
Fighter Creator - Old Updates (Read 207587 times)

Started by CSGames, May 25, 2014, 06:38:35 am
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Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#41  October 08, 2015, 05:32:31 am
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  • Formerly Known As Genesis
    • USA
Not sure if you fixed it in this update as I didn't get a chance to report it but there was a bug (at least on my end) with the Change Color Editor. It picks colors fine, but if you have a set color already, and hit cancel in the color picker box, it reverts/uses to the black & white/grayscale theme regardless of what you previously had.

My internet is out, otherwise I'd reported it sooner.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#42  October 08, 2015, 06:23:08 am
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  • Fighter Creator Developer
@Genesis:  I will make a note of that.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#43  October 17, 2015, 03:28:46 am
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  • Fighter Creator Developer

*  Makes some improvements to Resource Systems.


Here is the Character Template converted into a Resource System, let me know if you have any questions or need help.

Also, this will most likely be the last update for this version of Fighter Creator. The next update will focus on optimize the entire program, removing a ton of bugs, and adding 3D support and more.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#44  October 17, 2015, 03:35:06 am
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  • Formerly Known As Genesis
    • USA
I know getting the engine where it needs to be is top priority, but how soon do you think we can get some documentation/guides? I found the program hard to kind jump into, even being point and click.

I have no net so I'm not in any rush for it personally, but curious is all.

Nonetheless, yay updates!
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#45  October 17, 2015, 03:37:05 am
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  • Fighter Creator Developer
@Genesis:  What part of the engine do you need help with the most?
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#46  October 17, 2015, 03:39:30 am
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I will give this a try next week hopefully, and see its capabilities for myself first hand. If all goes good, I'll highly consider making a fighting game using it (and pay the $10 for the Commercial version).

Keep it up, sir. ^_^
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Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#47  October 17, 2015, 03:47:12 am
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  • stillRetired.
  • Formerly Known As Genesis
    • USA
It feels like everything. I can start a project,  but I feel lost for most of everything. iirc I got as far as adding a image folder....

I think once I know the function of everything (totally lost on the script stuff tbh) I'll be alright. I'm aware most things have a brief description on the bottom left.
EDIT: Again though, I can wait. I need to make more resources for my game anyway.
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#48  January 10, 2016, 09:10:41 pm
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    • UK
I just wanna start off by saying that this program has been really useful so far, so thanks for that. :)

Though I'm having an issue where every time I reopen the project I'm working on, the contents of the character scripts keep on getting duplicated,
just thought I'd left you know about this. (bug?)

But again, thanks for developing this anyways.

EDIT: I Think it's linked to save crashing.
Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 04:44:15 am by Torpex5
Re: Fighter Creator - Old Updates
#49  January 11, 2016, 07:19:38 am
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  • Fighter Creator Developer
@Torpex5:  Yeah its a bug. All of these issues should be corrected in the latest version.