
Fighting Game & Character Terminology (Read 843154 times)

Started by Die Giant Monster, April 23, 2003, 08:52:15 pm
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Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#41  October 20, 2005, 02:55:00 am
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Here's some more famous button configs I haven't seen here.

Virtua Fighter
Most throws by pressing punch and block

Most characters had a fixed combo string you could "type" in your controller way before the character ended it. Mostly used was three punches followed by a roundhouse kick.

Left Punch
Right Punch
Left Kick
Right Kick
Throws mostly on punch+kick combinations
Combos with 'type" commands. You could add most of the commands even before reaching that command's part of the combo.

Soul calibur
Horizontal Slash
Vertical Slash
Throws with either Horizontal Slash+Guard or Vertical Slash+Guard

Parries on Soul Calibur (at least sc2) fwd+Guard parries high bound attacks and pushes your enemy back. Back+guard parries low bound attacks and puts your enemy on a longer pause and at your side, giving more reaction time. This parry can also be used against throws.

As a note. On Soul Edge, there was a combo for each character that took half the "durability" of a weapon. If my memory serves me right, it was done in two strings of attacks using a simple two button command for the first three or four hits, followed by a more complex controller motion command you must input before the first string ends.

I want to talk about another game. Eternal Champions for Sega CD and 32X. But I dont have much info on it. I know there are two types of stage death. One called Vendetta I think. Can someone add this to the list?
Last Edit: October 20, 2005, 02:58:07 am by Foxphoenix
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#42  October 21, 2005, 04:55:09 pm
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I want to talk about another game. Eternal Champions for Sega CD and 32X. But I dont have much info on it. I know there are two types of stage death. One called Vendetta I think. Can someone add this to the list?

Ah, Eternal Champions. The memories. I only had the first one, but there were actually two games if I remember correctly, one for Sega Genesis/Megadrive, and one for Sega CD that was far more violent, known as Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Darkside. Here are the ways you could finish your opponent in this game:

Sudden Death - the only fatality-style move common to both games (and the only one to appear in the Genesis/Megadrive vesion of the game). Sudden Deaths are like the stage fatalities from Mortal Kombat in that they are specific to the level you're fighting on. They were activated by KO'ing the opponent on a specific spot on the level. Challenge From the Darkside Sudden Deaths were a lot more violent than the original ones.

Overkill - the other "stage fatality", Overkills were more difficult to pull off, but were much more brutal than Sudden Deaths. In fact, if Eternal Champions were released today, there's no way some of these Overkills wouldn't be the target of Jack Thompson and his ilk.

Vendetta - the normal "fatalities" that are specific to each character. For example, Larcen gets stabby, Midknight drains the lifeforce of his opponent, and so on.

Cinekill - notoriously hard to do, but worth it because it's possible to do at any time your opponent's health bar is at less than 50%. The effect of the Cinekill is different for each character it happens to; each character dies a different death, and they range from the brutal (Shadow taking a throwing star to the forehead) to the comical (Ramses being turned into a scarab, which is then stepped on, if I remember correctly)

As a special treat, here's a link to a site where you can see all four finishing sequences for all the characters in Challenge From the Darkside! But be warned, the animations are not particularly work-safe, and some of these are DEFINITELY not for the weak of heart or stomach. Dawson's Tree Spike and Midknight's The Long Fall are ESPECIALLY gruesome and I cannot recommend viewing them at all if you have recently eaten or plan on eating ever again. Here is the link:
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#43  November 07, 2005, 01:49:59 pm
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Just one thing to mention. Guilty Gear XX's  button config is:
Heavy Slash
In Guilty Gear and Guilty Gear X there was no dust button.
Someone should probably make mention of Counter Hits. I would, but, seeing as how Guilty Gear XX is the only fighting game I've played, I'm not sure how Counter hits work on other games. Basically, hitting an opponent while they're attacking, or in some cases, when the opponent is still in a lag causes a counter hit. The most common effect that a counter hit does is cause more hit stun on the opponent, though it varies.Sometimes an attack would knock down that would otherwise not, while others don't allow tech hits/air recovery if a particular fighting game has such things. In GGXX, the typical effects are longer hit stun, slip recovery(a special effect in which the opponent is shaken for several seconds unless the opponent mashes out), and higher dizzy modification.
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with a tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kari rock! I need scissors, 61! - Colenel Campbell, Metal Gear Solid 2
Last Edit: November 07, 2005, 01:58:24 pm by ShinQuickMan
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#44  November 07, 2005, 03:22:24 pm
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you forgot memory and the taunt.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#45  November 08, 2005, 03:27:12 am
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Memory isn't in the arcade. :o

Many people risk their lives everyday by having Mugen.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#46  November 08, 2005, 05:32:27 pm
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Well, no one seems to make mention of the taunt button for other games, so I decided not to put it there. Also, I wouldn't include short-cut keys or keys exclusive to the console version as part of the button config.
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with a tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kari rock! I need scissors, 61! - Colenel Campbell, Metal Gear Solid 2
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#47  February 04, 2006, 10:32:21 pm
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well can someone explain "burst" in Guilty Gear.

BTW Was command throw ever mentioned? example zangief spinning piledriver.
imputting a motion for a throw.

In Guilty Gear you have gauge (that says Burst) that fills up as you get hit.. You might get it once a round if you use it early in the first.

Anyways, when it fills you may use a "burst". You can burst at two points.

Blue Burst(Point 1): When you're in block or hit stun, as well as a knockdown or falling state, you can hit Dust and any other button. The character rises from the ground a short distance(Invincible to everything but air throws -- which is really impressive to do to someone while they burst). A "burst" of blue energy expands from them maybe about a character length or two and knocks the opponent down and away if it hits. This can be used to break combos, get out of pressure or get off the ground "safer"(It actually a stupid thing to do but you can do it).

If the burst falls the character falls back down and is vulnderable while falling and for I think a few frames after landing.

Gold Burst(any time you're just standing around): This burst takes only 3/4ths of the guage(though it still has to be full to use it) and functions fundementally the same only the burst is gold in color and if it hits you get a full bar of "tension" or super meter. It also grants full invincibility while falling, but I does not protect you from the landing cool down.

Thats about it in a nutshell.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#48  February 09, 2006, 10:53:46 pm
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  • I love Yuri! HOCHI KOCHI!!
SNK have gone 6-button with KoFmaximum impact
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#49  February 11, 2006, 06:16:56 am
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  • nya~
Would a character like May Lee from kof's Hero Mode and Normal mode be considered an ism?
And what about angel?
Or is her cancellability just really high?

thats all I have..
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#50  February 13, 2006, 09:07:56 pm
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  • I love Yuri! HOCHI KOCHI!!
Turtler: A person who does barely any attacking

Shoto scrub: A player who only uses Ryu, Ken, Sakura and Dan (SF cseries)

Happy parrier: Someone who parries a lot (SF3)

Button Basher: someon who bashes buttons in attempt to win.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#51  May 08, 2006, 06:39:16 am
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Looking over this topic, I've noticed a number of missing entries that could prove informative, so...


MAX Activation: An ability exclusive to the KOF series, where your character enters a glowing state.  This allows you to use a desperation move without consuming a portion of your gauge.  The use of powered-up DMs also becomes possible.

Fallbreaker/Safe Landing/Ukemi: A technique that makes your character roll (rather than fall) upon meeting the ground.  This is deemed a ground escape in the MvC series.

Knockdown Attack: This can be performed both standing & jumping, & is generally a long range, single strike that knocks your opponent off their feet.

Body Toss Escape: Similar to Capcom's Tech Hit, in that it allows you to avoid getting thrown.  However, you don't receive the damage reduction.

Provocation/Chouhatsu: ie. taunt.

High Jump: Not to be confused with a super jump, this causes your fighter to jump slightly higher than normal.  Note: This technique is also present in Capcom's Warzard.

Emergency Evasion: This causes your character to perform a quick roll (while standing) in the direction you hold.

Guard Cancel Knockdown: A knockdown performed the instant you block an attack.

Guard Cancel Emergency Evasion: A quick roll done the instant you block an attack.


Raging Wave Rush: This is simply a fancy term for the chain combos done by pressing basic attacks in light, medium, hard order.

Pursuit/Follow-Up Attack: This executes a quick downward strike on a fallen opponent.  This ability is available in Wazard, as well.

--Warzard/Red Earth--

Ultimate Guard: This technique completely defends against all basics, specials, & combos.  However, it's useless against throws.

Ultimate Counter: A counter attack done while Ultimate Guard is in effect.


Parry/Guard Cancel: This moves your character forward the instant you guard your opponent's attack, which leaves them wide open.

Leap Attack: This performs an attack right out of a crouching, defensive position.

Quick Standing: This makes your character stand right back up the moment you hit the ground from a fall.

--Guilty Gear--

Ichigeki Hissatsu: This is Guilty Gear's infamous one-hit kill maneuver.  Note: It can be countered.

Dead Anger Attack: If you block an attack the instant it connects, the screen will fade red, allowing for the use of your one-hit kill move (specified above).

Flawless Defense: This causes your character to gradually lose super gauge energy, but take no guard damage.


Wrap Around: A technique used solely by Ingrid in CFJ, which causes her to somersault & avoid attacks.  IMO, this is much too similar to an Ukemi.

Corner Combos: These are rather self-explanatory, & most prominent in the later installments of the MK series.  Often times, these combos are suggested for use in corners, as they rely heavily on juggling.

Snap Back: This executes a short-range attack that knocks your foe off screen & brings in one of their partners (depending on the button used).  Note: Only found in MvC2.

EDIT: My mistake...but thank you, Phantom. :omg:
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Last Edit: August 08, 2006, 06:53:32 am by Mature4evr
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#52  May 08, 2006, 06:42:19 am
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Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#53  June 23, 2006, 10:11:40 pm
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MAX Activation: An ability exclusive to the KOF series, where your character enters a glowing state.  This allows you to use a desperation move without consuming a portion of your gauge.  The use of powered-up DMs also becomes possible.

Fallbreaker/Safe Landing/Ukemi: A technique that makes your character roll (rather than fall) upon meeting the ground.  This is deemed a ground escape in the MvC series.

max activation varies a lot in kof, in 2k it can hit and juggle oponents, in 2002 youc an perform it while hitting with basic or adv attacks, at the cost of one extra stock, but allowing you for better combos, let's not mention it's effects, that change even more.

safe landing in kof 11 has a variant in which you can roll forward.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#54  August 01, 2006, 03:17:50 am
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Super Smash Brothers

A - Attack
B - Special Attack
X or Y - Jump (C buttons in the original N64 version)
R Trigger - Shield(Hold) and Throw(Tap)

BTW, can anyone explain the term Tiger Knee to me?  I've heard it used as a general term but I'm not sure what kind of properties it describes about certain moves.

Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#55  August 08, 2006, 07:07:27 am
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BTW, can anyone explain the term Tiger Knee to me?  I've heard it used as a general term but I'm not sure what kind of properties it describes about certain moves.

Well, to be frank, it doesn't involve any specific move, at all.  From what I've read, the term "tiger knee" describes a condition where certain aerial moves can be performed while still grounded.  Generally, this is achieved by entering the attack motion, immediately followed by up + whatever button the move uses.  FYI, one site gave Sagat's classic special (go figure), as an example of this.
Latest Release: Here / Current Projects: The Penguin & Stage Rectifications (2nd Set)
Last Edit: August 08, 2006, 07:13:40 am by Mature4evr
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#56  August 08, 2006, 03:20:19 pm
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I would take "Tigger Knee" term as D,DF,F,UF motion.
It like saying "Hadouken + Kick" which sounds weird, but you can actually figure the move is D,DF,F+K


Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#57  October 09, 2006, 11:59:50 pm
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BTW, can anyone explain the term Tiger Knee to me?  I've heard it used as a general term but I'm not sure what kind of properties it describes about certain moves.
Its DB, D, DF, F, FU+ attack, the original motion for Joe's Tiger knee...
Old Internet Joke:
Q. How do you shut up a new guy?
A. Use the Search button, the answer has already been posted.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#58  May 17, 2007, 12:51:56 am
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Are there any advantages of Charge up moves as opposed to Command? Like, why should I choose Guile instead of Ryu?
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#59  May 17, 2007, 01:54:55 am
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only if you are command short cutting, but since char that have charge moves normally also have cahrge super it is not that useful.
Re: Fighting Game & Character Terminology
#60  June 04, 2007, 06:21:32 am
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There are still many reasons one may want to use guile instead of ryu though  ;P if you're asking what could be better learn to fap to the light punch sonic boom in CE ^^

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