
How to get Hyper Rush LVL 3 for SSJ Goku? (Read 28044 times)

Started by EpicMtnGamer, August 30, 2019, 08:49:35 pm
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How to get Hyper Rush LVL 3 for SSJ Goku?
#1  August 30, 2019, 08:49:35 pm
  • Fan of OHMSBY styled characters
Teleports and Teleport Attacks fill up the Justice bar, but the buffer bar decreases for each use of Teleport. It empties completely before I get to LVL 3.

Quote: "Using Teleport Attacks means you won't be able to reach Lv3 of the Justice Mode before it's cancelled out."

Is there other possible way to fill the Justice bar without Justice Mode cancelling? Thanks!  :)
I'm barely active here lol
Re: How to get Hyper Rush LVL 3 for SSJ Goku?
#2  October 03, 2019, 01:38:02 pm
  • ***
    • USA
All you have to do is use the teleports in the middle of combos. Doing that fills up the gauge faster than you would just by doing the teleports on their own. Try finding combos where you can teleport in to get closer to your opponent and keep hitting him, and you'll get there  :)
Re: How to get Hyper Rush LVL 3 for SSJ Goku?
#3  October 05, 2019, 02:40:45 pm
  • Fan of OHMSBY styled characters
Thanks for this info!
I'm barely active here lol