
KOFE Story Brainstorming (Read 321144 times)

Started by swipergod, August 03, 2010, 03:00:47 pm
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#61  July 10, 2016, 07:42:43 pm
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Psycho Soldiers - about the story of this team, could we have something linked with Godess Athena and Kensou inner power (Dragon Spirit) ?

For once, Kensou could be a master piece in Kof's story... always having Kyo and Iori in the center is a little boring.
Rahhhhhhh, AI is so hard to deal with !!!!
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#62  July 10, 2016, 08:38:52 pm
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#63  July 10, 2016, 08:45:57 pm
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They're the main characters, it's unavoidable that they will be important in some capacity.
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#64  July 10, 2016, 11:56:03 pm
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The main conflict focuses on Chizuru, Nakoruru and Goddess vs Orochi, Shiki and Neo-Dio. The secondary conflict on the resurrection of NESTS. And a third "nod" to Rugal's craving to become immortal.

Primary focus will be given to Kyo, Iori, Athena and Ash. Support focus to Leona, K', Kula and Kusanagi. Third story's main focus is Adel.  Kensou is a supporting character in Athena's story, older and ready to prove his love, so he'll be around.
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#65  July 15, 2016, 06:34:42 pm
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Hmm if thats the case maybe I can add these in each team's goal to enter in KOF.
Just my thought if you like it swipergod.
1. Hero Team: Shingo is brutally assaulted by Kusanagi or under doubt after KOF XI scenario hence Iori is asked by Chizuru to join with Japan team.
2. Fatal Fury: The Usual Except Terry and Rock now have a feud between them.
3. AOF: Kasumi joins them after seeing her father allied with Takuma in veteran's division.
4. K Team(Neo Cartel): End the Nests for good, K' to resolve his beef with Kyo.
5. NEST Squadron: Eliminate K Team and Kusanagi's personal vendetta against Kyo as he plans to eliminate him to be the one, Nameless to find out the truth about his lover's tragic fate.
6. Gorgeous Fighters: The reason: King and Xiangfei have decided to open a resturant and enlist Jenet and Mary for prize money.
7.  AOF: Promote Kyoukugen Karate.
8. Villains: Assigned by Boss Team to take out Certain Teams, John wanting to settle with Ryo and Raiden want to reclaim the sadistic side.
9. Boss team: United for obtaining the orochi power.
10. Masters Team: United to face against the legends.
11. Rival Team: Another Ash appears (This one from Maximum Impact Area) and joins with Elisabeth and his former teamates (Though doubtful about this)
12. New Blood/Rivals:  Adel teams up Rock, Mature and Vice( not sure how the former two fits here) to stop Rugal and Boss Team.
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#66  July 15, 2016, 09:52:48 pm
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11. Rival Team: Another Ash appears (This one from Maximum Impact Area) and joins with Elisabeth and his former teamates (Though doubtful about this)

Ash himself is actually gonna come back.

12. New Blood/Rivals:  Adel teams up Rock, Mature and Vice( not sure how the former two fits here) to stop Rugal and Boss Team.

If there's anything I know about Vice and Mature is that they're always the ones that seek to arrange a team for their own/orochi's gain.

Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#67  July 16, 2016, 02:53:15 pm
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Some great stuff. I'm trying to be a bit more sympathetic with Kusanagi. He's joined NESTS, but it because he didn't feel like he belonged anywhere else  (kinda like "Kyo you made me do this!").

Yes 100% to Nameless. In fact, that's part of why one of the old NESTS locations was raided in the (Neo Cartel) storyline. NESTS follows Krizalid and Zero and yet, they kinda distrust them...

Yes 100% to the Neo Cartel plot. :)

The Master's team is actually assembled to stop the boss team and other threats they don't feel the "kid" should be facing alone. They're on the same side as the Legends. For this reason, I still may switch Mr Karate to Takuma.

The Rival Team will be an interesting dynamic. They are 3 naive kids who have been fooled into serving the purpose of stopping different kinds of threats to Orochi (those who would try to steal his power). And yet, Mature and Vice don't really believe in the Orochi cause anymore... ;)

About Raiden, there may be another reason for his joining of the "Villains" team...

The Fatal Fury Team is more about stopping the Boss team.

AOF is more about proving themselves to their fathers

Gorgeous Fighters... not sure yet. I want them involved in the main plot. There has to be an emotional attachment here.

Ash's team (The Agency) actually does see the original Ash return. As to why? That's part of the mystery... :)

Ikari Warriors and "Psycho Soldiers" will play a close part of the main plot. Ikari will be trying to stop the NESTS team, whereas Athena's team will be trying to free Shiki from Yomi's control.

Team Justice is, well, looking for justice. lol. More to come on them.
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#68  July 17, 2016, 06:12:08 am
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Regarding the Gorgeous Fighters, King entered the KOF tournament with Chizuru in '97 and became good friends afterwards, (according to their ending anyway,) right? It's possible (probable even,) that upon receiving the good news from Goddess Athena, Chizuru felt that she needed all the help she could get, and so enlisted King and Mai's help once again to take down whatever was threatening to take over the world. (OF COURSE!) Mind you, Mai had already set her sights on teaming up with Andy, and Chizuru needed to go do big important behind the scenes stuff, which kind of left King out in the cold. But not to fear! King was still on good terms with Blue Mary and Xiangfei, so it wasn't a problem getting their help to enter KOF and deal with whatever was out there, and as for Bonne, she was already a regular customer at her bar The Illusion in Southtown, popping in with her crew for a round of drinks whenever they needed a break from their pirating. As long as they weren't doing anything explicitly illegal or amoral, (seeing as they only stole from the rich,) she didn't have a problem with them, and it was a cinch getting Bonne to join as soon as King mentioned her tab. Together, they make up the Gorgeous Fighters, and with King leading the helm, they plan on helping Chizuru take on the Orochi and anything else that gets in their way.

Does that work? Or are you looking for something a bit more complicated?
Last Edit: July 17, 2016, 04:48:51 pm by kkhohoho
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#69  July 17, 2016, 08:24:10 am
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Some great stuff. I'm trying to be a bit more sympathetic with Kusanagi. He's joined NESTS, but it because he didn't feel like he belonged anywhere else  (kinda like "Kyo you made me do this!").

Yes 100% to Nameless. In fact, that's part of why one of the old NESTS locations was raided in the (Neo Cartel) storyline. NESTS follows Krizalid and Zero and yet, they kinda distrust them...

Yes 100% to the Neo Cartel plot. :)

The Master's team is actually assembled to stop the boss team and other threats they don't feel the "kid" should be facing alone. They're on the same side as the Legends. For this reason, I still may switch Mr Karate to Takuma.

The Rival Team will be an interesting dynamic. They are 3 naive kids who have been fooled into serving the purpose of stopping different kinds of threats to Orochi (those who would try to steal his power). And yet, Mature and Vice don't really believe in the Orochi cause anymore... ;)

About Raiden, there may be another reason for his joining of the "Villains" team...

The Fatal Fury Team is more about stopping the Boss team.

AOF is more about proving themselves to their fathers

Gorgeous Fighters... not sure yet. I want them involved in the main plot. There has to be an emotional attachment here.

Ash's team (The Agency) actually does see the original Ash return. As to why? That's part of the mystery... :)

Ikari Warriors and "Psycho Soldiers" will play a close part of the main plot. Ikari will be trying to stop the NESTS team, whereas Athena's team will be trying to free Shiki from Yomi's control.

Team Justice is, well, looking for justice. lol. More to come on them.

Wow thats Neat But Hey for Team Justice, Chang has brutal food poisoning and Choi gets a fracture hence they have not place in this tournament, I always wondered why they were not part of Kim's Team since KOF XI to XIII. Till then Richard Joins them to Relive the glory he had and  If Capcom characters do play some role then tell me we have minor partss of them just like certain characters had in Street Fighter V
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#70  July 17, 2016, 02:47:50 pm
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Wild Wolves: Terry, Andy, Joe, Mai

Terry returns to Southtown to learn from Blue Mary that Geese has been summoned away to a private conference and that Rock has gone after him. After cracking a few heads, the two of them learn the location of the conference and Terry calls Andy and Joe to meet them there. Team Fatal Fury reunites along with the Gorgeous Fighters. King informs everyone that a new KOF is taking place and Joe admits that he totally forgot to bring the Fatal Fury Team's letter. Exploring inside the room where the meeting occurred, it seems like some heavy hitters were present and that Krauser was the organizer. On the table lies an invite envelope to the KOF tournament. He makes it his team's goal to bring down the supposed "Boss Team" and bring Rock back safely.

Since Rock isn't around, I was wondering if you'd like to join my team this year Mary. Gonna need someone double tough since we're going up against Geese and Krauser.

I'm double tough. I'm triple tough! No wait I'm fourple tough!

Hey, you heard the man. He's looking for someone better. But hey, I'm willing to fight you for it.

How... how dare you separate a woman from her fiance so soon after he's proposed to her.


Andy, you sly dog, you. Well I guess Mai's right. I can't be breaking apart that happy couple. And 2 ninjas are better than one.
(whispers to Mary)
S'ok. We can cover more ground if we split up.

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Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 04:48:28 am by swipergod
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#71  July 17, 2016, 03:21:24 pm
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Won't be any story for the Capcom team or other booster characters yet. I'm still not 100% sure what I'll be doing there. My focus right now is on the 72 character build.
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#72  July 17, 2016, 04:05:25 pm
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I don't think they should be involved in the game's storymode, it feels wrong just thinking about it.
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#73  January 23, 2017, 07:29:28 am
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So, doing a little more brainstorming. The major hero of KOFE's story will be Athena. I won't go into too much detail, but there's a moment in there made to bring her into the spotlight. Also, the Capcom characters will play some part in the story. This whole side story of the KOF lore is due to the fact that Tessa was playing around with forces she shouldn't have. Tessa, Morrigan, Nakoruru and Shiki play important roles advancing in the story. Hopefully I'll have some time to work on this a bit more...
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#74  July 02, 2018, 08:27:20 pm
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Kyokugen: Ryo, Robert, Yuri, Kasumi?

Robert and Yuri enjoy a night on the town, when suddenly Kasumi bursts into their nightclub and demands to fight them. Yuri tries to calm Kasumi down, but Kasumi accuses Takuma for kidnapping her father Ryuhaku. Robert suggests that perhaps the old men were also invited to the KOF tournament, although when he tries to search for his inviation, he realizes it's missing. The three return to the Sakazaki dojo. They find Ryo and ask him where Takuma is. They see a man sitting in the shadows of Takuma's room only to find out it's a decoy. Attached to it is a note that their fathers have left. "The world's in serious danger. Stay home and let the grown men handle this".

They stole our invite! Those senile geezers!

How do they think they're better then us when we mop the floor with them every time we battle?

This is not like my father at all. He could not have teamed up with his rival school unless the situation is dire. Very well, I will follow his lead and team up with you!

Nobody really invited you...

What a lucky day for the Sakazaki school to be graced with my superior skills!
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Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 04:50:03 am by swipergod
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#75  July 02, 2018, 10:18:59 pm
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Gorgeous Fighters: King, Mary, Jenet, Hinako

Returning from their meeting with the Garou team, King and Mary go to the illusion bar to up with Hinako, whose been staying with King for summer studies. They find her holding back a swarm of pirates looking to pillage King's bar. Mary and King fight through the pirates to discover B. Jenet behind everything. Jenet was looking for clues to Rock's whereabouts and was told by a couple of well dressed women that King might know something. And she figured it wouldn't hurt to grab some green while she was at it. King tells her about the a big heist going down with Krauser and Geese. Jenet immediately joins up to earn a payday and save that rebellious Rock.

There must be something big to draw out the Boss team out from the shadows. Maybe it's a magic lamp!

Unlikely. The last time this happened, they were trying to steal the Orochi power.

It all sounds very dangerous. I'm glad I've been training!

The only thing dangerous about this tournament is me! And I'm on your side, so you've got nothing to worry about.

(glaring at Mary)
Are you sure Vanessa's not available to join us instead? What about Alice?
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Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 04:50:39 am by swipergod
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#76  July 25, 2018, 10:03:03 am
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Psycho Troop: Athena, Kensou, Gato, Hotaru

People from around the world gather for what promises to be Athena's biggest and best concert to celebrate the launch of her new album and her new #1 hit single. An excited Jhun, Maylee and her new friend Hotaru are among those in the sea of humanity. As Athena sings the stage lights malfunction, Shiki emerges from the darkness in an attempt on Athena's life. A returning Kensou tries to defend Athena, but is nearly killed by one of Shiki's strikes. Athena fights back with the help of Jhun, Maylee and Hotaru. Gato, having been watching over his sister from the rafters, jumps in and connects with a deadly strike, but Shiki doesn't fall. Injured, she instead decides to make a retreat.

Is everyone okay? Who was that?

She's not of the living. She took my serpent fang without so much as a flinch.

Kensou are you ok?

As if there wasn't enough crazies during the last KOF tournament. Are we sure we still want to enter?

There was a method to her madness. We should figure out what it is before others get hurt.
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Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 04:51:33 am by swipergod
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#77  August 07, 2018, 06:10:09 am
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Team Justice: Kim, Jhun, Maylee, Xiangfei

Kim sits in Xiangfei's restaurant joking with her about how Maylee lost a bet to Jhun and was forced to be his date to the big Athena concert. Xiangfei wishes she knew so she could've taken her place. Kim balks at the idea, since her time is best spent training and suggests that he can could make her into a hero of justice if she joins her team... and she keeps the plates of food coming. As Xiangfei and Kim discuss the letter he received inviting him to the tournament, Jhun and Maylee crash in, looking like they've been through a meat grinder, scaring away Xiangfei's other customers.

What devastation could have cause my lifelong rival and top student to look like they're on death's doorstep.

There's a new power stirring. It tried to kill Athena!

It escaped our kicks of justice.

I don't see the difference between kicks of justice and regular kicks...

Say no more fellow justice warriors! We shall save Athena and her friends from this new wicked evil!
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Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 04:52:07 am by swipergod
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#78  August 13, 2018, 05:38:04 am
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Ikari: Leona, Ralf, Clark, Whip

Monitoring the events of the past several days, the Ikari Warriors meet to go over the most troubling details and how to plan their attack. The missing masters, the suspicious activities of the bosses, the attack by Shiki, the re-emergence of NESTS and the reappearance of Ash. Despite having Chizuru's letter formally inviting them to the tournament, the Ikari team can't seem to track her down. They decide to head to ground zero where the most energy fluctuations are occurring to see if they can get answers from the source, but a soldier stops them before they can board the helicopter. It's not just Ash who is back. The dead are rising. Lost, the Ikari Warriors search Heidern's office, hoping to find clues. They stumble upon correspondence with Saisyu that theorizes about the cause of the strange occurrences.

This stuff is getting pretty weird. Looks like we might be breaking more than the regular evil doer.

Affirmative. The commander's notes state some extra dimensional being may have weakened another Ostium seals.

Man, Ostium sounds like a kind of bone chipping or something. Like I get the seals when I slap Clark's momma.

This is serious Ralf. The Orochi seals cause chaos. On top of that now, we have someone who's bringing the dead back.

Then let's find this stranger and boot them the hell out of our dimension.
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Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#79  August 13, 2018, 05:56:58 am
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So based off the stories I've written so far, here's the "rivals" breakdown

The Japan team is going after the Heralds of Orochi and Orochi himself
The Neo Cartel is going after the NESTS Cartel including Zero
The Fatal Fury team is going after the Boss team
The Women team is going to support the Fatal Fury team and duke it out with the Villains team
The AOF team is going to find out what the Master's team is up to
The Psycho soliders team is going to seek out the reason why the one who knows why Shiki attacked Athena (Goddess)
The Justice team is going to support the Psycho soldiers and take out Shiki
The Agency is going to seek out Chizuru directly about the dimensional rifts - they will eventually support the Neo Cartel
The Ikari Warriors are going to seek out the the being causing the rifts (Neo Dio) - they will eventually support the Japan Team

Although I haven't written anything else yet here's how the rest breaks down:

The Adel/Rock team will go after Rugal
The Legends team will try to find Nakoruru to guide her to the Goddess

That's what's going on. In the KOFE story. As you can see, I really only have 2 more stories to do, but I'll also do one for the Masters, the Villains and Nakoruru.
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Last Edit: August 13, 2018, 06:00:28 am by swipergod
Re: KOFE Story Brainstorming
#80  December 08, 2019, 04:48:15 pm
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So need to do some story changes based off the reshuffle of the roster:

Team Justice: Kim, Jhun, Tizoc, Maylee

Kim stands at ringside of Tizoc's big title defense. Once the battle's over, Kim laments to Tizoc how Maylee lost a bet to Jhun and was forced to be his date to the big Athena concert instead of training. Tizoc explains to Kim that the secret to youth and justice is to train, but also to enjoy what life has to offer to give ones self motivation. Kim is inspired by the big guy and tells him to join his team for the next KOF tournament. Just then, Jhun and Maylee crash in, looking like they've been through a meat grinder.

What devastation could have cause my lifelong rival and top student to look like they're on death's doorstep.

There's a new power stirring. It tried to kill Athena!

It escaped our kicks of justice.

I don't see the difference between kicks of justice and regular kicks...

Say no more fellow justice warriors! We shall save Athena and her friends from this new wicked evil!

Psycho Troop: Athena, Kensou, Xiangfei, Hotaru

People from around the world gather for what promises to be Athena's biggest and best concert to celebrate the launch of her new album and her new #1 hit single. An excited Jhun, Maylee and her new friend Hotaru are among those in the sea of humanity. As Athena sings the stage lights malfunction, Shiki emerges from the darkness in an attempt on Athena's life. A returning Kensou tries to defend Athena, but is nearly killed by one of Shiki's strikes. Athena fights back with the help of Jhun, Maylee and Hotaru. Xiangfei, having been the official food vendor of the concert, jumps in and connects with strike to the spine, but Shiki doesn't fall. Injured, she instead decides to make a retreat.

Is everyone okay? Who was that?

She looked like a zombie. She could use an afternoon helping of dim sum get color in those cheeks!

Kensou are you ok?

As if there wasn't enough crazies during the last KOF tournament. Are we sure we still want to enter?

There was a method to her madness. We should figure out what it is before others get hurt.
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Last Edit: December 08, 2019, 04:56:32 pm by swipergod