
Hdbz current status 2020 (Read 22364 times)

Started by Iced, June 02, 2020, 10:21:52 pm
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Hdbz current status 2020
#1  June 02, 2020, 10:21:52 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Hi everyone.

Bringing you an update from behind the veil.

As with everyone, we were hit pretty hard with the Coronavirus and things slowed down considerably.
I hope everyone of you is doing well on these fucked up times.

Here's a update on the characters we've been working on.

Krillin and Eighteen were released, and have been going through heavy updates with JNP ajnd Xgargoyle updating them. These updates will be available sooner than later.

Vegetto also got a batch of updates regarding several bugs that were found on him.

Jiren is currently in the throws of beta testing, with things being fine tuned and moved around, graphically wise he currently is only missing his finishers. Brose has been working hard on his updates.

Super vegeta is coming close to being in a release state. Hado is on the job.

Toni has been working on several stages and we've several ready for the next update. This includes some new stages and editing the older ones.

Black has slowed down considerably. The coder and spriter havent gone back to it, so unfortunately there's not a lot to talk about in that venue.

Past characters are all getting updates at a steadily rhytm, but implementation of those changes on so many characters at once has been difficult.

The rest remains veiled in chaos, it hasnt been a fast year and a lot of personal issues for everyone involved doesnt allow everything to be as fast as we would sometimes wish to be.

Ill leave you with several images of stuff we are working on.

New Stage!
Baba palace: Nighjt stalker

New Stage!
The Husk of Humanity

New Jiren Intro:
We live in a society.

Do not ingest anything a clown hands you in a dark alley.

New Jiren intro

Dont talk to him til he got his first mug in.

or he gets cranky

Black is more partial to tea.

New Jiren Winpose
Dyspo knows what up.

New Jiren hyper.
The cage of flame burns brighter than the sun.

The Great Uppercut will cut through the heavens.

And even if he gets knocked out, he will act as ifs something of no consequence.

Hes just that cool of a guy.

The champ, also getting fine tuned

Here shown in the process of kicking Goku.

Vegeta been kicking goku too

New Super vegeta intro
The holy training of Whis

And a bonus pic by nico about.. negan? Wtf Nico get out of here.

Disclaimer this is a completely fake picture , do not trust Nico.
Re: Hdbz current status 2020
#2  June 02, 2020, 11:42:30 pm
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  • Rurouni Fan
  • The dream is nothing yet drive us to the end.
Stop making Jiren an interesting character, you are succeeding.  :smash:
Those new stages look really good.
Let me ask you something, do you guys plan on add intro and/or endings for the chars at some point?
One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

Did you play the new
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Re: Hdbz current status 2020
#3  June 03, 2020, 11:40:44 am
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
I would never say never but right now doing characters has been on the front burner.
Re: Hdbz current status 2020
#4  June 03, 2020, 12:34:38 pm
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  • Indeed
I'm hyped for this as much as everyone else, but really, take your time guys and be safe. These are fucked up times indeed.

Just a curiosity, are you gonna release the characters and the various updates separately as soon as they're finished, or are you preparing a general update where everything you're currently working on will be released at once? (I'm hoping for the latter)

Also... Is that Jiren palette a reference to Saitama??
Re: Hdbz current status 2020
#5  June 03, 2020, 01:23:42 pm
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Any new char will be released when they can so that they can be beta tested. like weve done so far.

Krillin and eighteen are still betas and the playtesting of the community influences their final versions.

This sacrifices a bit the sense of surprise for things like what we did with mr satan before, but its the major tradeoff of the two methods.  Its harder and riskier to hold things back for large updates.
Re: Hdbz current status 2020
#6  June 03, 2020, 05:59:25 pm
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To add to that we were intending on waiting at one point. But due to everything a full build release has been drastically pushed back. So instead of radio silence for another year + we decided to release as the chars are ready so that when a full build release comes again they will be more solid.
Re: Hdbz current status 2020
#7  June 04, 2020, 12:08:39 pm
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Good job so far as always, keep up the good work!
Re: Hdbz current status 2020
#8  July 05, 2020, 07:25:39 pm
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    • Dominica
are there plans to make Rochi?
Re: Hdbz current status 2020
#9  July 05, 2020, 10:18:54 pm
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    • Mexico
Good gesture of you to bring a general update by year.