you might want to post it to this page if possible
Alex Sinigaglia said, April 06, 2014, 10:50:15 amTo Chamat:In the credits: "...and many more..." so you're also credited in some way.Hes fully credited in freeza readmes for making some bases we used. The list on the youtube comment misses a lot of people, beta testers and people that helped with some animations included but our readmes always have had full detailed explanations.Freeza hasnt been released yet.Thanks everyone for all the kind words.
Rosh said, April 07, 2014, 03:37:34 amYou guys made it on Eventhubs. Congrats. some of the replys there are making me laughlike this guys reply to some one asking where to get it.hope you guys dont mind i posted a link to this tread since alot of peeps are asking where to get the demoon eventHubs
i just registered this account here just to say THANKS, i never played mugen games cause i don't like them being broken, nosense etc but this is AMAZING. this is exactly the DBZ game i'm waiting for the freakin next gen consoles, still they keep doing those shitty games! i'm definitely gonna play this with my friends when we gather up to play fightings!now i just have 2 requests:1) majin vegeta asap PLS2) online feature
Currently the main engine does not allow for online play. You'll have to go with one of the clone engines out there (namely IKEMEN) if you absolutely want netplay.
Shwa said, April 07, 2014, 05:00:44 amCurrently the main engine does not allow for online play. You'll have to go with one of the clone engines out there (namely IKEMEN) if you absolutely want netplay.i'm noob about mugen stuff so i didn't know any chance to set up a nice "ikemen" HDBZ online group?
Team Z2! i cant get the sample demo to play a match.i tried training and mugen becomes unresponsive.i tried loading up goku in FF and it wont.vegeta loaded up in FF but when i try to run him to testhim out it freezes.I think something might be wrong with the demo
Memo said, April 07, 2014, 04:00:59 amimageIt was a reply to "How I'd love a DBZ game with some actual depth and character balance. All we've pretty much got so far are games that take advantage of there fanbase."That guy said that there already was a(n old) game with balance etc.; where's the funny part? Your laughs came from a misunderstanding.
there are people failing to find the file in the youtube video description, even with eventhub showing it on their description.Super dbz was a neat game and we took osme hints from it, I thought he motion bar , the upgrading and the move stealing kinda ruined its balance. That and that it was for ps2 so it had no online and it forced you into endless tournaments to unlock moves.Vegeta galick ho in our style has the same galick ho .
FINALLY i got my laptop back today, so i have been experiencing all this amazing reactions via phone-internet connectionuntil now.Now i can comment, share and show the video better hehehe, but oh my god, i was looking the visits number this morning and i could not contain a little scream when i saw it reached over 50.000 visits!!!! and now its almost 60.000!!!!THIS IS CRAZYYYY!!!!