
Fate/Grand Order (Read 3688597 times)

Started by c001357, August 10, 2015, 05:42:19 pm
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Re: Fate/Grand Order
#61  August 18, 2015, 12:31:04 am
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I think it depends on characters personality or something?Jing Ke and Caster Cu are both 3 stars and Jing Ke bounded with me much faster than Cu did.

On an unrelated note,Caligula has good skills(ATK up and can heal himself) but his stats are pretty crappy so far,and so is his NP.I really like him tho which sucks.I also really wanted to make Minotaur work but his damn stats never seem to go anywhere ,jesus.

Also fuck those dog cards,30 cubes to get them just so they can raise your attack or hp by only 50.

Edit:Also did a single roll.Got Saber Gilles.Burned him for 3 cubes
Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 12:55:33 am by Erroratu
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#62  August 18, 2015, 12:43:27 am
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I would suggest going for HP rather than attack. It hardly makes any difference 50 more attack, while 50 more HP may allow you to survive one attack.

And yeah, for Bond XP it really depends on character personality, the more friendly they are, the faster it goes. For example, Mata Hari bonds really fast, d'Eon at a nice speed, Kojirou a bit slow and Darius really slow. It's easy to tell it's about their personality by using those examples. I'm sure Marie Antoinette and possibly Kiyohime levels up fast too, while Emiya may take a bit of time because of his cynical personality.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#63  August 18, 2015, 01:41:39 am
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I meant EXP increase, not bond increase (I'm noticing just now that Nanashi was in fact talking about bonds, my mistake). Although it's possible that bond affects EXP increase, but it doesn't feel like it does to me.
Lv 25 Caster Cu is surprisingly strong, he's my strongest character right now (and I've pushed Sasaki, Alexander and Spartacus decently, they're all around Lv 22 to 24). He soloed a lv30 Rider-class hand monster in a single Brave chain in spite of the class weakness. He'll be useful in Rome, since I hear it's full of Assassins.
Too bad that at this level, it's starting to cost more QP than I gain EXP when I level him up...

And yeah, Asterion seems to be the worst Berserker, and Caligula is right next to him. How come Asterion's NP is EX ranked.

Also Nanashi, you should post your friend code, and we probably should ask a mod to keep up with the people posting their friend ID to edit the first post...
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 02:03:09 am by DKDC
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#64  August 18, 2015, 02:02:28 am
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Some servants level up as an inverted S curve, so their stats only start to skyrocket at higher levels (Hi Saber Lily), I don't know how to feel about that, leveling up said characters at higher levels will take a ridiculous amount of EXP cards. I don't know if that's the case with these Berserkers though, then again they're one star haha.

Man I woke up, my stamina wasn't full, I got to do three rome stages and now my AP is gone again. Awesome.

As for Rome: Ehh, sorta but not quite, there are some Assassins here and there but it's not anywhere near close to France being full of Riders. Rome is a big more varied, there's still a handful of skeletons and roman soldiers of the Saber, Archer and Lancer class, there's also a large amount of Berserker-class golems.
Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 02:05:56 am by S.D.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#65  August 18, 2015, 02:28:37 am
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How are you guys playing the game? I thought it was region locked for Japan only
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#66  August 18, 2015, 02:33:57 am
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Rome is basically a bunch of saber/lancer grunts with like 2000 hp and then a 20 000 hp Berserker Golem here and there.
Assassin Ghosts jump in rarely,and the last chapter has a dragon or 2.
I don't remember what the chimeras classify as tho.

And yeah, Asterion seems to be the worst Berserker, and Caligula is right next to him. How come Asterion's NP is EX ranked.
His character profile has his stats as pretty good while he sucks ingame.He would probably be useful in an actual Holy Grail War much more than he is ingame
How are you guys playing the game? I thought it was region locked for Japan only
The store is region locked.However the game isn't,so if you get the game through qooapp you can play it on your android or on your emulator of choice
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#67  August 18, 2015, 02:57:44 am
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I don't know, Spain is actually full of golems so far.
Chimeras are berserkers, I just fought two golems and a chimera at the end of this round, it was tough, but yeah, I also heard that Rome was full of Assassins initially but that really wasn't the case.

Aaand I reached 200 quartz.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#68  August 18, 2015, 05:07:07 am
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Gah why do I often keep getting Assassin class servants?
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#69  August 18, 2015, 09:32:58 am
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How are you guys playing the game? I thought it was region locked for Japan only

I used this to play it on my computer since I don't have an Android nor an iOs. Keep in mind it tends to crash a few times. If you have one of those devices, simply grab the QooApp and download the game through it.

And before I forget. And I already added all the friend codes posted in this thread:

Name: Oz
Friend code: 562219238
Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 09:36:28 am by Nanashi_1337
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#70  August 18, 2015, 12:14:13 pm
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I cleared Rome in an epic stand off where
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

So uh, now I'm waiting for new content, I guess I have dailies and free quests to keep me "busy", taking into account the ridiculous AP recharge time.

Also, I switched my tank to St.George because he's actually better than Leonidas, especially on master EXP day.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#71  August 18, 2015, 12:40:32 pm
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Me, I'm stuck in France because of the ridiculous low AP regeneration. If it was faster, I'm sure I would have reached the last stage already. Seriously, to advance the next node I need to do 5 fights of 9 AP. And unfortunately I don't enough AP to do them all, nor enough Exp to level up. I sure hope there's less nodes like that.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#72  August 18, 2015, 12:49:13 pm
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There's more. Way way more.
This is why you abuse the  EXP refill on Master EXP day, you do the 40 AP if you can (Or multiples of lesser exp), get a refill, do one or two stages from the main scenario and then go back to grind for more master EXP, it's tedious but effective, eventually you'll have to add more master EXP runs to level up but it's well worth it, that's how I blazed through Orleans.

New events:

...Great all the servants I have... oh well. At least we'll get ascension materials and gems?
Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 01:34:35 pm by S.D.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#73  August 18, 2015, 02:29:12 pm
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Unfortunately I have yet to reach 40 AP, so yeah, a looooong way to go for me.

Cool at that event, I seriously needed an Archer and Lancer. Arash specially, as it has a great suicidal NP. Though I wonder when will they decide to add the new Servants or Okeanos, there's hardly anything more to do in the game after beating Rome.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#74  August 18, 2015, 02:41:49 pm
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I don't think they were expecting everyone to finish Rome so soon. A lot of people paid a lot and have a bunch of Lv 60~80 Arturia, Jeanne, Heracles, Altera etc. ascended to the max already. I started less than a week late and I'm still one tile before Orleans because AP regeneration + working during the day. And I haven't even done any Free Quest yet.
But then again, I actually (do my best to) read the text. Nasu writes so fucking much, and a lot of people just skip it and maybe read it later in the event archive - maybe that's a good way to wait for AP regen actually...
...Great all the servants I have... oh well. At least we'll get ascension materials and gems?
Apparently it's precisely here so you can ascend these low ranked Servants, including leveling their NP. I won't mind taking them all - I haven't checked if Shakespeare is worth something.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 02:45:44 pm by DKDC
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#75  August 18, 2015, 02:43:31 pm
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You weren't kidding with the nodes. After beating Martha I got in my face another five battle 9 AP nodes. Fuck you game. Oh well, a good time to take a break I guess.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#76  August 18, 2015, 02:56:54 pm
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The real fun starts when you have like, five 13AP nodes in a row (Sup Rome)

I guess the extra servants + Ascension materials are there to help people who have trouble with France? I do want to ascend Kojiro, I don't know abouyt the rest, I mean I'll do it eventually but I'll be using my EXP cards on whatever 5* servant I end up rolling with all my quartz.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#77  August 18, 2015, 05:17:52 pm
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Apparently it's precisely here so you can ascend these low ranked Servants, including leveling their NP. I won't mind taking them all - I haven't checked if Shakespeare is worth something.
Last time i checked,most casters can be completely ignored,including Shakespeare.Andersen seems to be really good for buffs and support tho

Edit:it seems some new servants are in the game enemies only tho.I hope this means we get em soon

I don't know if I like Lancelots NP being a quick attack.GOLD looks hype as fuck tho,too bad I will never roll the guy
Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 08:45:58 pm by Erroratu
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#78  August 18, 2015, 09:17:50 pm
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All of them 4-5 stars... Oh well, hopefully Jack the Ripper and Astolfo are 3 or less. Wow Gilgamesh skills btw.

Edit: Ugh, a Spartacus... Guess I won't be getting an Archer or Lancer until the special event starts...

Edit2: Okay, I no longer need a Lancer. My single Quartz roll just gave me a Cu Chulaiin. Now for my missing Archer. Also, I already knew in advance that Caster Gilles only targets Jeanne, but it appears that Lancelot does the same for Arturia. I'm so glad I got her as support (a lvl 42 with that Emiya 5* craft), that monstruosity literally ate the health of that Saber in two turns by getting all attacks critical. I'm so glad I had her.
Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 01:14:14 am by Nanashi_1337
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#79  August 19, 2015, 01:08:42 am
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I recall reading that Berserker Lancelot won't end up being that good due to his stats.

Also... I've been doing Free Quests so a heads up: Avoid the Paris Free Quest at all costs, unless you have a very OP team because after two rounds of wyverns you'll fight a Lv50 Shadow Servant (Ruler), she has a ridiculous pool of HP, I had to abuse my two tanks, all my dodge commands (Along with Shielder's abilities) and even use a command seal to restore the support I brought (Lv50 Berserker, the only reliable way to deal damage to her)
I don't think I'll try this again until I recover my command seals (And I still have to go through this two more times, on the other hand that'll give me 30 quartz)

...At least it's sorta doable, unlike the 40 quartz mission in Fuyuki.
Re: Fate/Grand Order
#80  August 19, 2015, 01:27:49 am
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(And I still have to go through this two more times, on the other hand that'll give me 30 quartz)
Well... I'm pretty sure that when you don't have Command Seals, you can use one quartz instead to revive your team (although I'm not completely sure you can do it more than once a day, like the CS).

On the other hand - 30 quartz in Paris, 40 quartz in Fuyuki ? That doesn't sound right. Are you referring to the number above the quartz symbol ? Because I'm pretty sure that's the recommended average level for everyone in your team to take on this mission. It's not the number of quartz it gives you :( You only get one quartz most of the time. Same with  the daily quests, one manaprism.
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 01:32:13 am by DKDC