing. Archive doesn't care who they hurt. They only consume and profit.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#29  March 03, 2017, 10:45:34 am
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Archive is aweful like that. They not only host and profit from Piccolo who even has 100 percent original sprites and voices but also make fun of the fact.

Anyway, my advice is to try not to let other people take away your fun on the internet and don't let dick heads punish all the people that do the right thing. Archive doesn't care who they hurt. They only consume and profit.

Oh wow that's a dirty dick move, I dont understand how some members support them. I lost respect for some members Here that I saw over there posting stuff and having releases over there.  I wont name any names but
You guys are on my list of people to avoid.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#30  March 03, 2017, 02:20:30 pm
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I haven't dealt with Mugen Archive in years. I see I ain't missing nothing. Dudes is straight low life's, bro. And got the nerve to clown about it, too. Wow...

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best.

Mugen is a way for me to remain nostalgic with all of the dream matches I cooked up as a kid. It's also what I call a "Digital Action Figure Collection."
MaxBeta link=topic=155656.msg1876950#msg1876950 date=13867
Vegaz_Parrelli...also known as The Lord of the Rings.
[/quote said:
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#31  March 03, 2017, 03:26:09 pm
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Yeah Memo, they are terrible, but I use the copy method to bypass their shady adfly. I'm late but at the end of the day, if you take a link down, people will flock over there to get it, and even then I go there as a last resort. Anything you guys need, I'll upload to mediafire. (Speaking of which, you still need Snow and Sabatage?)

Edit: Dang, don't have them after all...but I do have someone else with their 3 want them?
Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 03:35:16 pm by R565
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#32  March 03, 2017, 04:23:14 pm
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i uploaded my character over there when i released him, i just put him on every sight i knew of, iff, mffa,ma. i didnt know they were makin money off of the works though, and didnt know people hated it so much lol. I really could care less though i just want everybody to be able to enjoy my shiit


Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#33  March 03, 2017, 05:03:33 pm
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they have a whole thread here about that site's shitty policies so that can enlighten you about it if you're interested.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 2march2017 update
#34  March 04, 2017, 08:22:43 am
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I got some good updates coming tomorrow, probably the last one for a while
unless it's something major I  Decide to change or a bug.

Just posting this here now because I tend to forget shit lol.

.the palettes got worked on again, I noticed I missed a few spots and changed a couple
Colors, I'll post pics too, they look better now I think so.

.Focus attack got remade. I wasn't happy with the currently available version I never used it
So I made it less strict. It has 2 charge States, first state has invincibility but cost 500 power to use
And to hit with the lvl 3 that knocks down it cost 5500 power.
It feels like it has a purpose now as an defensive technique.

.Minds eye parry got reworked too, feels alot better now performing them, still hard but better.

I'll post this tomorrow I'm currently looking for sounds to give the focus attack since it's pretty
Much silent right now.

Edit* more updates added

.adjusted slidetimes on all hitdefs so ryu can perform some of the links he does in SFV like
Standing ,, standing into crouching

im currently playing the trials in SFV to get a better idea of stuff he should be able to do
And implementing what I find into ryu

.Changed ground hit times on senpu kyakuu, adv on hit is 5 ticks, adv on guard is -1
And 9 ticks on counter hit. Now you can combo it on counter to certain attacks.

.Also added the 16 tick adv on counter hit for standing at first I didnt include
It but had a change of heart why not.

.fix a problem with the palettes, standing sprite had an issue with eye color sharing colors from
Gloves, standing had an issue with gloves sharing belt colors.  Got those
Color issues fixed.
Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 01:41:38 am by Memo
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 6march2017 3rd update
#35  March 07, 2017, 01:43:01 am
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latest update as been uploaded, probably the last until I find something I'm not happy with or bugs let me know.
last post has a list of changes, added new pics on first post of the new palette colors enjoy.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 6march2017 3rd update
#36  March 07, 2017, 05:33:58 am
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Finally got around to testing this guy, never played the original CvTW but  what I think right now is that either he has no comboability or i am shit with him, maybe a bit of both ? I cant chain nothing, not even a simple EX tatsu to a super hadouken, he cant chain CLP to a CLK in to ex tatsu nothing, besides that, Its a good char good work, he feels fresh as hell.


Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 6march2017 3rd update
#37  March 07, 2017, 05:39:48 am
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he based the gameplay on sfv  so it's a lot stricter and is link-based.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 6march2017 3rd update
#38  March 07, 2017, 05:43:01 am
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Finally got around to testing this guy, never played the original CvTW but  what I think right now is that either he has no comboability or i am shit with him, maybe a bit of both ? I cant chain nothing, not even a simple EX tatsu to a super hadouken, he cant chain CLP to a CLK in to ex tatsu nothing, besides that, Its a good char good work, he feels fresh as hell.

First post has a list of what can combo, he has SFV frame data you got to play him
like you playing Street Fighter.  I'm not making the characters with alot of combo
potential like the first game.

Thanks for testing
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 6march2017 3rd update
#39  March 07, 2017, 05:47:18 am
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Thanks, I played SFV like once, lol.
Re: CVTW2 Ryu released by Memo 6march2017 3rd update
#40  March 07, 2017, 05:53:45 am
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Thanks, I played SFV like once, lol.

Lol I'm playing right now, you can do alot of the stuff from SFV with him.
For the 2nd game I want to make the gameplay a little bit more serious
Than the first one,  some characters will have dial combos like morrigan
But nothing to crazy.