
Mugen 1.1 questions (Read 941205 times)

Started by Gara, May 08, 2013, 07:11:54 pm
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Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#41  April 02, 2015, 04:01:49 pm
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Ugoste89 said:
M.U.G.E.N isn't just a game. It's beyond a game. M.U.G.E.N is an art!
Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 02:02:15 pm by Xopyc_Cp6
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#42  January 17, 2016, 05:53:31 am
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I would really like to know the math for finding out what Mugen standard portrait sizes  (25x25 for small, and 120x140 for large) in different localcoords are.

I know it's not something I'd expect, because doubling a character's size (640, 480) doesn't mean doubling the standard portrait size.  It would be helpful if I could reliably make HD portraits for stuff without relying on the forum to help me every single time. X_X

What is the math that goes with changing localcoord?
GOH: bmc would tell birds that they're broken because they shouldn't air recover.
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#43  February 12, 2016, 06:39:08 am
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Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#44  May 08, 2016, 06:57:47 pm
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I've been away from the Mugen community for a long time. I've since moved to a Linux distro as my main OS, and Elecbyte's site is (still) dead... hence I'd like to ask, has v1.1 (or at least 1.0) ever been released for Linux in any shape or form? If not, is it at least functional in Wine?
14 characters.
Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 07:01:59 pm by Dalkc
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#45  May 08, 2016, 08:31:27 pm
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I would really like to know the math for finding out what Mugen standard portrait sizes  (25x25 for small, and 120x140 for large) in different localcoords are.

I know it's not something I'd expect, because doubling a character's size (640, 480) doesn't mean doubling the standard portrait size.  It would be helpful if I could reliably make HD portraits for stuff without relying on the forum to help me every single time. X_X

What is the math that goes with changing localcoord?

You dont double the portrait size it also includes system.def scaling and what resolution of mugen you using.

Normally 850x480 you double the portrait size. 1280x720 you triple it was 3.33 scaling. if you use 1280x720 mugen with 0.33333 scaling on portraits at system def
Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 08:35:21 pm by Vero
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#46  May 17, 2016, 07:40:34 am
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Is there a way to use CRI ADX again on 1.1? i'd love to hear my Character select screen music i used from Gundam Battle Assault 3 back in the day.
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#47  July 10, 2016, 10:02:35 pm
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How do I skip intros in watch mode?
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#48  October 08, 2016, 10:17:54 pm
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Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#49  October 11, 2016, 10:06:23 am
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How do I resolve this?
open up the *.def file for the character and rename the file to something other than symbols. If the actual file names are crazy symbols you'll need to edit them too. Hopefully the whole file isn't corrupted. Looks like you "translated" a jap character.
vVv N00bSaibot & Muramasa RoofTop vVv
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#50  January 02, 2018, 05:49:22 am
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I dropped a bunch of Winmugen stages on a 1.1b folder and they are moslty working fine. but when they run, this happens

notice that its not the boundleft/boundright bug, since the character don't actually go out of bounds.

And when you play on an actual 1.1b stage, it works fine.

my question is: what do I need to change?
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#51  March 08, 2018, 06:20:33 am
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So to not answer your question, I'd say put Apocalypse on a set stage...
But knowing you mean any characters on that stage cause the problem, I'm not sure how to fix that. I personally stay away from 1.1 because I do not like zoom on stages and all of my stages have problems similar to yours.

Taking a guess I'd say edit

starty = 0
boundlow = 0

p1starty = 0            ;Starting y coordinates
p2starty = 0
botbound  =  0     ;Bottom bound

topz     = 0       ;Top z-coordinate for scaling
botz     = 50      ;Bottom z-coordinate for scaling
topscale = 1       ;Scale to use at top
botscale = 1.2     ;Scale to use at bottom

Try messing with these values and see what happens until someone tells you what is actually the fix. Who knows, you may have to rebuild the stage.
vVv N00bSaibot & Muramasa RoofTop vVv
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#52  May 29, 2018, 03:34:19 pm
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So, I have 2 questions. I'm not sure if what I want is possible, I've tried searching for it but couldn't find anything.

1. Is it possible to make a combined team of characters to appear in the simul mode? For example, if Ryu is the opponent, his partner would be Ken, or if Guile is the opponent, Chun-Li would be his partner.

2. Is it possible to assign combined keys in one button? For example, in CvS2 for the PS2, there's a button that makes you press the 3 punches at the same time. I'm guessing this is impossible to do in MUGEN itself but I know it's possible with some softwares (the ones that map controller buttons and assign them to keys in the keyboard).

Thank you in advance :)
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#53  May 29, 2018, 08:24:29 pm
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No and no*.

*Obvious exception is external hardware or software solution.  You can easily do this with a programmable controller or software.  Or if you have a money tree, just build a big ass arcade stick with hard wired buttons for macros.
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#54  June 21, 2018, 07:14:31 am
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Another question: is it possible to make a specific stage to not appear in the arcade / team arcade / team coop modes, but appear in the training and versus? For example, I have a stage that I use for a boss, I don't want to put "includestage=0" because I want it to appear in the training and versus modes, but it's weird when it comes in the arcade mode for characters with random stage. If it's not possible, I guess I'll have to use includestage=0 anyway...

EDIT: also, would be great if I could use certain stages for certain characters but still randomly. Street Fighter characters appearing in a random SF stage, while KOF characters come in a random KOF stage. This is probably impossible, but it won't hurt if I ask, right? :P
Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 07:18:05 am by Death-Scythe
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#55  June 21, 2018, 10:43:30 am
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That level of picking which stage for which group wont ever work.
If you have the stage listed for your boss, it's still possible for the stage to show up randomly.
You basically only have 2 options for including a stage.
It's going to be random in any mode, or it's going to be random in any mode and it'll show up for the specified character.
I dont know of a way to limit where the stage shows up at. It's just active or doesn't exist to mugen.
vVv N00bSaibot & Muramasa RoofTop vVv
Re: Mugen 1.1 questions
#56  August 24, 2021, 04:59:57 pm
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I am trying to adjust the Hyper BG of the POTS & Infinite Characters for the 1st Capcom vs. SNK Extreme Edition screenpack, but I don't know where to look? Can anyone help?