
Offline Works Mega Thread (Read 179235 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, March 01, 2015, 12:26:53 am
Offline Works Mega Thread
#1  March 01, 2015, 12:26:53 am
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This thread is to share MUGEN works that are currently offline. Please report a post if something is posted here that's actually on the author's site. Give us the link and we can replace the post with said link.
Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 12:39:55 am by Just No Point
Metabee by Muro (WinMugen)
#2  March 01, 2015, 06:04:51 pm
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  • I love the Air combos!!
    • USA
chars offline,P-tan,fxm508,ikaruga, backup
#3  May 05, 2015, 07:16:34 pm
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  • un mago errante
    • Chile
    • Skype - cristopeles
hi first of all I have not contacted any author to make this post my lack of Japanese being noticed.

second I leave my contribution because I could fill out and order these offline chars of these authors

third if administrators cren that this will not here I'm moving this issue elsewhere in the forum there no problem

that they are being lost over time I hope you enjoy it and if anyone around here knows Japanese and can help me to contact for permits etc will be very grateful

postscript speak only Spanish are ... for now and use and abuse of google traslate ... sorry

hola primero que nada no he contactado a ningun autor para hacer este post mi falta de japones que se note.

segundo dejo mi aporte porque pude completar y ordenar estos chars offline de estos autores

tercero si los administradores cren que esto no va aqui estoy muevan este tema a otro lugar del foro no ahi problema

que se estan perdiendo con el tiempo espero sea de su agrado y si alguien de por aqui sabe japones y me puede ayudar a contactarlos para los permisos etc estare muy agradecido

posdata solo se hablar español...por ahora y uso y abuso de google traslate...sorry

chars offline P-tan!xBhmQK5b!vttvDcOoC0zX1a_xsufaHQ

chars offline fxm508!QZB2xJoI!pqLRtaI2bAFt6EMsoiBomA

chars offline ikaruga!4ZxxWDBJ!e1WfCQRNYjotCpXPIexLAA

chars offline ryun!9RQgzCxa!Y6m8uzW72PMfT6pMOxxx4A
un mago errante estudiando idiomas para salir de la rutina
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#4  May 09, 2015, 03:18:31 am
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This thread is to share MUGEN works that are currently offline. Please report a post if something is posted here that's actually on the author's site. Give us the link and we can replace the post with said link.
Some characters by Ultraboard:
Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 06:48:21 pm by Alex Sinigaglia
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#5  May 09, 2015, 04:49:26 am
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Add me at Kazagami#7568 for an invite link to the WaifuLaifu Discord Server

Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#6  July 08, 2015, 03:21:01 pm
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    • Canada
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#7  October 09, 2015, 09:28:33 pm
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  • Mega Man Classic
  • pachirisu is sexy af
    • Canada
A long time ago I've downloaded this character he's pretty cool. But went I try to find this character again, I can only find an earlier version.
Luckily I've kept him for all these years, and sharing him to the world.


There were also 3 other characters by the same author and same series that I used to have. I don't remember their names (And their game either) but I would like them back. Maybe you can get those too?
Pokecommunity account (Will start learning about romhacking):

Why are there some people here trying to go into their ways into trying to ruin my Mugen hobby here and make me look like bad?
Mario Kart: Double Dash lifebars by Luneth
#8  February 12, 2016, 01:36:47 pm
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  • Master Mugen Collection Maker and Mugen Enthusiast
Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 04:47:00 pm by Just No Point
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#9  August 21, 2018, 01:11:31 pm
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    • Australia
I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask, but Fabry Taz's Rain? Can't find a live link anywhere .. Does anyone know an online link of said character?
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#10  August 21, 2018, 01:40:12 pm
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This is for archiving offline content, not asking about it.
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#11  August 31, 2018, 06:51:33 pm
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  • I´m a big fan of...THIS HAND?!
    • Spain
Last Edit: August 31, 2018, 07:28:59 pm by Masterhand128
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#12  October 03, 2018, 06:17:03 pm
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Last Edit: July 23, 2022, 11:16:54 pm by AlexSin
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#13  September 30, 2019, 09:10:36 pm
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  • Hick-spanic
  • the dawn away
    • Puerto Rico
might as well shill:
the streams are here:
Last Edit: November 24, 2019, 12:56:56 am by Roman55
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#14  August 07, 2020, 11:26:06 pm
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    • Argentina
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#15  July 23, 2023, 01:50:04 pm
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Gladiacloud characters:

Spoiler: Choujin inspired (click to see content)

Spoiler: CPS2 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Various (click to see content)
Re: Offline Works Mega Thread
#16  October 20, 2023, 10:39:56 pm
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  • I´m a big fan of...THIS HAND?!
    • Spain