
Questions,Suggestions,Comments. (Read 41831 times)

Started by Neocide, September 30, 2012, 01:50:38 am
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#1  September 30, 2012, 01:50:38 am
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Okay, since the progress thread is sorta bogged with shit. I thought I'd use this topic for any questions anyone has. Or suggestions. Or comments. Or if you want to help etc. Post here.

In the future I'll possibly be posting in a specific character thread when I'm working on said character (if I work on 18 I'll post in a 18 thread etc.)
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#2  September 30, 2012, 10:40:53 am
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Well, then...
-do you want some jap sound clips from some Psx or Ps2 games, or do you have some already?
-will you release a public alpha/beta of one of the character to have feedback/comments/hints and tips etc.? Or do you plan on releasing everything completed?

Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#3  September 30, 2012, 11:08:13 pm
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I have voice sounds but, if you want to label them (I'm going to add subtitles to know what people are saying) I'd appreciate it.

I might release a character as a single release. To see how they play outside of the game setting. more than likely it'd be 18.
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#4  October 05, 2012, 01:52:24 pm
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PM me for the sounds you need. I can rip them from the Psx and Ps2 games.
Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 04:41:34 pm by G.o.D.
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#5  May 23, 2013, 06:14:05 am
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I have a small suggestion!
So I noticed that Goku will go from Normal, to SSJ1, to SSJ3, without SSJ2 being playable. It's not really all that important, but I think it would be a nice little add-on if when Goku goes SSJ3, while powering up and transforming, he goes SSJ2. That way SSJ2 still makes an apearance, but it's while he's transforming into SSJ3 and not as an actual playable form. Just a suggestion for when you continue on Goku. No hard feelings if you disagree or don't feel like it. :p
"Now you can take this knowledge and turn it into a part of yourself. Let it solidify you and make you stronger."
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#6  May 23, 2013, 08:05:54 am
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SSJ3 is going to be in a super only later on. As I don't want to make another full sheet again and especially not for goku.

I thought of doing a final desperation super for him where he does a few diff styled hits in each state he is in (from normal to ssj3) Normal would be an agility styled attack (basically a flip kick),followed by a ssj spinning toss. SSJ2 would show off his speed with a bunch of quick hits. ending with ssj3 which would inflict a power hit.

Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#7  May 23, 2013, 04:59:22 pm
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Sounds good. :)
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#8  June 10, 2013, 06:59:00 pm
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how can i download the game
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#9  June 10, 2013, 07:09:40 pm
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You can't. It's not released yet.
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#10  May 25, 2014, 07:29:57 pm
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I seem to only find characters and stages. I know this site is for producers and maybe not the people wanting to play the products but where can I find the official complete mugens?

I love mugens and seem to have trouble playing complete ones.
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#11  May 26, 2014, 06:11:00 am
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"Complete Mugens" are actually called "mugen compilations" which are as the name suggests, compilations of characters, stages, and a screenpack that other authors have put together.

They are generally frowned upon due to the slapped-together nature, causing imbalances and characters with completely different gameplay styles in the game, button set-ups, and aesthetics. On top of that they normally don't credit all the authors who have involuntarily and unknowingly contributed to it, which is like a slap in the face to some folks. Crediting "all mugen creators" doesn't really count either. :) Plus basically anyone can make them just by downloading characters and stages for a day or two.

You probably won't find anything like here except for a very small amount of Completed Project Games (Cyanide's Sonic Battle for example, or the Hyper DBZ Demo for another). In regards to this WIP game, you'll need to wait for Neo to put life on hold to come back and finish it, or for him to marry a woman with a whip that forces him to make DBZ characters in return for pleasure. That sounds pretty good actually, maybe I'll do the same.

But if you look around on Youtube you should be able to find a myriad of compilations(DBZ ones atleast, from typing in "DBZ Mugen") with links to them (sort by date for more recent ones). Ristar87 used to make tons of anime themed compliations, not sure if he still does.
Re: Questions,Suggestions,Comments.
#12  May 26, 2014, 06:56:15 pm
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Great explanation there, Strife-san.
That's why I love you so much <3