
Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement (Read 544119 times)

Started by Ryou Win, June 07, 2016, 02:35:30 pm
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Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#1  June 07, 2016, 02:35:30 pm
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil

. The history:
. The OCP creates a new mega-computer based in living tissue to control Delta-City (yes, like the game of Game Boy Color) but the thing goes wrong. The city is in chaos and the only hope is shutdown the system manually, at the OCP building.
. In a urgency measure, the Secury Concepts activate all the projects release candidates to invade the building (but in the hurry, each unit don´t recognize other units) and stop the computer, now taken for a thing which, one day, was human.
. At the moment, the playable characters are:

RoboCop (Murphy)
RoboCop 2 prototype 1 (based on RoboCop 2)
RoboCop 2 prototype 2 (based on RoboCop 2)
Officer Miner with power suit (based on cartoon RoboCop Alpha Commando)
Iron Suit (based on RoboCop Animated series)
NeuroBrain / Diana Powers (based on the RoboCop TV series)
Bone-Machine (based on RoboCop Prime Directives)
Otomo (based on RoboCop 3)

Eraya (sub-boss, from RoboCop Titus game)
RoboCable (sub-boss, based on RoboCop Prime Directives)
RoboCain (sub-boss, based on RoboCop 2)

Alloy (secret character, if MindChamber don´t mind and allow it) *Laughing*

CyberJobe (boss, based on "The Lawnmower Man")

Playability: Vs series based (without tagteam and super-jump), but with items (guns,guns, guns)

The mission: To use Mugen engine to make a RoboCop fanfic . Story telling is not the strong point in Fighting Games, but there were games where they managed do it, like: SNK vs. Capcom: CHAOS and The Mortal Kombat 9. Like a old fan, I want to facilitate the gameplay for those who do not play for years. Innovation is desirable, but this is not a priority here, because I'm doing this alone.
As required characteristics:
1) Some memorable moments of RoboCop characters (or fine with the story play).
2) Alternative commands to human player: 6 BUTTONS, 4 BUTTONS (MVC2), 2 BUTTONS (Pocket Fighter) and 1 button.
3) Localization detection or alternative language (I like portuguese dubbed. Deal with it).
4) Platforms (floors) and items (based on RoboCop 1 arcade). I always wanted to try THAT.
5) Secret characters, playable via code (OCP Gold Level Password).
6) Artificial Intelligence or some type of machine learning (I studied this for over 1 year. I want to apply in somewhere).
7) Graphics in HD, new commands and palette tricks.
8) Fair Fun focused in the human player. NOT to hunt Saiyan cheaters.
9) A fair tribute to RoboCop character that was to much fun to me and a way to continue playing with it.
10) Not to make money. I have my job to it. I have to keep it as "fan work WITHOUT profit intentions" to not be sued by the RoboCop (MGM) owners.

- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#2  June 20, 2016, 12:45:53 pm
  • ***
  • ORA ORA!!!
Great work Ryou! I just don't like the lifebars, they look strange a bit. Very good!
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#3  June 20, 2016, 04:07:09 pm
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  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
.   Thanks, Metal Warrior.  These blue bars are my try to homage the thermographic vision and the track device, two things which I failed to add in the robocops, and the arcade lifebars. I made this more simple for now because I not finished the POV of and characters yet.
- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#4  June 25, 2016, 11:25:59 am
  • ***
  • ORA ORA!!!
I would like to see the Terminator as a sacret character  :nuttrox:
Keep the good work Ryou!
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#5  June 25, 2016, 09:28:24 pm
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
.   I would like see it too. The problem is the characterisation: this character have flesh loss. I´m studying how to make it with palete change.

.   But a good news: my university tests are over for now. I have 1 month to finish more chars.
- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#6  June 25, 2016, 10:32:19 pm
  • ****
  • The Chaos has ended. You will be remembered!
    • Germany
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#7  June 26, 2016, 12:17:03 am
  • ******
  • 日本は素晴らしい国です。
Looking great, if you ever need hosting drop me a line.
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#8  June 26, 2016, 08:58:49 pm
  • **
  • What is life without tacos?
    • USA
This is all looking awesome ryou, can't wait to see more from you.
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#9  June 27, 2016, 10:28:27 pm
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
.   Yes, Staubhold. It´s a little homage to one of inspirations to RoboCop design.
.   The left one is the Amazing Figure Modeler version ( ).
.   The Diana Powers /  NeuroBrain have not a solid body, so I borrowed this character a little, like somekind of "RoboCop 2 prototype C". Both have some dance and illusion in they backstory, then I mixed these girls.
.   And at right one is the Silent Screamers version ( )
.   Eraya is a less creative case: I´m trying emulate this character of the RoboCop 2003 Titus game, also based in Hel / Maschinenmensch / Futura / Parody / False Maria:

.   Thanks for the support, Iced! Let me see the size of this little monster first.

.   TMC55, I hope to put Prototype A online at July. To NeuroBrain, I need to make the "human" version (the hologram) of the character first. I´m hunting for pictures of Andrea Roth since some months ago.
- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#10  June 27, 2016, 10:45:38 pm
  • ****
  • The Chaos has ended. You will be remembered!
    • Germany
Thanks for the clarification Ryou Win.

Really nice to see the Maschinenmensch in your project.
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#11  July 01, 2016, 08:49:20 pm
  • **
    • Argentina
This project looks awesome man! I'll keep an eye on this
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#12  July 01, 2016, 08:54:42 pm
  • ***
  • ORA ORA!!!
Hey Ryou, you can add Kidou Keiji Jiban (the japanese Robocop) to the project  :sugoi:
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#13  July 02, 2016, 06:38:54 am
  • **
  • Wowzers!
Wow this is awsome.
First Beta of the Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#14  August 31, 2016, 03:06:13 pm
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
.   Hi, guys! Sorry to took so long to reply.
.   I´m waiting for a detailed feedback from you guys.
.   This is a non-official beta of the project. This is in Language = "pt" (portuguese - language from Brazil) on the Mugen.cfg, so change it to "en" if you want it in english (the voices will change too).
.   If you want send to me translations for more languages, they will be welcome for the next versions.
.   Not all the chars are updated until the present moment, but...
* ED-209, Robocain, Ironsuit... all old version for now.
* Alloy is version date = 04,17,2005. Same graphics, a little more agressive AI.
* RoboCop is versiondate = 07,31,2015. UPDATED (except for the lack of "coffe mode" and a new ending.
* R2 Prototype A is versiondate = 07,29,2016. FINISHED (except for the lack of "coffe mode" and a ending.
* NeuroBrain is version date = 03,22,2016. New character, but still a beta char yet.
* RoboCable is versiondate = 07,31,2015. New character, but still a beta char yet.
* Eraya is versiondate = 07,31,2015. New character, but still an alpha char yet.
* Parking Violation: A homage to classic Street Fighter 2 bonus stage.
* Media break: give us 3 minutes and we will give you the world!

- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#15  September 13, 2016, 03:31:43 pm
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
.   "OCP is proud to present the future of urban pacification:"

R2 PROTOTYPE A (ver.09/12/2016): for Mugen 1.0 or above. 
NEUROBRAIN (BETA - ver.09/12/2016): for Mugen 1.0 or above.
ROBOCOP (UPDATE !! - ver.09/12/2016): for Mugen 1.0 or above.  FIGHTERS section:
- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#16  September 15, 2016, 05:02:01 pm
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
.   List of version 09/12/2016 updates:

- Damage marks, if life > 222 (all paletes).
- More rock FX (effects) in Tactical Ordinance (under RoboCop Screen Pack).
- "press start" bug fixed.
- I.A.: fixed helper var()s.
- Hiper background fixed.
- Gyropack bug fixed (at Hiper background finish on directive 4).
- Score coordenades X and Y fixed (under RoboCop Screen Pack).
- Fixed arm helpers´s var() (state 260) and flame thrower (state 3000).
- Fixed flame thrower movement by CPU.
- More collision boxer fixed in the AIR file.
- Range at normal moves fixed.
- Less super armor bugs (state 9000)
- No "Danger" bug at old screen packs.
- 650: bug to make enemy fall fixed.
- Audio select: option to select it in the watch mode, by 1 second only if CPU is in control (use Ctrl+1 to manually select).
- Throw: range fixed.
- SND: 10195_1, 10195_2, 260_1 e 260_0... better volume (more loud).
- 5900: bug of Fvar fixed.
- 190: default localization detection (it detects portuguese "pt" or english "en"), following the MUGEN.CFG [Language].
- 100 & 105: animation in super armor fixed (no repeat)
- 2600: explosive charge can null projectiles.
- 2700: explosive charge position fixed.
- 2600: It ends if round ends.
- 6: Position X and Y of A.I helper fixed.
- 4550: flames with ownpal=1.
- 180: "Narrator" sound channels now channel = 10.
- 8500: Less visual pollution at hiper background finish (no bars and no music).
- 195: Longer taunt time (normal)
- 1000 & 1500: Shooting sound fixed.
- Mudança experimental na Grade de percepção (quadrados de 32 x 40, de acordo com a resolução):
10 quadrados pra frente, 3 pra cima, 3 pra baixo (10 x 6).
- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#17  October 29, 2016, 06:40:02 am
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
.   Soon:
- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 03:46:08 pm by Ryou Win
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#18  November 29, 2016, 03:16:27 pm
  • ***
  • More blood and gore please.
    • USA
Well this is awesome.
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#19  February 05, 2017, 01:07:56 am
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
ED-209 HD (ver.02/02/2017): for Mugen 1.0 or above.

.   ...At Security Concepts, we believe an efficient police force is only part of the solution.
.   No, we need something more. We need a 24-hour-a-day police officer. A cop who doesn't need to eat or sleep. A cop with superior firepower and the reflexes to use it.
.   Fellow executives, it's a pleasure to introduce you to the future of law enforcement: ED 209 .. in HD!

.   Nowadays Trump is the president. So now is the right time to ED-209 comeback... now in HD!!
.   Another char of the "I haven´t this action figure, but I made it with internet pictures" collection ! But to make his legs was a pain!
.   The playability is ok. This char canoot be throwed by a smaller char and there are no super armor at the normal moves.
.   Trump approves this upgrade. And Dick... YOU´RE FIRED!!  FIGHTERS section.

.   High, at left, there is a link named "FIGHTERS".
.   Click at the link named "FIGHTERS"... a page with Mugen characters will appear.
.   Click at the magic picture of the character that you want.
.   A download will occur.
.   Install these characters at your Mugen.
.   Try them on ARCADE mode.
.   Be happy.
- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021
Re: Mugen Game: RoboCop - Reboot of Law Enforcement
#20  February 07, 2017, 01:58:48 pm
  • **
  • From Brazil! Why not?
    • Brazil
.   A sample of the project:
- - - - -Hobby & Mugen (Smeenet version) - - - - -               Last updates:
Agent Miner v.11,12,2022RoboCop S.Pack v.01,20,2022Eraya v.02,19,2022A.L.L.O.Y.(HD) v.12,25,2021