
Need Help fixing projcontact in IKEMEN GO (Read 3037 times)

Started by BeastwithFriends, November 29, 2024, 09:52:32 pm
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Need Help fixing projcontact in IKEMEN GO
#1  November 29, 2024, 09:52:32 pm
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I’m trying edit Homura’s SF3 Remy to work correctly in Ikemen. Currently, his sonic booms disappear in mid-air sporadically as if a hit is being landed.

I found this closed topic on Github, but I need help understanding what this means.

“Seems to be an issue with Homura's Remy. Projectiles are not coming out after they hit
In Mugen projectile triggers have to be redirected to the root to do anything; in Ikemen they're automatically redirected to the root so dormant triggers such as that one may cause issues
ProjContact but I assume every such trigger acts the same (ProjHit, etc)
The char's fireballs are helpers that in turn create projectiles to actually hit the opponent (common technique among Japanese authors)
The issue is one of the triggers to create those projectiles is ProjContact = -1. In Mugen this is always true for a helper so the trigger doesn't make any difference (the author messed up), but in Ikemen the ProjContact is read from the root so it is only true for the first fireball. The following ones will have ProjContact > 0 and won't behave correctly”

How do I go about fixing this? I tried commenting out the Projcontacttime, but that didn’t work.

I’m not sure if this bugs has been addressed in later versions of IKEMEN, but I’m currently using IKEMEN 98.2. I’m working on a SF3/MOTW compilation build, and in general, some characters display more correctly in this version. Thanks in advance for your help!
Re: Need Help fixing projcontact in IKEMEN GO
#2  November 29, 2024, 10:20:15 pm
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It is fixed in later versions. Try just opening all the code files in a program like Notepad++ and replacing all "proj*" triggers with "root, proj*". Then fix the cases where you end up with "root, root, proj*", of course, just in case.
You can help with Ikemen GO's development by trying out the latest development build and reporting any bugs on GitHub.
My Mugen and Ikemen content can also be found here.
Re: Need Help fixing projcontact in IKEMEN GO
#3  November 29, 2024, 10:31:35 pm
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Thank you!
Re: Need Help fixing projcontact in IKEMEN GO
#4  December 03, 2024, 02:42:27 pm
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There isn't anything labeled proj* ... Could these triggers be labeled something else?