As long as there's a lighter around the Fireseal it's post SignAlso pre-sex Ky would never wear a cool guy outfit like that
Byakko said, August 06, 2019, 02:56:15 amWhat makes you think thatk6666orochi said, September 13, 2019, 05:31:16 am [youtube][/youtube]sol and ky look younger and may looks older (kinda milf)?
The two Gear hybrid whatever men look young and the human girl looks older So you're saying it's in fact a sequelGood talk
地獄の花 said, September 13, 2019, 02:21:41 pmso what happens to bridget if this is a time skip.does he look manly now?If anything, they would have an excuse for him to have boobs now.Bastard Mami said, September 13, 2019, 04:18:31 pmbridget is dead.Is that a wish or a fact? article explains some key stuffGame isnt considered to be part of XrD brandNot everyone from Rev 2 will be backStory is indeed a sequel, takes place shortly after Rev 2They literally restarted almost everything from scratch.Game systems and the traditional Guilty Gear stuff was thrown out the window for something freshNaoki Hashimoto did the theme song for this one, just like in Xrd. Ishiwatari is also in charge of the musicIts not a PS4 exclusive
lui said, September 13, 2019, 07:15:33 pmThey literally restarted almost everything from scratch.Game systems and the traditional Guilty Gear stuff was thrown out the window for something freshEverything's great but this worries me a bit
lui said, September 13, 2019, 07:15:33 pmStory is indeed a sequel, takes place shortly after Rev 2They literally restarted almost everything from scratch.Game systems and the traditional Guilty Gear stuff was thrown out the window for something freshNaoki Hashimoto did the theme song for this one, just like in Xrd. Ishiwatari is also in charge of the musicIts not a PS4 exclusiveHOLY SHIT!! Arc System Works is really on fire. It seems that will be a huge improvement over the last titles.
I'm probably in the minority, but I'm not really feeling this art style (which is like Xrd). The designs so far are cool, the colors are great, the animations are nice...when it's during normal gameplay. The second it zooms in, whether for cut scenes or dramatic points or whatever, it looks ugly. There's no true curves or circles or smooth continuous lines, as there's jagged lines everywhere. I almost want to say don't zoom in. If it's not zoomed in, it looks awesome. Otherwise, the art zooming in looks rough/unfinished. I know it's a type of method to animate, but I've been hearing lots of people saying how gorgeous it is, when it kind of isn't at a closer look.
k6666orochi said, November 04, 2019, 04:36:34 amNew trailer[youtube][/youtube]Characters have their own theme songs? I loved Chipp's one.