
Project Justice character voice over rips (Read 350621 times)

Started by R@CE AKIR@, March 02, 2014, 02:28:24 am
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Project Justice character voice over rips
#1  March 02, 2014, 02:28:24 am
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Hey guys i was wondering did any of you have all of the project justice character voices ripped?

There was a thread about this years ago and some pulled it off. Reza was one of them as he went as far as to rip them all and share but I didnt see this until now. However the link is down and i was wondering was anyone else able to have gotten this and saved it

its on this link :

Reza's post is located at the very bottom

Please let me know if you can find them as I have plans to make another character from that game and i really need them. Thanks....
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#2  March 02, 2014, 05:09:27 am
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You could try PM'ing li kun about them.  He maybe be able to get them for you from Fervicante. 

If you have no luck there, I ripped all the voices from Rival Schools year ago when li kun was looking for them.  I know the quality isn't as high as the Dreamcast, but so long as you aren't making one of the new characters I could send you the RS rips as a last resort. 
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#3  March 02, 2014, 05:15:45 am
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You could try PM'ing li kun about them.  He maybe be able to get them for you from Fervicante. 

If you have no luck there, I ripped all the voices from Rival Schools year ago when li kun was looking for them.  I know the quality isn't as high as the Dreamcast, but so long as you aren't making one of the new characters I could send you the RS rips as a last resort. 

Dude i really appreciate it! I wanted to try to do Kurow Kirishima

I could really pull it off too with my skills. I just need his voice overs to do it.

Thanks for replying to my post as well. If you kno how to get in touch with Reza please let me kno because I have already sent him a pm as well

As for Fervicante, he hasnt been online in like 10 months.....

Put it like this, if you guys want a good Kurow Kirishima for mugen, then please help me out. Thanks guys
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#4  March 02, 2014, 05:27:48 am
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Ah, Kurow, yeah he was PJ only sorry can't help with him. 

And I know Fervicante has been offline for a long time.  That's why I suggested to PM li kun.  Since li kun and Fervicante have worked together in the past, he probably has another way of getting a hold of him than here. 
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#5  March 02, 2014, 06:24:04 am
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Well I hope that someone can help me out with this. I mean someone has to have them or atleast kno how to get in touch with those that do.

All I can do is wait I guess....
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#6  March 02, 2014, 10:13:23 pm
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    • USA
I have a project justice Iso, I found the ADX voices for all the characters & soundtrack of the game.
The only downfall there is I have no idea who is who, but if you want them I can rar them up for you,
and hopefully you know what you are looking for.
Also I can't seem to find there battle grunts when they get hit or attack.
I'm in the process of getting a diffrent iso, i'll let you know if I have better results.

Ps. the audio quality sounds pretty nice ;D
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#7  March 02, 2014, 11:01:24 pm
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Thanks alot man! Yeah I will take what I can get!

Please send to me.

I managed to get in contact with Reza and he told me he would send pj sounds when he got a chance to.

However I can get the ones you have too for now
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#8  August 05, 2016, 01:25:44 am
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    • USA
Hi, did Reza ever reshare those audio files? Also how do you PM here?
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#9  August 05, 2016, 01:35:57 am
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You have to have 10 posts to pm. To prevent not spamming
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#10  August 05, 2016, 02:11:11 am
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    • USA
You have to have 10 posts to pm. To prevent not spamming

Thanks! I also don't see a way for me to make a new post. I just recently joined the site.

I just really wanna get in touch with Hale and Reza
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#11  August 05, 2016, 02:30:06 am
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@race45: @reza:

You can tag users to notify them too :)
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#12  August 05, 2016, 03:46:10 am
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I'm trying to tag @~Hale "R@CE" Caesar~
But i don't think it's working. Reza hasn't been active for months
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#13  August 05, 2016, 03:48:31 am
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My tags worked. So if they come online they will see the notifications.
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#14  August 05, 2016, 07:46:54 am
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Thank you!

      Posted: August 06, 2016, 01:06:55 am
Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 01:12:45 am by tesshy
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#15  August 06, 2016, 01:12:54 am
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Should I just make an entirely new post in regards to the same topic? But, I still don't see/ am able to make a new post. Not sure if this is because I'm new.
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#16  August 06, 2016, 02:23:22 am
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Can you take a screenshot of a forum board where you should be able to make new topics? Because you should totally be able to make new topics!
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#17  August 06, 2016, 02:54:50 am
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I was on mobile. I'll try again on my laptop and see if I fair any better.
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#18  August 06, 2016, 04:41:42 am
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    • Puerto Rico
Didn't R@ce ragequit Mugen guild after what happened since his last release?
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#19  August 06, 2016, 04:51:19 am
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That's neither here, nor there, but..May have to see if someone else can rip them.Doubt any of those links would still be up. I'll see if I can find anything as I need them as well.
Re: Project Justice character voice over rips
#20  August 06, 2016, 05:20:26 am
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    • USA
That's neither here, nor there, but..May have to see if someone else can rip them.Doubt any of those links would still be up. I'll see if I can find anything as I need them as well.

Please do! If I can rip them myself I would have already. The one post with the Hinata voice rip have really great quality I think it's because it's from the DreamCast version. I'm looking for Batsu's dialogue from the first game

     Posted: August 06, 2016, 06:12:30 am
Didn't R@ce ragequit Mugen guild after what happened since his last release?

Oh really? What happened? It seems his last activity was the past Tuesday. I hope he logs back on.