
Obby's WIP CS Thread (Read 201152 times)

Started by Obby, October 04, 2021, 05:15:36 am
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Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#21  June 30, 2023, 05:37:02 am
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  • discord: obbydoesstuff
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So, I had the time today to create a template for Talbain. It came out really big

Looking at this really shows how extensive this CS is. Very determined to complete it. I am accepting palette contributions for this as well. I posted this in the CS Discussion thread if you want to contribute.

I've also figured out what version of Rila I will use. I saw DrKelexo's version to be the most faithful to Breakers, so i'm using that sprite file to do the CS. I created a concept CS for me to start with

I'm pretty satisfied with the separation, so I'll start this while I'm working on Talbain. That's really it from me. I'll probably post again when the beta is out.

Hope you guys like the separations :)

YOOOOO Obby congrats on the release!! You really did a excellent job on Arina!
Once you have that Talbain Template updated, I'll make some pals!
Thank you! Glad you like it
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#22  June 30, 2023, 10:41:56 am
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  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
Hi Obby I posted my pal contributions to the CS thread.
I made this as a little bonus, a pal adapted add004 port of Talbain
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#23  June 30, 2023, 05:41:21 pm
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That add004 portrait is pretty sick! I'll add it to the sff. Thank you for the palettes as well. Talbain with a shirt is a cool concept now that I think about it
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#24  July 19, 2023, 12:51:32 am
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Well, after a year in the making, the Jon Talbain CS is now (partially) complete! This is the first beta release so it doesn't have everything just yet, but it does have some key separations such as the Claws and the Pants. You can see what is included in the release thread.

About the Jesuszilla conversion, I have changed my mind on converting it to his sff. Positioning my separated sprites to his axis took a lot more time than I expected, and I did not want to continue typing in each axis for all 700 sprites. I have decided to convert to Koldskool's Talbain edit instead as that was the base I used for the sprite file and my sprite positioning is more accurate to that version. Sorry for everyone expecting the Jesuszilla edit.

I'm still very excited to release the Talbain CS to you guys. Despite this release not containing much, I'm happy I can release something after a year of holding onto this project. I plan to release a second beta which will include the Arms, Body, Back, Head2, Fur2, and most likely Hands. After that, I will release the final version which will include everything.

Also, a big thanks to everyone who provided palettes. I've credited you in the Palettes folder with your name. Even though the CS isn't complete, the palettes still look great!

Thanks for waiting :)
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#25  August 17, 2023, 09:36:39 pm
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  • discord: obbydoesstuff
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Hi everyone,

I came to give a general update on the CS since it's been a while since I've posted. Right now I am still working on separating the Back as it's a very complicated part of the sprite. Progress on this has slowed down a bit, but it hasn't stopped, and I still plan on releasing the second beta sometime this year.

I also wanted to do a showcase of the palettes made so far by me and some very awesome people. I figured since I just finished the 60th palette for this character, I thought it would be nice to show what has been done.

From me:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

From dantefromthedantetmseries on Discord:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

From other awesome Discord people :)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I want to thank you guys for your palettes. They motivate me a lot as it reminds me why I started this in the first place. There are more palettes that I haven't shown, including the ones in different MFG threads, but I still see and appreciate everyone's palettes!  I am planning to make at least 30 more palettes so it can reach 100 and then more focus can be put into color separating.

Thanks for reading :)

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Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#26  August 18, 2023, 04:19:11 am
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  • Jubei best boi
    • USA
Hey Obby, wanna give a quick thanks for the Hinata pal, I've made some Klonoa focused palettes for Talbain. Happy to hear progress has been good!



King of Sorrow:
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#27  September 10, 2023, 12:45:30 am
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    • Brazil
Hello, all right? We think it's really cool that you're doing the color separation for Jon Talbain. We are anxiously waiting. Here are some palettes we made:

Mordex from Brawlhalla:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Sylvanos from Rivals of Aether:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Wolf from Star Fox (based on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate)
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Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#28  February 26, 2024, 09:54:34 pm
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  • discord: obbydoesstuff
    • USA
Hi again,

It's been half a year since I last posted on progress. The CS is still going! I've completed the Back, Arms, Body, and the Lower Fur. I've sped up my process of CSing, so everything is going pretty fast. I am most likely going to release the full thing soon.

There has been a change in the CS though. I noticed that the Ribs and the Chest are 5/6 colors, not 4. In order to make sure I have enough space for the extra colors, I will be removing the Fire FX from the palette map. Sadly, there will be no more fire customization, but in turn there will be more slots available for expansions of the CS. I also had ideas to create a shoulder CS as well, so that will come along with the removal of the Fire FX.

I will be adapting the palettes to the new CS, and I will upload a new template once I finish remapping the CS palette. Also, thank you guys for the palettes! I've uploaded them to the palette folder :)

Also, I've done a CS for JV from the Ikemen game KNOCKOUT. I gave him a shirt and pants CS so he could have clothes. You can find the sprite file in the game's discord server.

That is my update. I hope you guys enjoy the CS once it's finished.

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Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#29  February 27, 2024, 03:54:29 am
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    • Mexico
That running animation is sick!
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#30  February 27, 2024, 04:17:18 pm
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  • discord: obbydoesstuff
    • USA
Thank Balmsold for that one :)
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#31  March 01, 2024, 11:24:23 pm
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    • Brazil
Hi, how are you? We have some sprites here that you can use if you want. You can contact us here on the forum.
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#32  April 13, 2024, 08:49:03 pm
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  • separation saves sprites
  • discord: obbydoesstuff
    • USA

So the Talbain CS is nearing completion now. The only things left to do is to CS his EX Moves and update the CS on his Hit sprites. Everything else is finished. I did the new palette map and I've made a new template for new palettes to be made. All of the Standard, Attack, and Special sprites are CSed and he's looking polished  :pleased:

I expect to be done in about 2-3 weeks, so stay tuned :D

I wanted to mention a few more things as well. When I started this project, I wanted to adapt it to an already existing CvS Talbain so I could test it. I had plans to adapt it to Koldskool's Talbain because that was the sff base I used, but now I'm looking for a more updated Talbain, and my eyes are on Gêmeos dos Jogos' version. They've helped me with supplying sprites I was missing and also replacing the Fire FX (Seriously, huge Shoutout to them. This wouldn't be complete without their help!) Their Talbain is also really fun to play, and I've been enjoying my Mugen matches with him recently. I'll start adapting once I release the CS, but just wanted to announce that so people can have a playable version.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that I have another CS Project in the works. I'm no longer working on Rita, but instead, I'm working on a character I've kept hidden for a while. I'll announce who it is once I release Talbain, but I hope you guys will like her :)

That's my update. Thanks for reading. Might open commissions soon ;)

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Last Edit: April 20, 2024, 09:12:05 pm by Obby
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#33  April 24, 2024, 07:30:39 pm
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    • Brazil
You're almost done with Jon Talbain CS! That's quite nice! And we are already close to releasing his update. We will definitely use CS! Good job!
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#34  May 31, 2024, 04:36:29 pm
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  • discord: obbydoesstuff
    • USA
So, an update:

Talbain has killed himself and unfortunately, the project can't continue with out him. So it is now canceled.

JK. The separation is now 99% Complete. The only thing left to CS is a few Darkstalkers-specific sprites, adapt the palettes one more time, and I will release him. Hopefully by tonight or tomorrow. The forum was down for days, so I wasn't able to post an update before then.

He's also completely usable in-game. I've been uploading the videos to the discord server, but I will upload a full video once I'm finished. Thanks for being patient with me after 2 years. I'm so happy this is finally coming to a close (:
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#35  May 31, 2024, 08:14:20 pm
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    • Brazil
Wou, we're really excited right now for Jon Talbain's CS. We made two more palettes for Jon Talbain:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Lobo Mau (mascot of a Brazilian football team called Paysandu, from the state of Pará)
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Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#36  June 10, 2024, 08:14:17 pm
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  • discord: obbydoesstuff
    • USA
So for those who haven't been updated, Talbain is complete and you can get him in my release thread. Thank you everyone for being patient with the project. It took a whole 2 years to get this done and I'm so glad the suffering is over, lol.

Now that he's completed, I can devote my time to the next character. One that comes from the same series, but should be easier to complete:

Q-Bee will be my next project, and will be edited from varo_hades' POTS Version. This shouldn't take as long as
Talbain since there are less sprites, but it's still just as much detail

Also, I am going to start opening commissions very soon. Not sure what price I'll charge, but I'm going have a base price with extra add-ons being $5 or more.
Last Edit: October 07, 2024, 06:30:33 am by Obby
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#37  October 07, 2024, 06:27:36 am
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  • discord: obbydoesstuff
    • USA
Been a while since I updated this thread huh,

So things have been going quite slow. I've been focusing on navigating university for the first time, so I haven't got as much free time as I used to. I'm starting to pick up where I left off though, and Q-Bee is my first project to tackle.

So far only her eyes have been CSed, but it won't take long to do the arms, hands and antennae next. Q-Bee is much easier to CS than Talbain, and I'm hoping she'll be complete in less than 2 years lol.

There is 1 more character that's currently in the works and has even more progress on it than Q-Bee. That'll be revealed at a later date, most likely when I find a good version to use for her. She also needs a few edits in order to be completely accurate, as I reduced her color count and I must add colors back to the CS Palette/Template (yay.). To be continued ;)

ONE MORE THING I FORGOT TO MENTION: Thanks to Meta64, my CS is now compatable with G.knux13's MvC Arina! Huge thanks to them. You can get the character in my release thread.

Commissions will be on hold for now. I might set them up when I'm done with Q-Bee or the mystery character or maybe when my money's low

Thank you as always for reading. I hope you guys will like the mystery character :))))))
Last Edit: October 07, 2024, 06:50:23 am by Obby
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#38  November 01, 2024, 01:57:32 am
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  • discord: obbydoesstuff
    • USA
Happy Halloween!

Big update for you all, the CS is complete! Everything from the original sprite file is separated and ready for porting. The CS still needs some changes to the palette map, so I'll release it on another important date related to Darkstalkers/Q-Bee. For now, here's some previews for the CS and some palettes (:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: November 01, 2024, 02:00:50 am by Obby
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#39  November 01, 2024, 05:10:50 am
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  • Sr. Símio Enfermo
    • Brazil
Great work man!
One more to your amazing vault. :D
It's always a delight to see DS/VS characters receiving some love.
Re: Obby's WIP CS Thread
#40  December 04, 2024, 07:17:09 am
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  • separation saves sprites
  • discord: obbydoesstuff
    • USA
Q-Bee has been released! After a few weeks of delays and Thanksgiving dinners, she's finally out. I wanted to release the CS with the full character, but unfortunately the .sff file had issues and couldn't be converted. I've posted the CS template in the CS Discussion Thread for anyone who wants to make palettes. Maybe in future updates I'll add more palettes from me and others to the .sff file.

So for the mystery character, I'm still trying to find a good version. Once I do that, plus some sprite editing to get her back to her original state, then I'll reveal it. It'll probably come a bit later since the finals period is approaching for me, and I need to focus more on that instead. No hints or anything just yet.

I've also been doing some more CSes for Knockout since the game got a new update recently. I gave Jojo a pants CS because he felt naked without them

I'm currently in the process of doing a full CS for their newest character, Z

That's really all I have for now. I hope you guys like Q-Bee. Play Knockout if you ever get the chance (: