
JNP's Thread (Read 444622 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, September 16, 2015, 11:15:44 pm
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Re: JNP's Thread
#41  September 19, 2015, 08:28:12 pm
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Let's add Tumblr and AIM (I still use mine) while we're at it
Re: JNP's Thread
#42  September 19, 2015, 10:49:14 pm
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What about YT channel buttons on the profile icons as well? (Unless that's too much to ask)
Re: JNP's Thread
#43  September 20, 2015, 12:23:20 am
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Add all the things
Re: JNP's Thread
#44  September 20, 2015, 01:02:32 am
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I don't mind adding up to 2 rows of icons. After that anything else I'd add would be shown in profile. I'm going to a friend's to play Mario Maker so give me 16x16 icons for anything you're wanting me to add. That'll speed up the process.
Re: JNP's Thread
#45  September 20, 2015, 05:36:14 am
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Not sure if it's alright to link from a website called "softicon", but here you go: Twitter, Tumblr, AIM

You can use any of the youtube icons from the previous posts as a profile thing (unless you want to use the ones already set as the youtube tag button).
Re: JNP's Thread
#46  September 22, 2015, 06:03:15 pm
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I now have command over the smileys! FINALLY!

Added tumblr, youtube, and twitter icons, let me know if there are issues. How does a AOL contact look @Orochi Gill:
I need to know how their account links are set up to add it.
Re: JNP's Thread
#47  September 22, 2015, 06:19:30 pm
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Tumblr icon is giving me YouTube stuff, and if I click it it just brings me to the home page here. Twitter seems is fine.

Any chance of adding this emoji -> :stare:

EDIT: Double checked the Tumblr thing, yep if I click on the YouTube icon that should be the Tumblr one, it brings me to the Forum's homepage but with the link to my Tumblr on the side. This is what I mean:
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Re: JNP's Thread
#48  September 22, 2015, 06:34:38 pm
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Try now. I didn't have a tumblr to test with. Youtube crap was left overs I forgot to change since I was copy pasting what I did with the youtube tag

EDIT: seems to work now. Just tried under your profile.
Re: JNP's Thread
#49  September 22, 2015, 06:37:05 pm
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  • Somewhere between Guilty Gear and real rap
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Yep works perfectly. Thanks! :D

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This is a generic forum signature.
Re: JNP's Thread
#50  September 22, 2015, 06:39:06 pm
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:stare: is already a smiley

I changed the order of the smileys so the huge ones are at the end of the box.

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Re: JNP's Thread
#51  September 22, 2015, 07:38:38 pm
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Not sure how aol ones work
Mainly suggested for us stone age folk
Re: JNP's Thread
#52  September 22, 2015, 07:45:37 pm
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What would you put in the field? Just your username?

Should I make a field where a person just puts a name in like the NNID? No clicking it?
Added let me know if I goofed
Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 07:50:08 pm by Just No Point
Re: JNP's Thread
#53  September 22, 2015, 08:20:54 pm
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My YT url is gibberish so it looks really weird in the popup but whatev I have that website icon.

Also you might wanna make these links open in new tabs like the website icon already does. Much less confusion and shit.
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 08:24:46 pm by Sinnesloschen
Re: JNP's Thread
#54  September 22, 2015, 08:30:17 pm
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Okay. Still learning how all the options in these things work. Got the icons opening web pages in new windows. Removed the preview function from the YouTube icon so it doesn't display jibberish. Just click it to go.
Re: JNP's Thread
#55  September 22, 2015, 08:34:12 pm
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Nice. My only complaint now is the twitter/tumblr handles don't have something like: tumblr url - tumblr thing or twitter handle - twitter thing. They're practically identical as is lol
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
Re: JNP's Thread
#56  September 22, 2015, 08:36:39 pm
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Tumblr and Twitter both only need the name put in. The description says "name only". I figured that would be more clear than "handle"

You can't plug a tumblr name into the twitter field and it work. Unless the names are the same on both accounts.
Re: JNP's Thread
#57  September 22, 2015, 11:34:37 pm
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I think AIM one can utilize just names, I'd double check though
Re: JNP's Thread
#58  September 23, 2015, 10:59:44 pm
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Re: JNP's Thread
#59  September 23, 2015, 11:36:09 pm
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I'll look for a Skype icon with transparency. I made it so you put your YouTube channel not the user. That's why me and Xan were talking about the gibberish earlier as it displayed the channel url which is numbers and letters.

I'm not a big you tube person so which do people prefer to use? Channel or username?
Re: JNP's Thread
#60  September 23, 2015, 11:46:56 pm
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I'm fairly certain names change more often than channel URLs. I'm ambivalent either way but eh I like how it is bc I don't have to change anything.
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?