
[Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2025-02-17) (Read 1001738 times)

Started by Eiton, February 19, 2023, 05:56:03 am
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Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#21  February 28, 2023, 02:59:30 pm
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The Nightly build (latest dev version) is available now so you don't have to build Ikemen Go yourself.

Is it possible to publish a related tutorial? Especially the processing of those full screen skills
楼主是不是之前贴吧上的那位大佬,好像在B站也发布过罪恶装备人物的MUGEN视频!是的话应该能够看得懂中文吧。希望可以出期 制作原始游戏特效 相关的教程,在已有的人物里我感觉你是特效还原度最高的大佬了。
I won't bother to write a complete tutorial. I can only give you the rough idea. There may be better approaches.
- knowledge of Cheat Engine (CE) or other debug tools
- knowledge of computer graphics (and related math)
- basic understanding on how game works

Method 1:
Understand the structure of the effects by reverse engineering with the help of CE or other tools. Recreate it in Mugen / Ikemen Go.
You can study the source code of Hantei-chan instead for MBTL effects.

Method 2:
Use whatever methods to let the game draw the desired effect on a blank (black) buffer. Capture it frame by frame.

Just curious, have you considered
doing something like this article (SFXs)?
Million Arthur: Arcana Blood Sprite Rips
The raw SFXs are available in Resentone's post. It is not trivial to batch output the processed SFXs. I have no plan to do it.
Last Edit: February 28, 2023, 03:27:23 pm by Eiton
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#22  February 28, 2023, 05:34:51 pm
  • ****
- knowledge of Cheat Engine (CE) or other debug tools
- knowledge of computer graphics (and related math)
- basic understanding on how game works

wow That's why you are able to contribute to IKEMEN GO's code.
I feel like a fool that knowing nothing about it haha.

BTW I managed to use your sprites on my saber's shield and moon drive.
thank you so much

I also raised one bug against IKEMEN 0.98.2 hope 0.99 can fix it.
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#23  March 04, 2023, 06:48:55 am
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    • China
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#24  March 04, 2023, 06:57:14 am
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Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#25  March 04, 2023, 08:00:19 am
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  • The story begins with who's gonna win
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English in the international part of the forum, please
Nevermind, there's nothing I can do
Bet your life there's something killing you
It's a shame we have to die, my dear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
What a way to go, but have no fear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time
It's a shame we have to disappear
No one's getting out of here alive
This time, this time, this time
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#26  March 04, 2023, 01:35:06 pm
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Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#27  March 05, 2023, 02:42:34 pm
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    • USA
Method 2:
Use whatever methods to let the game draw the desired effect on a blank (black) buffer. Capture it frame by frame.

I used the second method to set the stage and characters to black, but the effect will exceed the screen. Can this be solved by scaling the game resolution?
I'm sorry, I didn't use English in order to better explain the problem!this is the last time。
另外想请教一下,IKEMEN GO是否可以像电击文库那样,开局的时候选择两个援护角色,这在MUGEN中好像是不可行的。(English:In addition, I would like to ask whether IKEMEN GO can choose two support roles at the beginning of the game like DFCI, which seems to be unfeasible in MUGEN.)
Last Edit: March 05, 2023, 02:58:26 pm by 坐忘道
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#28  March 05, 2023, 03:53:13 pm
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I used the second method to set the stage and characters to black, but the effect will exceed the screen. Can this be solved by scaling the game resolution?
To some extend. But you don't need very high resolution images or your sff will become very big. Scale the effect to 0.5x or even 0.25x.

另外想请教一下,IKEMEN GO是否可以像电击文库那样,开局的时候选择两个援护角色,这在MUGEN中好像是不可行的。(English:In addition, I would like to ask whether IKEMEN GO can choose two support roles at the beginning of the game like DFCI, which seems to be unfeasible in MUGEN.)
I have no idea what you mean. There are mugen characters that can select support characters at the beginning of the game.

Yeah it is possible to add interpolation support to hantei-chan, but it needs quite a lot of efforts to rework the pat rendering flow.
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#29  March 06, 2023, 01:20:46 am
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另外想请教一下,IKEMEN GO是否可以像电击文库那样,开局的时候选择两个援护角色,这在MUGEN中好像是不可行的。(English:In addition, I would like to ask whether IKEMEN GO can choose two support roles at the beginning of the game like DFCI, which seems to be unfeasible in MUGEN.)
I have no idea what you mean. There are mugen characters that can select support characters at the beginning of the game.

My Guess is there is a limitation that in Roundstate = 1 if you press abc or xyz.
the game will start and jump to roundstate = 2 and skip the intro.

thats put a limition on the pre-fight menu system that can only press a key for only one time so you can't select 2 sub character but only 1.

I'm also curious to know if IKEMEN have a feature that not allow to skip intro so it will make multi selection menu possible.

Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#30  March 06, 2023, 11:09:56 am
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    • USA
另外想请教一下,IKEMEN GO是否可以像电击文库那样,开局的时候选择两个援护角色,这在MUGEN中好像是不可行的。(English:In addition, I would like to ask whether IKEMEN GO can choose two support roles at the beginning of the game like DFCI, which seems to be unfeasible in MUGEN.)
I have no idea what you mean. There are mugen characters that can select support characters at the beginning of the game.

My Guess is there is a limitation that in Roundstate = 1 if you press abc or xyz.
the game will start and jump to roundstate = 2 and skip the intro.

thats put a limition on the pre-fight menu system that can only press a key for only one time so you can't select 2 sub character but only 1.

I'm also curious to know if IKEMEN have a feature that not allow to skip intro so it will make multi selection menu possible.

Yes, maybe I didn't describe it very clearly, that's what it means!
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#31  March 06, 2023, 03:28:23 pm
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My Guess is there is a limitation that in Roundstate = 1 if you press abc or xyz.
the game will start and jump to roundstate = 2 and skip the intro.

thats put a limition on the pre-fight menu system that can only press a key for only one time so you can't select 2 sub character but only 1.
I am pretty sure pressing start in mugen will not skip the intro and the character can recognize the input. You can use start as the confirm button.
Alternatively you can use up/down to select options and left/right to confirm/cancel. Some characters are using this method, e.g. MB characters made by ⑨ and Matou Sakura made by rokuyuki.
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#32  March 10, 2023, 05:53:15 pm
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I have a favor to ask.

could you make your passive moon drive portrait be compatible with my Character?

it look like this video

I've tested the code change.

the code change on your side is
Line: 3050 (paste all, need add superpause at the end also)
Change to
	#Passive Moon Drive Portrait - Compatiable with Beterhans
ignorehitpause if (roundState = 2 && !numExplod(30102))
&& ((Enemy,stateNo = 2600 && Enemy,authorName = "Eiton" && Enemy,name = "Akiha" && Enemy,time = 4)
|| ((Enemynear,StateNo = 990) && Enemynear,AnimExist(9993) && Enemynear,time < 4))  {
Explod{Id:30102;anim:30102;sprpriority:-5;facing:cond(pos X > EnemyNear,pos X,1,-1);pos:screenWidth/2,screenHeight/2;space:screen;pauseMoveTime:99999;supermovetime:99999;}
Explod{Id:30102;anim:30103;sprpriority:50;facing:cond(pos X > EnemyNear,pos X,1,-1);pos:screenWidth/2,screenHeight/2;space:screen;pauseMoveTime:99999;supermovetime:99999;}

Code on my character's side is  in -2
change to
[State -2, Moon-Driver-Passive-Portrait]
type = Helper
triggerall = !IsHelper && RoundState = 2
triggerall = AnimExist(9994)
triggerall = !NumHelper(9994) && StateNo != 990
;beterhans Type
trigger1 = ID < 58 && Enemynear,AnimExist(9993)
trigger1 = Enemynear,StateNo = 990 && Enemynear,time < 4
;Eiton Type
trigger2 = Enemynear,StateNo = 2600 && Enemynear,AnimExist(30100) && Enemynear,Time < 4
helpertype = Normal
name = "Moon-Driver-Passive-Portrait"
ID = 9994
StateNo = 9994
postype = p1
pos = 0 * Const(Size.xScale), -500 * Const(Size.yScale)
facing = 1
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
;remappal = 1,1
supermovetime = 4294967295
pausemovetime = 4294967295
size.xscale = Const(Size.xScale) * 1
size.yscale = Const(Size.yScale) * 1
;size.proj.doscale = 1
ignorehitpause = 1
Last Edit: March 10, 2023, 06:04:27 pm by beterhans
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-02-25)
#33  March 10, 2023, 07:44:16 pm
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What next Eiton?
Hey, can i help, or maybe i need help
Last Edit: March 10, 2023, 07:48:26 pm by EgyLynx
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-03-12)
#34  March 12, 2023, 05:09:22 am
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Last Edit: March 12, 2023, 05:39:31 am by Eiton
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-03-12)
#35  March 12, 2023, 05:50:21 am
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  • I'm 100% Team OHMSBY now.
    • USA
Since IKEMEN GO got updated, I decided to check out Akiha for myself and noticed something's wrong about her size:

For some reason, I think her scaling is too small. I thought Sennou-Room's DBFC characters were small at first compared to OHMSBY's characters, but they are intentionally meant to be scaled for CvS2 in mind while OHMSBY's are slightly larger for BBTAG. However, your Akiha are much smaller than both of theirs. Is the size on Akiha accurate? If it is, how do you tell exactly? Can't ask about the gameplay since I don't own the source game myself.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-03-12)
#36  March 12, 2023, 05:58:33 am
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Since IKEMEN GO got updated, I decided to check out Akiha for myself and noticed something's wrong about her size:

For some reason, I think her scaling is too small. I thought Sennou-Room's DBFC characters were small at first compared to OHMSBY's characters, but they are intentionally meant to be scaled for CvS2 in mind while OHMSBY's are slightly larger for BBTAG. However, your Akiha are much smaller than both of theirs. Is the size on Akiha accurate? If it is, how do you tell exactly? Can't ask about the gameplay since I don't own the source game myself.

Eiton's Akiha is scale ratio is 1 on 720p localcoord
means not scaled up or down

while my saber is ratio 1.1 on 720p localcoord
to match cvs ryu size

other ohmsby style char is not sure scaled base on what but for me is too big. haha
bigger than normal cvs char.

Last Edit: March 12, 2023, 06:15:26 am by beterhans
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-03-12)
#37  March 12, 2023, 06:02:41 am
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Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-03-12)
#38  March 12, 2023, 06:08:49 am
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Since IKEMEN GO got updated, I decided to check out Akiha for myself and noticed something's wrong about her size:

For some reason, I think her scaling is too small. I thought Sennou-Room's DBFC characters were small at first compared to OHMSBY's characters, but they are intentionally meant to be scaled for CvS2 in mind while OHMSBY's are slightly larger for BBTAG. However, your Akiha are much smaller than both of theirs. Is the size on Akiha accurate? If it is, how do you tell exactly? Can't ask about the gameplay since I don't own the source game myself.

The default localcoord is for 16:9 (720p, 1080p). You need to modify the localcoord in Akiha_TL.def to change its size. 1060 looks good to me in 4:3.
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-03-12)
#39  March 17, 2023, 01:28:59 pm
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I did it. Turns out it is not as difficult as I thought.
Re: [Ikemen GO Character] Akiha from Melty Blood: Type Lumina (updated 2023-03-12)
#40  March 19, 2023, 08:14:09 am
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    • USA
I did it. Turns out it is not as difficult as I thought.
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This effect is truly amazing, I just use handle the STAGE AND HUD UI redesigned black color and control effect, but your technology is strong, thank you very much! !
I found that Ctrl+P can output all keyframes.
What I want to ask is whether it is possible to export these special effects into png files frame by frame. It takes a lot of time for me to use Snipaste+PS to process it. If necessary, I think I need to learn the syntax of C++.
Last Edit: March 19, 2023, 02:18:17 pm by 坐忘道