What did you say about me you little terrible little man, I am NOT a crook.I'm the next president og the God blessed States of America.I am NOT a crook.http://mugenguild.com/forum/msg.2233537Vote for me.LOL ( lots of love) -HC
Orochi Gill said, April 01, 2016, 05:28:51 pmBill was betterListen you berniebro loser I'm sick and tired of people of your ilk lying about me because of being a strong woman.http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/clinton-lashes-out-i-am-so-sick-the-sanders-campaign-lying I am not a crook, unlike that horrible person , Donald.God bless.LOL-HC
im sorry but does this forum read "hillary mugen guild"? NO IT DOESN'T!!!leave our trump heaven and go back to the kitchen!
I've watched many disasters in my times folks. The Arab Spring, what a mess that was. Benghazi. How did people let them get away with THAT one for so long? The typhoon in Japan, that was a bad one, hurt many of my interests. Hurt some real great MUGEN creators out east. Truly sorry about all that. You hear about this catastrophe going on in Europe right now with the refugees, I'm talking masses of people, masses fleeing in, and you don't even know who's a terrorist and who isn't. Estimates are out that maybe half of em could be radicalized. Horrible. A mess. But none of that is even close to how disastrous Hillary Clinton's campaign is. Shameful.