
My MUGEN days are finally over... (Read 5743 times)

Started by YochiThMaster333, November 11, 2024, 12:44:05 am
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My MUGEN days are finally over...
#1  November 11, 2024, 12:44:05 am
  • **
  • Gotta Mugenize 'Em All
    • Russia
If you are reading this, then you will understand what's going on, as my MUGEN journey has finally come to a proper end.

It's been like 10 years since I joined the MUGEN community in 2014 with a terrible spriteswap before improving myself in, like, mid-2010s. I have been working on many stuff besides MUGEN, many of which are Grand Theft Auto mods, Need for Speed mods, SRB2Kart/Ring Racers addons. Making creations for MUGEN, like creating mods for various games, is but a hobby to me. And unfortunately, MUGEN is more-or-less a hobby I would do the least. Racing Games like Need for Speed or Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers are becoming my new interest, and making mods/addons for such games is much more fun, while creating stuff for MUGEN is now anything but, which means that playing fighting games and making content for it is now considered as boredom. My age of 23 at the time of writing this also affects the interest of me playing such fighting games as well. Unfortunately, this also affects the development of my creations for Team Faust Games Arena Fighters as well. I know, Joey Faust's TFGAF game might not be that greatest, but it was actually nice to see characters that didn't have any decent versions or weren't made for MUGEN at that time, even if they're based on characters from Fido's Super Street Fighter II X full game. The other new thing I'm interested more than fighting games is drawing arts of Pokemon (usually my OCs I showcased on DeviantArt).

Regarding about my creations: you are now free to edit my characters and stages on your own liking, meaning that you don't need to ask me to edit my creations and improve them even further, or even make a twist on something. Though, please, don't make any hate or vore edits. Seriously, people hating me makes themselves already terrible if the hate was simply unjustified, while vore (Person A eats Person B and Person B being held in Person A's belly) is something I already moved past due to how disgusting it actually is. And don't forget that you are still forced to change the author name to prevent confusions that I made creation despite the fact that I never made Joe (spriteswap of my DCvM Steve), Paper Daisy 64 (spriteswap of my old Paper Mario 64), and Luigi.exe (spriteswap of my Mario.exe; all of which were released under my author name, while it was actually made by someone else). The final updates I made to my characters and edits are now finally released, while I also released a few more creations, including fifth version of Emolga, my unfinished Alolan Vulpix edit based on Tweenies_1998's version (which is already terrible, considering the fact that this Vulpix was actually a commissioned character) but in the same gameplay style as my fifth version of Emolga, and my own take on Dry Bones, all of which lack AI.

And if you wonder about me returning to MUGEN, well, due to terrible lack of interest in fighting game genre, I am now more active in Need for Speed modding community and Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers community, the places where I continue my journey, and I will come back to MUGEN if there will be much more demand for me to return, which will be very unlikely to happen.

Long story short: I am officially retiring from MUGEN for an indefinite period of time due to huge interest into drawing arts and playing and modding racing games, with fighting games are now being a thing I moved past, but at the same time allowing anyone to edit my creations.

It's been 10 years since I properly joined the MUGEN community. I won't leave MUGEN community sites and Discord servers, but I will no longer make any MUGEN content and none of my creations will be updated by me anymore.
I'll see you on the roads of Rockport or on Robotnik Coaster Zone.
Re: My MUGEN days are finally over...
#2  November 11, 2024, 02:38:29 am
  • ***
  • music rules
  • hi
    • USA
first: ricepigeon
then: (probably) T_N
and then: jaede_
and now: this.
this is more sadder than i thought would be.
Re: My MUGEN days are finally over...
#3  November 11, 2024, 09:26:57 am
  • **
  • I make characters, stages, and edits.
  • Gaming is so fun!
    • Poland
I know how it feels when something overshadows someone's interest in Mugen. There are many people who have an interest in something else but then it is overshadowed by an interest in something else, while some have interest in multiple things and there are like... two things that someone is interested in and they focus on them.

For example, aside from Mugen and content creation for the engine (which I find a hobby for myself), I have a huge interest in Mario Forever and I'm a member of its community after really loving Mario Forever and many of its fangames, especially Mario Forever Remake, since my early 10s (more specifically, since 2017).  And I play Mario Forever and Mugen to this day, and my interest on them is equally matched.

I do feel uneasy when I hear a great content creator retire from creating content, either permanently or for an indefinite period of time, but I deeply understand why this happens, as every single Mugen content creator can be very busy with other stuff or have an interest in something else and it overshadows the creator's interest in Mugen. As a content creator, I also tend to be busy with other stuff, but I still find time for things I like, including content creation.

Overall, I wish you good luck with other stuff and better interest. Hopefully nothing stops you from enjoying them! :)

Playin' Mugen since 2017, creating content since 2022.
Re: My MUGEN days are finally over...
#4  November 11, 2024, 04:17:39 pm
  • *
    • UK
It's a Sad Day

Goodbye Forever, Yochi