
General Sonic Game News Thread (Read 379093 times)

Started by TrinitroRoy, May 31, 2021, 04:07:00 pm
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General Sonic Game News Thread
#1  May 31, 2021, 04:07:00 pm
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Surprised nobody has started talking about it yet, soooooooo...let me do the honors.

Sonic Colors Ultimate is a remaster of Sonic Colors (originally released for the Wii). It'll be released for Series X, XBONE, PS4, Nintendo Switch and EGS (sorry, no Steam version) and will contain various customization options. You can change Sonic's gloves and shoes and even his boost effect (includes a boost effect based on the Sonic movie).
Spoiler: stuff accidently leaked by Famitsu (click to see content)

Sonic Origins is a compilation of Sonic's Genesis era games, complete with widescreen support and other features/improvements. The compilation includes Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD (probably the Taxman versions for those), and for the first time ever in widescreen, Sonic 3 & Knuckles!

And then there's a teaser for a brand new Sonic game as well. We know nothing about it aside from the release year (2022) and that it has a weird logo...that's unless we dig into the teaser trailer's metadata!
Spoiler: more leaks (click to see content)

So...what are your thoughts, guys?
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Last Edit: January 31, 2024, 11:42:05 pm by TrinitroRoy
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#2  May 31, 2021, 04:16:36 pm
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Gotta correct you about something: watch the "Sonic Origins" properly, S3&K is NOT Wide-Screen. In fact, it looks badly blurred, I bet it'll be an emulator.
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#3  May 31, 2021, 05:08:14 pm
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I hate to say this, but Sonic Colors looks awfully worse! Seriously, what's up with companies making remastered games by just making graphics just bright as hell, heck even Halo did it. Its like putting some lens flare into a woodchipper and slappin it on a piece of paper and slamming the paper into an already beautiful game and just calling it a day. I know that Sonic Colors was one of my favorite sonic games back then, it did introduced some cool mechanisms like the wisps, although not far from fancy, it kinda holds up pretty well.


No thanks SEGA ¬_¬

S3&K is NOT Wide-Screen. In fact, it looks badly blurred, I bet it'll be an emulator.

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Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#4  May 31, 2021, 05:39:19 pm
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Gotta correct you about something: watch the "Sonic Origins" properly, S3&K is NOT Wide-Screen. In fact, it looks badly blurred, I bet it'll be an emulator.
S3&K is NOT Wide-Screen. In fact, it looks badly blurred, I bet it'll be an emulator.

This is an official statement from Sonic's PR management.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles WILL have wide-screen. It just wasn't shown in the trailer.
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Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#5  May 31, 2021, 06:17:36 pm
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I don't have much to comment on the first two.  Didn't play Colors.  Haven't felt like touching the Wii since....2010 or something.  Am slightly curious about this supposed best Sonic game of the decade contender, will likely get it.  The retro collection is the same that I've gotten, what, 5 times already before across consoles?  It's fine and expected for the ever-continuing stream of new players, but nothing special to me.

The last one give HUGE Sonic 06 vibes.  The trailer's actual direction reminds me of 06's reveal to an immense degree, albeit lacking robots chasing Sonic to show off the then shiny new graphics, 06 being the series' 15th anniversary celebration and this being that squared leaves me accepting it being tied in some way to be more plausible, and the trailer's art direction of the forest also attempting being more realistic.

Of course, that's all just assumptions.  Could be entirely unrelated.  But I would not put it past Sonic Team to want to retcon and "fix" 06 after all the years and dust have settled.
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#6  June 01, 2021, 07:43:29 am
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Some of the things about the new Sonic game worries me a bit. I feel some Sonic 2006 vibes aswell and that's no good.
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#7  June 01, 2021, 08:13:04 am
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I dunno why ya'll worry about it feeling like '06. If you'll ask me, I think that this rectification you talking about should come much, MUCH earlier, if that's going to be one, to begin with. I mean, '06 is not as bad of a game as people keep declaring it to be, and if it could rectify its mistakes and come out as a better game, I think it would be the game to truly love.
Edit: let's just hope it won't be '06 in MISTAKE regards. To forgive rectified mistakes is one thing, but to watch Sega keep repeating them - absolutely different one.
Last Edit: June 01, 2021, 08:17:35 am by Trololo
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#8  June 03, 2021, 03:11:14 am
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Good news: we finally know what that weird Tails life icon is about in Sonic Colors Ultimate
Bad news:
Spoiler: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, SEGA?! FUCK YOU!!! (click to see content)
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Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#9  June 03, 2021, 06:37:59 am
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I dunno, I thought it was obvious that Tails would be nothing more than a function In this game. No need to put his icon like that and show still Sonic as a playable character if he is going to be playable. Besides, let's not forget that Sega since '06 doesn't do big Sonic games where you play NOT as Sonic (or some OC like in "Forces", which is, basically, the same Sonic, but with the weapon and some mini-skill). I think at this point even thinking this fact will change is plain useless.
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#10  June 04, 2021, 02:58:02 am
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Don't honestly know why people thought Tails would be playable this time around in the remaster. Hell, we were LUCKY enough to even have him as a support character this time.
Last Edit: June 04, 2021, 03:14:05 am by Good_Wall533
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#11  June 04, 2021, 03:12:15 am
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Sonic 1, 2, and CD look to be the Christian Whitehead versions of the games, though I could be wrong
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#12  September 04, 2021, 04:59:47 pm
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Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#13  September 04, 2021, 06:09:26 pm
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Eh. Don't even have the energy to be angry at this franchise anymore after the stuff that happened over the years. Just another day in the life as a Sonic fan. Super Monkey Ball fans get a pretty kickass remaster of the first three games and yet we get a "remastered" version of a game that was already pretty polished. I feel nothing for this franchise except apathy. Oh well.
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#14  September 04, 2021, 06:29:56 pm
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Super Monkey Ball fans get a pretty kickass remaster of the first three games and yet we get a "remastered" version of a game that was already pretty polished.
a game that was already pretty polished.
I disagree.

People may have liked Sonic Colors back then because it was the first "good" Sonic game after a series of failures, but looking back at it, Sonic Colors is...not really that good tbh...

The writing is fluctuates between meh and bad, a lot of the level design is REALLY blocky, the game has unnecessary padding (why the fuck do zones have SIX ACTS EACH?!), etc.

Colors DS, is definitely a good game and a MUCH better product than Colors Wii. Play Colors DS instead of Colors Wii or god forbid Colors Ultimate.
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Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#15  September 04, 2021, 06:55:05 pm
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Super Monkey Ball fans get a pretty kickass remaster of the first three games and yet we get a "remastered" version of a game that was already pretty polished.
a game that was already pretty polished.
I disagree.

People may have liked Sonic Colors back then because it was the first "good" Sonic game after a series of failures, but looking back at it, Sonic Colors is...not really that good tbh...

The writing is fluctuates between meh and bad, a lot of the level design is REALLY blocky, the game has unnecessary padding (why the fuck do zones have SIX ACTS EACH?!), etc.

Colors DS, is definitely a good game and a MUCH better product than Colors Wii. Play Colors DS instead of Colors Wii or god forbid Colors Ultimate.

I agree with everything you just said but the point i'm trying to make here is that what i mean by 'pretty polished' is that the original Wii version didn't have bugs out the wazoo compared to the "Ultimate" version. I don't know know what happened here honestly. I don't know who's fault this is, SEGA, Blind Squirrel Games or both. All i know is that some people are going to continue their "Lol sOnIc bAd" drivel and that honestly sucks.
Last Edit: September 04, 2021, 06:59:28 pm by Good_Wall533
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#16  September 04, 2021, 07:47:39 pm
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so Sonic Colors Ultimate came out, and...well
I am so mad right now!

Actually, it hasn’t been released entirely, just early copies & those pre ordered the Digital Deluxe version.
That, and i’ve heard Sega’s already confirmed on a livestream that  they’ll do multiple patches & updates to Ultimate.
They already have released a patch or two for Ultimate, from what i’ve read.
I know seeing these bug reports is probably really frustrating, but i think we should give Sega & Blind Squirrel the benefit of the doubt & give them time to let them fix the issues before we write Ultimate off.
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#17  September 04, 2021, 10:17:49 pm
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I wouldn't give them any benefit of a doubt. This shit shouldn't have even passed through QA.

In fact, this whole "it'll be fixed in a patch" thing has gotten out of control. For all intents and purposes, the game is officially released early access be damned, but the state of the game shows that it's completely unplayable. I want to know the story that led to this mess.
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#18  September 04, 2021, 10:41:22 pm
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Patches are meant to iron out small flaws of mostly finished games, what happened to this one is a clearly unfinished release that they're going to finish with a bunch of patches. There is no excuse for this behavior, when I buy a fucking game, I buy it to play it now, not to play in X days/months when the lazy incompetent shit company finishes it.
Last Edit: September 04, 2021, 10:51:37 pm by Macaulyn97
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#19  September 05, 2021, 12:24:31 am
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I wouldn't give them any benefit of a doubt. This shouldn't have even passed through QA.
I want to know the story that led to this mess.

I agree to an extent, And I agree the game probably should have been delayed to iron out issues before release, too.
But i also think that’s part of the thing:
We don’t know what happened during development or QA.

As ridiculous as this might sound, most of the bugs might have just not occurred for the QA team & slipped by unnoticed until the Digital Deluxe version came out.

I have been seeing people saying on Twitter that they’ve had little to no issues with the game.

That’s not to say they aren’t there, but it seems like everyone’s experience is different, with some having more issues than others.

Anyways, while i’m always open for responses,  i also don’t want to spend a whole lot of time going back & forth on this, so i’m just going to give a short summery about what my stance on Sonic Colors Ultimate is:

I’m going to wait until it officially releases for everyone on the 7th, & see how the patches/updates end up turning out.

If things turn out well, then i’d say that’s great.

If things don’t work out that well, i’ll mainly just stick with the original Wii/DS versions & recommend those to those who ask,

at least maybe unless there’s a sale or something.

And if people want to play it anyway (which they most likely will) & ask me about it, i’ll let them know about the Wii/DS versions and the bugs other people have had with Ultimate, but ultimately i’ll recommend that they play it if they think they’ll like it, & have them make their own experiences & from their own opinions on it.
Re: Sonic Colors Ultimate, Sonic Origins & ???
#20  September 05, 2021, 05:05:15 am
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And apparently a lot of those bug reports are coming from people playing on the Yuzu emulator.