
Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion. (Read 356793 times)

Started by Koop, October 12, 2011, 10:55:19 pm
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Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#121  September 26, 2012, 02:06:09 pm
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About a hundred years ago, I made a post on this thread. AND NOW.

Oh boy is it good to be back. I'm not even sure of how many are still interested in this project. That doesn't mean I won't finish. So what's new? Hmm...not much to be honest. Things are still progressing.

-I was talking to someone about making helper lifebars, but I don't have any experience making bars and the like. Anyone know where I can take a look at a few examples
-Lost place on Whip. I don't like continuing from save points after so long, so I started again. 2 days later and she's at 80% :) Video!
-Not going to use the DM hitsparks (as (not) seen in the above video). They are ugly imo and I'd rather just have 3 levels of hitspark
-REDNAVI IS DELAYING ME. SO IS THEDGE. If you have any power over them, convince them to give up the goods.
-Speaking of goods, wouldn't it be easier if I commissioned people helping me (WHO DON'T LIKE TO WORK FOR FREE(I WANT STUFF TOO, YA KNOW)) by gifting them games on Steam or something. This is how I do business with Rednavi. It's a lot less messy and he almost always (except above) comes through. Coincidently, I've been without accommodation for a little bit, so I'm a bit short on funds atm.   
-Be sure to check the paint shop thread as I'll be adding palettes sheets for you guys to work on. :)
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
New #122  September 26, 2012, 04:05:05 pm
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To be honest, I thought that this was canned. Thank you for confirming to me that this isn't.
Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 11:55:06 pm by Uche_of_MFG
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#123  September 26, 2012, 07:04:31 pm
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Cool Everythings gonna be alright with it
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way


Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#124  September 27, 2012, 03:12:29 pm
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I really like Whip. But Rednavi is gonna be super immersed with me on Bordel Lands 2 next week. Sorry Koopa. :twisted:
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#125  November 09, 2012, 07:03:16 pm
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Paint shop thread updated with a new palette sheet. Check it out palette makers.