
Luigi1632's Crap Thread[a.k.a. Thinking up a trick...] (Read 407186 times)

Started by Saohc, November 14, 2009, 07:40:45 pm
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#21  November 15, 2009, 06:38:30 pm
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no a unintelligent girl.
It's AN unintelligent....

Don't do the Micheal Myers nor the Burger King thing.

Do either of your other friends have a preexisting medical condition like asthma? If so, play off of that.
For example, if one friend has asthma...have him fake a really bad asthma attack to the point where it looks like he's dead.
If you want this to REALLY work, you must be like Satan. Mix the lies with the truth.

No they do not have any preexisting medical conditions of any kind

Play video games all night.

We usually do these things..

*Watch South Park on the local channels when we are tired of playing games.
*Play Spore on my computer
*Make custom characters in Soul Calibur 3
*Make custom stages in SSBB

good old times, enjoy your fun untill you or one of your friends discovers the almighty art of going out in search of sexual experiences which will never happen unless you have a facebook account and start using the "dumbfuck protocol".

what is the "dumbfuck protocol" ? it's a series of common laws and rules which is commonly followed by those which want to find the pussy.

what is the pussy? it's an ideal. it's a way of life, a religion, the meaning of your whole existence according to the "dumbfuck protocol".

All four of us have Facebook accounts.
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#22  November 15, 2009, 06:43:07 pm
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Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#23  November 15, 2009, 06:47:24 pm
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I don't have knowledge of the proper answer to that question

It's a inexplicable question that has no proper answer, which removes the possiblity of it being a true question and it somehow defies a type of logic or reasoning, making it an uanswerable question.
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#24  November 15, 2009, 09:41:45 pm
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Play video games all night.

We usually do these things..

*Watch South Park on the local channels when we are tired of playing games.
*Play Spore on my computer
*Make custom characters in Soul Calibur 3
*Make custom stages in SSBB

I'm going to show them M.U.G.E.N.
uhh are you surprised at all that a guy decided to hang out with a girl instead of playing videogames all night
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#25  November 15, 2009, 09:50:44 pm
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I got a trick...
first get him into your room.
2nd hit him ova the head wit a baseball bat
3rd rape him when he's knocked out (make sure you are recording this)
4th send the video to that girl
He wont be skippin out on any sleep ova anymo cuz they gon think you boyz are homosexuals

On The Lips
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#26  November 15, 2009, 09:57:16 pm
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  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Someone left to go out on dates instead of spending all night with you and YOUR mom helped you out thinking of things to do to embarass him and his date?

Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#27  November 15, 2009, 10:17:42 pm
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  • Sunglasses Security Guy is watching you necrobump.
no a unintelligent girl.

I'd hate be a grammar Nazi, as it's not the kind of Nazi's you're obsessed with, but titlin's right - before a vowel or vowel sound, "a" is rendered as "an", as in, "an apple", "an epiphany", "an idiot", "an objection", or "an unintelligent girl".

teacher! is this right?

An Apple a day makes the doctor away.
An Elephant is is flying above the rainbow.
A human is being mugged by AN android.

do i get a star? teacher?(´・ω・`)

Everything except for that extra "is" - you get a silver star, but not a gold one. Play again tomorrow!

On topic (@Luigi1632): More or less what Dr. House said, but find something "dangerous" for your friend to do since your friend(s) don't have any serious medical conditions.

@BigSally: Who let you in here, dammit? I told him not to leave the door open!

*chases BigSally away with a rolled up newspaper*

BAD Bigsally! You do NOT solicit MFG members for sex! That's what MI is for!

@navetsea: "Hour" can't be used as an example because the "ho" makes an "o" sound, like "our" (I DID say "vowel or vowel sound", i.e, the consonant sounds like a vowel anyway).
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#28  November 15, 2009, 11:31:04 pm
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Play video games all night.

We usually do these things..

*Watch South Park on the local channels when we are tired of playing games.
*Play Spore on my computer
*Make custom characters in Soul Calibur 3
*Make custom stages in SSBB

I'm going to show them M.U.G.E.N.
uhh are you surprised at all that a guy decided to hang out with a girl instead of playing videogames all night
We still did the "Boy's Night" without him

Get off my topic, ya punk!
Don't make me blow your head clean off with my .44 Magnum.
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#29  November 15, 2009, 11:40:42 pm
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You can blow me anyday luigi  :D

On The Lips
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#30  November 16, 2009, 12:04:31 am
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  • all is love in fair and war
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#31  November 16, 2009, 12:26:53 am
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Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#32  November 16, 2009, 12:38:42 am
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  • Sunglasses Security Guy is watching you necrobump.
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#33  November 16, 2009, 12:41:00 am
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quit annoying the crap out of us, BigSally!
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#34  November 16, 2009, 12:41:55 am
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  • *something witty yeah*
Better watch out Bigsally, luigi's gonna blow you to kingdom come!

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Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#35  November 16, 2009, 12:50:17 am
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I'll kill him, then torture his corpse[in a rather violent, but not sexual way]

Yeah, I like to torture the corpse after said person is dead.
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#36  November 16, 2009, 01:03:17 am
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do you ask your mom for advice in corpse torture
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#37  November 16, 2009, 01:03:59 am
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I do corpse torture myself.
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#38  November 16, 2009, 01:05:55 am
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luigi i was considering going out with this really nice girl but if you have the newest mario game i might just hang out at your house instead??
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#39  November 16, 2009, 01:09:50 am
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LOL @ Titilin
Hey Luigi do you kno the new slang for anal sex is corpse torture.. ;)  just saying  ;P

On The Lips
Re: Thinking up a good trick..
#40  November 16, 2009, 01:13:56 am
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I don't have the new New Super Mario Bros. game for Wii.

But I do have the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES[Yes I own a NES]

I also have Resident Evil 2 & 4 for my PS2 and 3 of the Metal Gear Solid games for PS2.

1.get out of my topic
2.That's different from what I'm saying.You're talking about necrophilia, the torture of a corpse in a disturbing and sexual manner.

I'm talking about corpse torture, as in mutilating a dead person in a violent manner.