
Looking for a Mod of Mugen 1.1 like Ikemen Go Funcionalities for a low PC (Read 3873 times)

Started by Slaker, June 16, 2024, 04:33:12 am
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Looking for a Mod of Mugen 1.1 like Ikemen Go Funcionalities for a low PC
New #1  June 16, 2024, 04:33:12 am
    • Brazil
Hi, guys! As we all know, the lastest Mugen official release was 1.1 in 2013 if I'm not mistaken... It works just fine for my low PC, however, I'd like to do two very specific things in my project, the first one is assign two characters in a single select slot, and the second and most important one is setting a "Versus/Rival" BGM to certain characters, like Mr. Ishiwatari did in Guilty Gear when Sol Badguy fights Ky Kiske, and the remarkable "Conclusion" plays in the background... So, I know that I can use the AssertSpecial "NoMusic" and import the wav to one of the characters, however the special BGM doesn't keep playing between the rounds, which forces the song restart in the followings rounds and so on... And I also know I can all of that in Ikemen, but this mod doesn't work so well in my PC... Both the Go and Plus Ultra versions suffer a lot of lags, not to mention the fact of the gameplay is kind of "heavy" if you know what I mean, and the experience is rather different in these versions from our old friend 1.1 official... So, my question is: Is there a mod of 1.1 which would be possible to do these things I'm talking about? And, if not, is that possible to modify the folder of Ikemen go, and change the Mugen version there to the official 1.1 and kill two birds with one stone? Well, guys, I hope you have some tips and tricks about that "issue"... That being said, thank you all of you in advance!
Mugen is life. Period.
Last Edit: June 16, 2024, 12:57:20 pm by Slaker
Re: Looking for a Mod of Mugen 1.1 like Ikemen Go Funcionalities for a low PC
#2  June 16, 2024, 05:28:41 am
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Re: Looking for a Mod of Mugen 1.1 like Ikemen Go Funcionalities for a low PC
#3  June 16, 2024, 11:44:40 am
    • Brazil
Very nice tip, I didn't know that, I gave a quick reading on the docs of this addon, and I found some new CNS commands, so I came across with one called "SetBGM", and I think maybe it can solve my problem, thank you a lot!

     Posted: June 16, 2024, 12:57:02 pm
Hey, man! I did it, I managed to put this Vs./Rival BGM with the new MugenHook's CNS Command "SetBGM", thank you again!
Mugen is life. Period.