
I would like to commission for a Capcom vs SNK? Is that allowed? (Read 5274 times)

Started by YukitoHirai680, March 12, 2024, 10:46:39 pm
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I would like to commission for a Capcom vs SNK? Is that allowed?
#1  March 12, 2024, 10:46:39 pm
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I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this.

Hi, I'm a new user here. Recently I got into playing the mugen Capcom vs SNK Warriors of 2 Dimensions, and I really enjoyed it. I also like the screenpack style in the game. However, the Capcom roster in the game (like in other CVS games) is largely just Street Fighter characters with a few other Capcom characters thrown in. I wanted a CVS game where the Capcom roster is more of a myriad of different Capcom IPs rather than a roster that is overwhelmingly Street Fighter.

However, I have no experience in creating Mugen games or adding characters or stages, ect. So I was hoping if I could talk to someone about commisioning. What I want is CVS Warriors of 2 Dimensions, but with a different and smaller roster (I'll send the roster picture of who I want) and a smaller stage list because I like the style and also there wouldn't be as much work required to be done. I wanted to get into contact with Charles_2011, who made the CVS mugen game, but the site doesn't allow me to personally message anyone.

So I'm here and I was hoping to talk to someone about this.
Re: I would like to commission for a Capcom vs SNK? Is that allowed?
#2  March 13, 2024, 05:20:10 pm
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I don't think u need commission for adding chars and stages, because is very easy
about coding, if somebody is willing to get paid to make a full cvs2 roster for money, I think that's ok, however there are copying right thing issues, you know, capcom and snk allowed use their chars only for fun, not for gain ( I remember decades ago somebody said  that people from snk plays kof wings)
Good Luck !

I did this tutorial years ago, sorry for my English mistakes
any question about adding chars or stages, you can ask here
Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 05:26:19 pm by kamui 2.0
Re: I would like to commission for a Capcom vs SNK? Is that allowed?
#3  March 14, 2024, 08:16:58 pm
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Thank you, I'll be checking the video out and see what I can do. I have a bad feeling that I'm going to screw it up and it's not going to work the way I want it. But, I'll do as best as I can.

I do have one quick question, is there a specific Mugen version I need to download to put the characters in it? I apologize, this is my first time doing anything Mugen related.
Re: I would like to commission for a Capcom vs SNK? Is that allowed?
#4  March 14, 2024, 09:11:55 pm
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you can use mugen 1.0 or mugen 1.1, the video tutorial works in both
you can download them here (section mugen-latest-release-1-1-official-release)

I don't know with the video works with ikemen, because I never used

if I can help you, you can ask any question about adding stages an chars, about the coding I don't know anything