
Feedback to Warnings/Decisions (Read 1122664 times)

Started by Iced, February 24, 2012, 09:43:26 pm
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#21  March 06, 2012, 12:20:42 am
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Oh, I see. I thought you meant that, as time-out is usually referred to ban someone for a small period of time when it's used here.

But really, the best solution for [E]'s case is not to take him seriously and ignore any attempt of trolling he does if it's really offensive.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#22  March 06, 2012, 12:43:43 am
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How is "oh it's just [E]" an excuse? Why does he get special treatment?
I know [E] long time ago, since the beginning of Mugen Hispania (also he was one of the first people I meet in Guild), and always make that kind of jokes (especially pedo jokes) and sarcastic comments, that's why didn't surprise me. Maybe the problem is there're more sensitive people lately... or he really is getting out of hand with jokes, the reason this thread was created, huh?
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#23  March 06, 2012, 01:02:42 am
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He has always been like that, the problem is it was previously split between sensible and stupid quite reasonably. Now there are almost no sensible and it's all shitposting.

I actually respect E a lot and seeing him act like this is pretty shitty.

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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#24  March 06, 2012, 01:40:39 am
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How is "oh it's just [E]" an excuse? Why does he get special treatment?
Because it's always been mere humor ? Often on the limit of tastelessness, but as long as you're not being oversensitive, it's still humor, and the most you can say about him is that it's bad humor but that's it. It never even changed, it was possible to ignore it back then, it's still possible to shrug it off today. If you take offense at it, it's really just you.
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#25  March 06, 2012, 01:44:30 am
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People taking [E] seriously? Why is this happening now?
How is "oh it's just [E]" an excuse? Why does he get special treatment?

Why do MOST of you guys get special treatment as well then? There are several guys who were, are and will still be assholes in the entire forum all the time yet I see people complaining about [E] because he had something that's not even close to an argument with Diepod. So what if other people got offended by it?

Diepod took it like a man and did what most of the people were supposed to, to just let it slide. Yes it really looked like Diepod was being serious and all that but I know (From previous events) that it's just the way he writes, he's not mad or anything at all. It's like that time when you guys were discussing the way Orochi Gill posts and why people may feel offended by it.

Honestly I don't feel like he's getting THAT dense to warrant all this conversation. Some people around here are far more annoying, aggressive, insult far more, are more direct, don't do funny jokes, are way too serious, have huge egos, etc. All of this exploded just because he posted at Diepod's thread or what?

I'll like to see the list of people who complained about his posting, I bet you'll have your answer right there :P

Heck, truth be told, I have a far easier time chatting with him at the TM channel than with most of the guys over there, I don't see how he's considered that disruptive considering the kind of stuff I see here every week (And wont mention names to not to trigger another 2 days long thread with hundreds of arguments in vain).

That's pretty much what can I say about this, I'm no one around here nor I care and I definitely don't expect to change anything but some people seem to take this more seriously than it should and it's damn stupid. Not like we are in IMT or anything right?
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#26  March 06, 2012, 02:45:39 am
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He has always been like that, the problem is it was previously split between sensible and stupid quite reasonably. Now there are almost no sensible and it's all shitposting.

I actually respect E a lot and seeing him act like this is pretty shitty.
That's the thing, I can (and do) respect him otherwise, but he's just doing it too much lately and crossing lines.

I don't want another enemy.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#27  March 06, 2012, 03:47:25 am
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If you take offense at it, it's really just you.
I don't take any offense to it, I don't even dislike [E], I think he's pretty cool most of the time. I just think he needs to cut out the stupid jokes and the deliberate provoking of people; it makes him seem like an idiot.

Why do MOST of you guys get special treatment as well then?
What are you talking about?

There are several guys who were, are and will still be assholes in the entire forum all the time
If you see someone acting like a huge asshole then just report it? Don't see the problem here.

I see people complaining about [E] because he had something that's not even close to an argument with Diepod. So what if other people got offended by it?
I posted in this thread because Titiln posted about it in the Warnings thread; he felt like as of late, [E]'s posts were getting more and more inflamatory. It's not just a couple of posts in Diepod's thread, it's all the previously mentioned stuff.

We're talking about someone who just months ago had the word nigger in like half of his posts, does he get a free pass on that because he's been doing it for 10 years? If a brand new user did the same, everyone would be against it, but because he's been in the community for so long it's OK? That's not what we should aspire to, we need to have a community that welcomes people and not be one that drives people away because they might get offended by one of [E]'s posts and not know he's kidding because there is no reason to assume he is unless you already knew him.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#28  March 06, 2012, 03:53:23 am
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#29  March 06, 2012, 05:58:29 am
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Then again, I do tend to read every Rednavi post like it's a hateful slur against everyone he responds to, so iunno.

ahaha! I never knew you had such impression lol! Now that you say that, it does sound like that XD
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#30  March 06, 2012, 06:06:38 am
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Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#31  March 06, 2012, 08:56:40 am
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jmorphman you've been acting real uptight and high-and-mighty lately

cut it out and calm down
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#32  March 06, 2012, 09:45:53 am
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Maybe he needs a timeout ::)
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.


Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#33  March 06, 2012, 10:53:15 am
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Maybe we're all living inside the Matrix except Jmorphman.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#34  March 06, 2012, 07:06:27 pm
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jmorphman you've been acting real uptight and high-and-mighty lately

cut it out and calm down
That's weird; no one accused me of acting uptight and high-and-mighty before I left Trinity.

Who knows what's changed???
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#35  March 06, 2012, 07:28:11 pm
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Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 07:32:28 pm by K.O.D
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#36  March 06, 2012, 07:48:35 pm
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Valodim and I hugged it out. If you want to hug it out too then I'm game. :)

Also I don't think I'm being uptight, I just posted in this thread with my reaction to [E]'s posting style. If that somehow makes me uptight then so be it.


Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#37  March 06, 2012, 07:54:06 pm
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WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT wait a second...

You're hugging people...


Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#38  March 06, 2012, 07:54:58 pm
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You never put out. >:[


Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#39  March 06, 2012, 07:57:40 pm
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What's the magic word.
Re: Feedback to Warnings/Decisions
#40  March 06, 2012, 07:59:32 pm
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Show me your penis???