Raiden looks great as usual in your sprites. Only nitpick is his animation, given that it feels a bit too choppy for the style. I did a quick edit in order to help you out on it:(It's the least I could do, since you are blessing us with a properly done Raiden)
Amazing work, love new content.nice of you to help MotorRoach, it does looks smoother, this is the best part of opensource.
Hey all. Thedge has finished the basics for Raiden. I'll start building the sff now and hopefully have a video up soon!
So just about done his movement and then going to do the gethits. Video will be soon. In the meantime, here's a sense of his scale to your average fighter:
Hey all, just a quick update. We're just gonna finish up a couple of gethits and then I'll be ready to post the first vid. I'll be giving Raiden some earthshake properties to his jump because he's such a beast. Stay tuned.
And now for something completely different. Here's Raiden in action. Basic movements are done except for his roll. He's a much needed addition to the roster and Thedge has done an exceptional job. Enjoy!
Time to show off the color separation and some Mary snaps. Raiden's looking great. Just tweaking some of his gethits. More progress soon.