
King of Fighters E blog (Read 1434067 times)

Started by swipergod, November 14, 2007, 02:53:22 am
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Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#41  January 16, 2008, 11:19:51 pm
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Well, Leona's finally finished.  I'll post her video in a little bit.  In keeping with the 98 spirit, I re-coded her X-calibur move to the grab that it was in 98 (as opposed to the 96 version I originally had).  2 characters to go before the first batch is released.  I've got some sprite editing to do this weekend(*sigh*  ;)), so I won't start on transferring Geese and K' until sometime next week.  Then I'll have to do a final check over before release.  It's just gonna be the characters for now.  I have no screenpack, so I can't decide whether or not to release the stages and music with them for a more KOF feel, or have everyone fend for themselves.  If anyone has suggestions here, let me hear 'em.  I could try posting links to the stage creator's sites maybe?  I'll also be posting a list of remaining resources (pretty much all sprites) that I need to complete everybody soon.  There isn't much.  Well, just have to wait a little longer.  I'm honestly getting pretty excited.  Can't waiting to hear some feedback, be it good or bad.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#42  January 16, 2008, 11:26:49 pm
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what's your approach with sparks ?
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#43  January 17, 2008, 01:17:01 am
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Leona Video:

CCI King's sparkxys were used for the base moves.  I just had to mod the sparkno.s for each individual move.  With most of the characters I've edited so far, this looks alright.  If the xy looks really noticeable, I change it.  Most characters have the base KOF pre-XI sparks.  They all blend rather well.  I hesitate to use the SP sparks or base sparks because I don't have a main SP of my own yet.  I usually leave the default xys for throws and specials for the original source.

As for the DM sparks, I copied the DM and SDM frame by frame from MOTWs.  I use a blank hypers.cns template with the effects timing already coded (including the bg invert etc), copy and modify the DM itself into the cns and adjust the xy for the effect so it doesn't appear somewhere weird on the character.  So for the DMs, I have an FX folder that had the correct xy and air coding for each part.  I add them to each character's sff file and copy and paste.  It's tedious, but the efforts are well worth it IMO.  The HSDM is the easiest and its air is my own creation.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#44  January 17, 2008, 01:36:22 am
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This is looks REALLY good! Keep up the good work!!!  ;D
Proud non-emo! *Final Fantasy victory music* =D

"I am but a wanderer trapped and binded to this world for eternity. My of no importance"-The Forgotten Knight

People don't change, you just know them better.
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#45  January 17, 2008, 07:28:19 am
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Really nice project. You seem to be attempting what I am! (Although having much more success, heh)

I'm really, really unimpressed by Rugal, though. His custom moves just don't feel like him at all.. Hopefully he plays better?
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#46  January 17, 2008, 09:49:05 am
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I add them to each character's sff file and copy and paste.
Hmm. Why don't you make a fightfx.sff/fightfx.air, compile all the system sparks there (hitsparks, DM sparks, SDM sparks, ground waves, burnt effects and everything) so that you only have to compile it once & don't have to insert them into every single character?

Also, I'd assume all your characters use the same common states?

You should release this with the data folders and everything because it makes it faster and easier. Compile all the effects and junk into one SFF, write all the animations in one .air, have the common.cns in the data folder, put all the system sounds together in one SND, and then you won't have to do it again and again and again.

Just a tip. I guess you'd already known but I don't see any point at all with re-inserting sprites/sounds/animations into every single character when you only really have to do it once if you're making a full game. Also saves space.

Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#47  January 17, 2008, 04:47:53 pm
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yeah, and will also save you some work in the long run.
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#48  January 17, 2008, 07:12:39 pm
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I forgot to ask before...

Do you plan on making this moleboxed or normal files? I really hope the latter, so many nice stuff gets ruined by molebox..
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#49  January 18, 2008, 08:20:57 am
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Missfairy, I'm sorry Rugal isn't what you expected.  Just to let you know, with the exception of God End, I wanted to stay away from Capcom's Rugal as much as possible.  No Genocide End and the like.  Dark Gravity and Gigantic Press are just DM versions of Omega 98's normal moves, while Breath Destruction is just a toned down Omega Destruction.  I chose more 98 over 2002 because I don't really like 2002 Rugal.  Oh well.  I'm not sure what moleboxing is.  If you'd like, you can fill me in on that one to see if I'm doing it or not.

I can't win with the regular hitsparks/sounds because I'd either have to recode the basic moves (which I'm doing) or all the ported specials.  Not too familiar with the system side of Mugen yet.  I don't quite know how fight.sff/snd etc.. works, but I can look into it and see if I can add the DM sparks and save some time.  Thanks for the suggestion.
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#50  January 24, 2008, 06:11:47 am
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Sorry for the lack of updates.  Discovered Portrait of Ruin for the DS.  Fun little bugger.  I've completed Leona's sexy KO re-edit based off of R[E]ika's and Anonymous' original.  Changed it because she wears a shirt underneath and I wanted the KO to reflect that (I'll send you the sprites soon R[E]ika).  I'm starting Geese tomorrow.  He'll be done by the weekend for sure.  As I work on him, I'll see if I can't incorporate suggestions brought up here.  Then, I'll try to do K' right after.

Figured now would be as good a time as any to post the list of resources needed for the project.  I'll post pictures for the sprites soon and I'll mark things off as they're completed.  It's as much a checklist for me as it is a progress report.  I'm capable of doing some of these, but it would be awesome if I could get help.  So if you're interested, let me know.


Edit: All sound requests are completed.  Thanks!


Robert '99-2k2 sprite to his 2k3 stance:

Kyo '99 (hcb + sk) exploding punch converted to 2k3 style Kyo (This is pretty much what's keeping me for doing Kyo)
Diana's version of Foxy's "Kill" type technique (like the one Alex/Tooya0's Diana uses)

Re-edit of K' (f + wk) knee for Kula (Juke has kinda done one with Fliz minus the hair I believe)
Some conversions for Rock's win poses from Garou to his NGBC sprite style.

Blue Mary Leg Snap and Arm Snap animations for Athena EX
Blue Mary Leg Snap and Arm Snap animations for Mr. Karate

Sexy KO hit-ground sprite for Angel
Sexy KO re-edit for Jenet (cover up her breasts a bit)
Sexy KO falling re-edit for Blue Mary
Sexy KO for Hotaru
Sexy KO for Athena EX

There's no crazy rush for any of these as the project will be ongoing for a while.  That's pretty much it for right now.  As I do more characters something might come up.  I'll add them to this post if it does.  Post again soon!
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: July 09, 2008, 04:19:06 am by swipergod
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#51  January 24, 2008, 06:24:45 am
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Missfairy, I'm sorry Rugal isn't what you expected.  Just to let you know, with the exception of God End, I wanted to stay away from Capcom's Rugal as much as possible.  No Genocide End and the like.  Dark Gravity and Gigantic Press are just DM versions of Omega 98's normal moves, while Breath Destruction is just a toned down Omega Destruction.  I chose more 98 over 2002 because I don't really like 2002 Rugal.  Oh well.  I'm not sure what moleboxing is.  If you'd like, you can fill me in on that one to see if I'm doing it or not.

I can't win with the regular hitsparks/sounds because I'd either have to recode the basic moves (which I'm doing) or all the ported specials.  Not too familiar with the system side of Mugen yet.  I don't quite know how fight.sff/snd etc.. works, but I can look into it and see if I can add the DM sparks and save some time.  Thanks for the suggestion.
I understand. Honestly even though Rugal wasn't quite what I imagined I have to give you major props for putting so much work into that stuff. It's REALLY awesome IMO!

Moleboxing is making the files zipped so you only have access to the exe. Basically people wouldn't be able to adjust commands and stuff if they wanted - Honestly I despise this and I really do hope you don't do it!^^
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#52  January 24, 2008, 06:39:14 am
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Missfairy, I'm sorry Rugal isn't what you expected.  Just to let you know, with the exception of God End, I wanted to stay away from Capcom's Rugal as much as possible.  No Genocide End and the like.  Dark Gravity and Gigantic Press are just DM versions of Omega 98's normal moves, while Breath Destruction is just a toned down Omega Destruction.  I chose more 98 over 2002 because I don't really like 2002 Rugal.  Oh well.  I'm not sure what moleboxing is.  If you'd like, you can fill me in on that one to see if I'm doing it or not.

I can't win with the regular hitsparks/sounds because I'd either have to recode the basic moves (which I'm doing) or all the ported specials.  Not too familiar with the system side of Mugen yet.  I don't quite know how fight.sff/snd etc.. works, but I can look into it and see if I can add the DM sparks and save some time.  Thanks for the suggestion.
I understand. Honestly even though Rugal wasn't quite what I imagined I have to give you major props for putting so much work into that stuff. It's REALLY awesome IMO!

Moleboxing is making the files zipped so you only have access to the exe. Basically people wouldn't be able to adjust commands and stuff if they wanted - Honestly I despise this and I really do hope you don't do it!^^

really, if you don't want him to do it, stop suggesting it :P
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#53  January 24, 2008, 06:43:58 am
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Missfairy, I'm sorry Rugal isn't what you expected.  Just to let you know, with the exception of God End, I wanted to stay away from Capcom's Rugal as much as possible.  No Genocide End and the like.  Dark Gravity and Gigantic Press are just DM versions of Omega 98's normal moves, while Breath Destruction is just a toned down Omega Destruction.  I chose more 98 over 2002 because I don't really like 2002 Rugal.  Oh well.  I'm not sure what moleboxing is.  If you'd like, you can fill me in on that one to see if I'm doing it or not.

I can't win with the regular hitsparks/sounds because I'd either have to recode the basic moves (which I'm doing) or all the ported specials.  Not too familiar with the system side of Mugen yet.  I don't quite know how fight.sff/snd etc.. works, but I can look into it and see if I can add the DM sparks and save some time.  Thanks for the suggestion.
I understand. Honestly even though Rugal wasn't quite what I imagined I have to give you major props for putting so much work into that stuff. It's REALLY awesome IMO!

Moleboxing is making the files zipped so you only have access to the exe. Basically people wouldn't be able to adjust commands and stuff if they wanted - Honestly I despise this and I really do hope you don't do it!^^

really, if you don't want him to do it, stop suggesting it :P
Haha, I only posted that since he didn't know what it was.

From here on out we'll never utter that word again! (Or think of it)  :-X
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#54  January 24, 2008, 10:19:19 am
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BTW, you should go for accurate CLSNs, since I don't trust that every single KOF character you've whipped out and editted so far have accurate CLSNs. If you have accurate CLSNs, not only will the character feel more alike KOF, you won't have attacks that have wrong priority and you will avoid your characters behaving strangely in certain situations.

It's easy, get out Kawaks, run the rom your character is on, turn on debug dipswitch 1-2 for anything from '94-2k2, and 1-4 for 2k3. Pause the game with ENTER whenever you want a certain collision box and SHIFT+SPACE to step frames, and draw it up on FF/MCM/Your favourite third party MUGEN tool.

Once again this is important if you want to stay true to KOF.
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#55  January 24, 2008, 09:09:03 pm
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Never, would I ever molebox.  I don't bash people who do, but for me, I think the whole purpose of Mugen is it's open source and customizability.  So people can learn how you programmed this or that and tweak characters out there more to their liking.  We can always use more programmers.  :) I look at it as if I were one of you waiting for these characters.  I'd hate it, for example, if Reppuken were stuck as a charge move (it's not, but you get the idea).  Plus I think it'd be pretty hypocritical considering how much I've borrowed from other people.  Plus, leaving it as open source might see some people improve the characters I make.  Like I said, I'm not an advanced programmer, but some are.

Now, I'm curious about collision boxes Yeong Woong.  I did as you directed and tried with 98.  There was a odd colored Kyo that popped up on my screen.  I could get him to do moves, but I couldn't see any collisions.  You're right, most my mods have edited collisions.  They're pretty tight to the sprites, but I have noticed some discrepancies.  I was gonna edit priority/hit.priority.   Wouldn't that fix the priority problem as well?
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Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#56  January 24, 2008, 10:58:24 pm
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priorities in kof pretty much go like they do in most games. the "priority line" has the same value for all the attacks and the clsns are the ones that define it by using set zones of "infinite priority".
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#57  January 24, 2008, 11:06:18 pm
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However, it is impossible to replicate priorities in MUGEN due to the way KoF handles CLSNs.
Post edited to make user look smarter.
#58  January 24, 2008, 11:35:49 pm
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However, it is impossible to replicate priorities in MUGEN due to the way KoF handles CLSNs.
I have seen people say that several times, but which of it exactly is impossible to duplicate?
Last Edit: January 25, 2008, 01:00:12 am by W. Fast
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#59  January 25, 2008, 02:06:11 pm
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Now, I'm curious about collision boxes Yeong Woong.  I did as you directed and tried with 98.  There was a odd colored Kyo that popped up on my screen.  I could get him to do moves, but I couldn't see any collisions.  You're right, most my mods have edited collisions.  They're pretty tight to the sprites, but I have noticed some discrepancies.  I was gonna edit priority/hit.priority.   Wouldn't that fix the priority problem as well?
Make sure you've turned on 1-2, because anim viewer (the one you activated) is 1-1, which will indeed give you a character on the screen with the palette of the character you're using, which is related to ripping sprites. Which is also not what you want. You can use the anim viewer in conjunction with the CLSN viewer in case you want a certain animation's CLSNs but you find it difficult or impossible to access through normal means. But that's rarely the case.

Here's the dipswitch you should've turned on:

Here's what it will look like in-game:

Notice how I removed the life/superbars. That's quite preferable since you don't want things blocking your view when you're drawing boxes. You press alt+1 in Kawaks to do this. Also, China is very retarded if you want CLSNs so lets hope you get a better stage. One more thing is can you notice that cyan-ish-colored box roughly in the center of Terry's sprite? You'll notice that that box rarely (if ever) actually changes. That's not an actual CLSN box, it's a width box or something. Either way, you don't draw it in.

Also just a notice that usually in fighting games like KOF (especially Street Fighter), CLSNs aren't 'tight to the sprites'. CLSNs most of the time are quite loosely based on the actual sprite, but the CLSNs are drawn in the way the developers want how the character to behave and react during that certain sprite. For example, even if Terry looks like he has recovered from his CD attack, the CLSNs of the sprite where he looks like he's almost done with the attack actually have boxes OUTSIDE his body, so he can still get attacked as if his body was in actuality a few feet in front of his current position.

Another related thing is that it will be very hard to approximate CLSN1s for certain attacks, whilst it should be quite straightforward with normals, usually the CLSN1s for certain specials REALLY need to be what it's supposed to be or else you'll get dodgy things happening that you don't particularly want with a KOF game.

As [E] has mentioned, I've also read somewhere that priorities should all be 4,hit (some people do not use this but that's because they want overall MUGEN compatibility. Since you're on a full game, I'd say definitely use it), save for throws which is IIRC 1,Miss and projectiles which I have no idea how to deal with.
Re: Mugen: King of Fighters Edition (A Little Mugen Project)
#60  January 25, 2008, 04:44:04 pm
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there was a nice topic about projectile priorities that died before it should in development discussion.