
Evolving MUGEN: artistropeadope (Read 521595 times)

Started by artistropeadope, November 29, 2014, 09:51:34 pm
Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#161  November 23, 2017, 05:55:54 am
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    • New Zealand
This is hilarious.
Hardcore Palette and Color Separation enthusiast
Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#162  November 23, 2017, 06:00:03 am
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    • Russia
STOP CRYING, FUKBOY! I have a ton of videos showing him jumping over other characters. You can't save face. Accept that I have complex coding. You are pathetic! This is the last comment I will post here. Cry away , haters.

...I'm usually not saying such things to people I don't know...
But please: do us a favor and carry out your threats.
Just really, go away. It for your own good, believe me, because your behavior is a real troll-call. If you'll go on like that, you're gonna have a bad time. So just run away...


Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#163  November 23, 2017, 06:17:01 am
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    • USA
I was originally gonna make a very intelligent post on how low-res spritework has difficulties that higher-res stuff doesn't have to deal with but I'm instead just gonna say this:

LOL Why is Cloud stretched so much??? And how do you not know how to use F12?!

EDIT: looked at your post history and just remembered who you are holy shit

? The image was a crudely thrown together example to explain what I meant. To avoid further trolling, here's what my character looks like in game.

Edit: Also, for the pathetic comments following this quote, my Cloud isn't a render. It's authentically hand drawn and meticulously animated, as you can see.
Keep exposing yourselves as trolls. Your loss. Have a nice day!

For having "asymmetrical coding" you never once showed p1 go over to p2's side proving that it has it. (One can assume that it's two different versions of the same character with different sprite sets, which considering the 9000,1 sprite between the two that pretty much what's going on here) Among other things I've noticed from the video, (other than the obvious bit at the end which just tells me your attitude) I don't care if you drew these sprites or not but just by looking at the video, these animate pretty damn bad they could use more frames of animation and be less stiff. Your coding of the characters also need some work too (and they seem floaty as hell for instance the launcher)

STOP CRYING, FUKBOY! I have a ton of videos showing him jumping over other characters. You can't save face. Accept that I have complex coding. You are pathetic! This is the last comment I will post here. Cry away , haters.

pls leave, thanks.

(also learn how to spell fuckboy right, fuckboy.)
Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#164  November 23, 2017, 07:03:32 am
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Y'all see these salty trolls yapping? lol. If you like my work, rock with me. If you're like these blabbering dickheads, kick rocks.

Peace! :8):
Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#165  November 23, 2017, 08:12:41 am
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  • If you’re gonna reach for a star...
  • reach for the lowest one you can.
    • USA
Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 08:16:28 am by Jmorphman
Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#166  November 23, 2017, 08:32:39 am
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    • Japan
This thread is seriously being derailed from its purpose, the instruction and information on Reshade for mugen, reducing pixelation. Can we please get back on topic?
Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#167  November 23, 2017, 01:47:31 pm
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This is the last comment I will post here. Cry away , haters.
Y'all see these salty trolls yapping? lol. If you like my work, rock with me. If you're like these blabbering dickheads, kick rocks.

Peace! :8):
I wonder if this time you'll keep your word.

Also, if you do find the need to respond, please keep it civil, OK?

EDIT: Can't delete this account. If I could, I would. I say "this is the last comment" to weed out ALL trolls. Cowards respond if they think you're gone. Instead of trying to make me seem like a mean person grow some balls & tell trolls to stfu, or I will every time.

Anyway, Chise is right. I believe manipulating the stage zoom and using more detailed sprites is a good way to avoid the pixelation.  :8):
Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 05:44:52 am by artistropeadope
Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#168  November 26, 2017, 07:27:16 pm
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    • Mexico
STOP CRYING, FUKBOY! I have a ton of videos showing him jumping over other characters. You can't save face. Accept that I have complex coding. You are pathetic! This is the last comment I will post here. Cry away , haters.

being a professional coder myself, complex is the last thing you want to be said about yoru coding, right after broken.
Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#169  November 27, 2017, 02:05:28 pm
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    • Spain
That's hardly a revolutionary breakthrough. You are just displaying different sprites based on the character's facing and/or the the position onscreen.
Its basic coding that requires twice the amount of sprites and still has the problems with custom states, unless you use a specific SelfAnimAxist and animation (which again, is only useful in custom games or using so-called community standards)
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Re: No pixelation in MUGEN 1.1
#170  November 27, 2017, 08:37:10 pm
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I Followed instruction but can get it to work :/
Jesus loves you
Re: Evolving MUGEN
#171  January 16, 2018, 07:00:14 pm
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  • Same pixellated recycled bullshit is at this site.
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Why all the shit talk? I'm not hiding. Admin edits what I do. I stand by what I said. If you posted/post a disrespectful response, fuck you. Period. Ban me for this, assholes. :8):